Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Sustainable Use of Biodiversity


According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 40% of the world's economy is based directly and indirectly on the use of biological resources. It is therefore not surprising that sustainable use of biological diversity is one of the three objectives set out in the Convention’s first article, and that Decision V/24 frames sustainable use as one of the Convention’s cross-cutting issues. More »

In many cases, if not most, sustainable use is one of the strongest assurances for the protection of biological resources. As the adage goes, "Nature pays, so it stays". Indeed, the lessons derived from experiences of sustainable usage can be applied to all economic activities, including agriculture and livestock management, forestry, fisheries, biofuels production or bioprospecting. Under the general guidelines of sustainable management, healthy ecosystems result in economic and other benefits to people, and only then does their long-term survival become secure. As underlined in the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, sustainable use is also an effective tool to combat poverty, and, consequently, to achieve sustainable development. In light of this, Decision VII/14 adopted the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. One of the challenges ahead for the CBD's activities under the theme of sustainable use is to develop a set of critical indicators for the monitoring of sustainable use in each category of use, both at the local and global levels.

The Biodiversity-related Conventions Liaison Group has developed an interactive CD-ROM on the applications of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines (AAPG) for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity. This CD explains the AAPG and their relevance in the context of each of the biodiversity related conventions. In addition to providing information on the applications of the AAPG, the CD contains the full text of the principles and guidelines, relevant decisions, recommendations and resolutions, background documents, as well as other materials, including links to relevant websites. This joint collaboration between the biodiversity-related conventions was lead by the CITES Secretariat.

CD content is available for download by clicking here. Alternatively, you can request a copy of the CD by sending an e-mail to