Dry and Sub-humid Lands Biodiversity

Case Study Details

Name of Partnership Community Forestry
Organization Namibia Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry and Government of Germany
Country Namibia
Regions Africa
Description The Forest Act 2001 provides the legal framework for the establishment of community forests. The programme receives management and technical support from government and financial support through the Namibian-German Development Cooperation. The Ministry has defined the criteria for identifying and selecting areas outside the current formal protected area network that have unique, ecologically or biodiversity sense, worthy of special management and protection. The project has been able to demonstrate tangible benefits for local people and this motivates local participation in forest management. Forest management bodies’ capacities to manage forest resources have been enhanced, and local communities have improved incomes due to improved resource management. The programme contributes to improvement in people’s livelihoods. The communities are empowered to control their own forests and to protect them from illegal harvesting. There is a better understanding of causes and prevention of bush fires, and better bush fires control. The forest management bodies are based on gender equality, with strong participation of women in decision making processes.
Web Site http://www.cfnen.org.na
Main Actors Governments
Type of Capacity Building Building Partnerships
Keywords Communication, Education and Public Awareness
Community-based Natural Resource Management