Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity

Case Study Details

Name of Partnership Land Use Change Impacts and Dynamics
Organization United Nations Environment Programme
Regions Africa
Description LUCID is a network of scientists at leading national and international institutions who have been studying land use change in East Africa and its implications for land degradation, biodiversity, and climate change for many years.

The LUCID network seeks to generate and provide the best available information on land-use change and natural resources to local, national and regional policy makers and to the development community, as well as to scientists concerned with global environmental change.
Lessons Learned Identifying research needs in collaboration with local communities is key.

Combining national policy workshops with local outreach and extension workshops can enhance synergies between policies and practices
Web Site http://www.lucideastafrica.org/
Main Actors Educational Institutions/Universities
Type of Capacity Building Building Partnerships
Keywords Information / Knowledge Sharing