Developments since the entry into force of the Protocol
COP-MOP 5 (October 2024)
At its
fifth meeting, COP-MOP adopted decision
NP-5/3 on capacity-building and development and awareness raising, including the capacity-building and development action plan for the Nagoya Protocol (contained in the annex to the decision). The action plan supports the implementation of Article 21 of the Protocol on awareness-raising and awareness-raising activities have been included in the action plan.
The COP-MOP requested the Executive Secretary, subject to the availability of resources to disseminate and promote the action plan to the target audiences identified in the action plan.
The COP-MOP invited Parties, other Governments, in line with national circumstances and priorities, and, as appropriate, indigenous peoples and local communities, women and youth representatives, relevant stakeholders and organizations, including, as appropriate, the regional and subregional technical and scientific cooperation support centres to continue to use and promote the CEPA Toolkit, Including Considerations for Access and Benefit-sharing as part of their awareness-raising and capacity-building and development activities.
COP-MOP 4 (December 2022)
The COP-MOP, at its
fourth meeting, considered this item on the basis of a
note by the Executive Secretary summarizing the progress made on measures to assist in awareness raising raising (
Article 21) and capacity-building and development (
Article 22), and adopted
decision NP-4/7 on capacity-building and awareness raising.
In this decision, COP-MOP welcomed the
communications strategy to support the
Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework as an important element to also raise awareness on access and benefit-sharing and the related goal and target of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. The COP-MOP requested the Executive Secretary to continue facilitating the implementation of the awareness-raising strategy through capacity-building and development activities and by encouraging the use of the access and benefit-sharing awareness-raising toolkit in related capacity-building and development and awareness-raising projects carried out by Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations.
Furthermore, COP-MOP requested the Executive Secretary to consider incorporating elements of the awareness-raising strategy when revising the strategic framework for capacity-building and development to support the effective implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, for the consideration of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation at its fourth meeting and for adoption by the COP-MOP at its fifth meeting.
COP-MOP 4 Decision and Relevant Documents
- Progress report on measures to assist in capacity-building and awareness raising (Articles 22 & 21) - CBD/NP/MOP/4/5
- Feedback on the Access and Benefit-sharing CEPA Toolkit and updates on awareness-raising measures - CBD/NP/MOP/4/INF/3
COP-MOP 3 (November 2018)
At its
third meeting, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP-MOP) considered the
report on progress made in the implementation of the awareness-raising strategy and adopted decision
NP-3/6. In this decision, COP-MOP requested the Executive Secretary to continue supporting the implementation of the awareness-raising strategy through its capacity-building activities and by encouraging the use of the
CEPA Toolkit including considerations on ABS. Furthermore, in the decision, the Executive Secretary is requested to seek feedback from Parties, non-Parties and other relevant actors on the access and benefit-sharing awareness-raising toolkit.
COP-MOP 3 Decision and Relevant Documents
- Progress report on measures to raise awareness of the importance of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge (Article 21) - CBD/NP/MOP/3/6
- CEPA Toolkit including considerations for access and benefit-sharing - CBD/NP/MOP/3/INF/7
COP-MOP 2 (December 2016)
At its
second meeting, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP-MOP) adopted
decision NP-2/9, which requested the Executive Secretary to continue implementing the priority activities contained in the Awareness-raising Strategy, ensure coherence with the awareness-raising and communication strategies of the Convention and its Protocols, and make efforts for the full and active participation of indigenous peoples and local communities. COP-MOP 2 also invited Parties, non-Parties and others to implement awareness-raising activities in accordance with the strategy, taking into consideration the
framework for a communications strategy, and to make any resulting national strategies or awareness-raising tools and materials available on the
ABS Clearing-House.
COP-MOP 2 Decision and Relevant Documents
- Report on Progress in the Implementation of the Awareness-Raising Strategy for the Nagoya Protocol - UNEP/CBD/NP/COP-MOP/2/9
COP-MOP 1 (October 2014)
At its
first meeting, the COP-MOP adopted the
Awareness-raising Strategy for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing as contained in the annex to
decision NP-1/9.
COP-MOP 1 Decision- Decision NP-1/9 on measures to raise awareness of the importance of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge (Article 21), including the Awareness-raising Strategy for the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing
Developments prior to the entry into force of the Protocol
Prior to the entry into force of the Protocol, the
Intergovernmental Committee for the Nagoya Protocol (ICNP) was established by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (
decision X/1) to undertake the preparations for the first meeting of the Parties to the Protocol.
ICNP-2 (July 2012)
At its
second meeting, the ICNP considered a revised version of the draft awareness-raising strategy (
UNEP/CBD/ICNP/2/11) and a synthesis of awareness-raising activities, including lessons learned from existing experience in this regard, based on
submissions received prior to the meeting (
UNEP/CBD/ICNP/2/INF/6). The ICNP further revised the strategy and recommended that the first meeting of the COP-MOP adopt the strategy as set out in the annex to
recommendation 2/6.
decision XI/1, the
eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties invited Parties and other relevant actors to carry out awareness-raising activities to support the ratification, early entry into force and implementation of the Protocol, taking into account the draft awareness-raising strategy. The decision also recognized the importance of awareness-raising in supporting ratification, early entry into force and implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.
ICNP-2 Recommendations
ICNP-1 (June 2011)
At its
first meeting, the ICNP considered a draft awareness-raising strategy prepared by the Executive Secretary (
UNEP/CBD/ICNP/1/5) to assist Parties to effectively implement Article 21 of the Nagoya Protocol in a coherent manner, as well as to guide the efforts of the Secretariat, stakeholders and indigenous peoples and local communities to raise awareness of the Nagoya Protocol and related access and benefit-sharing issues. The ICNP also considered an overview of experiences and initiatives on awareness-raising on access and benefit-sharing and under different multilateral environmental agreements (
UNEP/CBD/ICNP/1/INF/2) and adopted
recommendation 1/3.
ICNP-1 Recommendations