Retired sections: paragraph 3.
Review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism
The Conference of the Parties,
Recalling its
decisions II/6 on financial resources and mechanism and III/7 on the review
of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism,
Taking note of the
synthesis report on the first review of the effectiveness of the financial
mechanism, contained in document UNEP/CBD/COP/4/16,
Taking note also of the
Statement of the First Assembly of the Global Environment Facility, held in New
Delhi, India, from 1 to 3 April 1998, and the list of measures identified
therein for the Global Environment Facility to improve its operational
performance, and welcoming the second replenishment of the Global Environment
Facility Trust Fund in the amount of US$2.75 billion for its four focal areas,
Taking note of the report
on the activities of the Global Environment Facility contained in document UNEP/CBD/COP/4/15,
Recalling the provisions
of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Conference of the Parties and the
Council of the Global Environment Facility, in particular paragraph 7
therein concerning the significance of inter-secretariat cooperation,
Welcoming the efforts made
to date by the Global Environment Facility to address the concerns of Parties on
the responsiveness of the financial mechanism to the policy, strategy, programme
priorities and eligibility criteria established by the Conference of the
Taking into account the
views and concerns expressed by Parties about the difficulties encountered in
carrying out the first review, in particular the inadequacy of the procedures;
and the insufficient information provided as compared with that requested in
decision III/7,
Recalling decision II/6,
paragraph 2, which calls for the effectiveness of the financial mechanism to be
reviewed every three years,
Recognizing concerns
expressed by several Parties about the need for implementing agencies to improve
the processing and delivery systems of the Global Environment Facility, and reaffirming
paragraph 1 of decision III/5 in this regard,
Recognizing also that
further improvements are needed in the effectiveness of the financial mechanism,
1. Determines to further
improve the effectiveness of the financial mechanism;
2. Requests the Council of
the Global Environment Facility to take the action identified in the annex to
the present decision with a view to improving the effectiveness of the financial
mechanism, and further requests the Global Environment Facility to report
thereon to the Conference of the Parties at its fifth meeting;
3. Decides that the
Conference of the Parties at its fifth meeting will determine terms of reference
for the second review of the effectiveness of the financial mechanism;
4. Requests the Executive
Secretary to advise the Parties on matters relating to recommendations for
further guidance to the financial mechanism with respect to:
(a) The relationship of any draft
guidance to previous guidance; and
(b) Any possible effects of that
draft guidance on the implementation of previous guidance from the Conference of
the Parties.
1. The Council of the Global
Environment Facility should improve the effectiveness of the financial mechanism
(a) Further streamlining its
project cycle with a view to making project preparation simpler, more
transparent and more country-driven;
(b) Further simplifying and
expediting procedures for approval and implementation, including disbursement,
for GEF-funded projects;
(c) Developing policies and
procedures that fully comply with the guidance from the Conference of the
Parties in a straightforward and timely manner;
(d) Increasing support to
priority actions identified in national plans and strategies of developing
(e) Applying in a more flexible,
pragmatic and transparent manner the incremental cost principle;
(f) Promoting genuine country
ownership through greater involvement of participant countries in GEF-funded
(g) Increasing its flexibility to
respond to the thematic longer-term programme of work of the Convention on
Biological Diversity, in accordance with the guidance of the Conference of the
(h) Promoting the catalytic role
of the Global Environment Facility in mobilizing funding from other sources for
GEF-funded activities;
(i) Including in its monitoring
and evaluation activities the assessment of the compliance under its operational
programmes with the policy, strategy, program priorities and eligibility
criteria established by the Conference of the Parties;
(j) Promoting efforts to ensure
that the implementing agencies fully comply with the policy, strategy, programme
priorities and eligibility criteria of the Conference of the Parties in their
support for country-driven activities funded by the Global Environment Facility;
(k) Undertaking efforts to
improve the efficiency, effectiveness and transparency of the process of
cooperation and coordination between the implementing agencies with a view to
improving the processing and delivery systems of the Global Environment
Facility, and to avoid duplication and parallel processes.