Additional guidance to the financial mechanism
The Conference of the Parties,
Bearing in mind Articles 20 and 21 of the Convention,
Taking into account the
guidance provided by the Conference of the Parties at its first, second and
third meetings to the Global Environment Facility,
Decides to provide the
following additional guidance to the Global Environment Facility in the
provision of financial resources, in conformity with decisions I/2, II/6 and
III/5 of the Conference of the Parties. In this regard, the Global Environment
Facility shall provide financial resources to developing countries for
countrydriven activities and programmes, consistent with national priorities
and objectives, recognizing that economic and social development and poverty
eradication are the first and overriding priorities of developing countries:
The Global Environment Facility should:
1. Provide adequate and timely
support for countrydriven projects at national, regional and subregional
levels addressing the issue of alien species in accordance with decision IV/1 C;
2. Provide financial resources
for country-driven activities within the context of its operation programmes to
participate in the Global Taxonomy Initiative which take into account as
appropriate, elements of the Suggestions for Action contained in the annex to
decision IV/1 D;
3. Within the context of
implementing national biological diversity strategies and action plans, provide
adequate and timely support to eligible projects which help Parties to develop
and implement national, sectoral and crosssectoral plans for the conservation
and sustainable use of biological diversity of inland water ecosystems in
accordance with decision IV/4;
4. In accordance with decision
IV/7 and with Article 7 of the Convention and also within the context of
implementing national biological diversity strategies and plans, provide
adequate and timely financial support to Parties for projects and
capacity-building activities for implementing the programme of work of forest
biological diversity at the national, regional and subregional levels and the
use of the clearing-house mechanism to include activities that contribute to
halting and addressing deforestation, basic assessments and monitoring of forest
biological diversity, including taxonomic studies and inventories, focusing on
forest species, other important components of forest biological diversity and
ecosystems under threat;
5. In accordance with decision IV/2:
(a) Support capacitybuilding
activities and countrydriven pilot projects focused on priority areas, as
critical components in the implementation of the clearinghouse mechanism at
the national, subregional, biogeographic, and regional levels, both during and
after the pilot phase;
(b) Provide, as appropriate,
increased support, in the framework of countrydriven projects to promote the
objectives of the Convention, to establish and strengthen biodiversity
information systems such as, inter alia, training, technology and
processes related to the collection, organization, maintenance and updating of
data and information and its communication to users through the clearinghouse
(c) Evaluate at the end of the
clearinghouse mechanism pilot phase the experience of the Global Environment
Facility's support for developing countries' activities, to consider additional
efforts to meet the increasing interest in taking part in and having access to
the clearinghouse mechanism, including in regional networking, and to report
to the Conference of the Parties prior to the next meeting of the Subsidiary
Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;
6. Continue to provide financial
assistance for the preparation of national reports, having regard to the
constraints and needs identified by Parties in their first national reports, in
accordance with decision IV/14;
7. Provide adequate and timely
support for the design and approaches relevant to the implementation of
incentive measures, including, where necessary, assessment of biological
diversity of the relevant ecosystems, capacitybuilding necessary for the
design and implementation of incentive measures and the development of
appropriate legal and policy frameworks, and projects with components that
provide for these incentives, in accordance with decision IV/10;
8. In accordance with decision IV/8, provide support for:
(a) Stocktaking activities,
such as, for example, assessments of current legislative, administrative and
policy measures on access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing, evaluation
of the strengths and weaknesses of a country's institutional and human capacity,
and promotion of consensusbuilding among its different stakeholders;
(b) Formulation of access and
benefit-sharing mechanisms at the national, subregional and regional levels,
including monitoring, assessment, and incentive measures;
(c) Capacity-building on measures
on access to genetic resources and sharing of benefits, including
capacity-building on economic valuation of genetic resources;
(d) Within biodiversity projects,
other specific benefitsharing initiatives such as support for entrepreneurial
developments by local and indigenous communities, facilitation of financial
sustainability of projects promoting the sustainable use of genetic resources,
and appropriate targeted research components.