The third edition of the Global Biodiversity Outlook should,
inter alia :
1.Have a clearly defined audience and purpose;
2.Present clear messages that are communicated in a way that is easy to understand by a non-technical audience;
3.Make use of the framework for assessing progress towards the achievement of the 2010 Biodiversity Target provided in
decision VIII/15, and especially the provisional headline indicators contained therein;
4.Be strengthened by the inclusion of case studies, derived from the fourth national reports, bioregional examples, natural-resource sectors, traditional ecological knowledge expertise, innovative collaborative biodiversity initiatives, and other processes aimed at improving scientific expertise on biodiversity;
5.Consider the social, cultural and economic implications of biodiversity loss for various social groups;
6.Pay attention to terrestrial and aquatic environments and invasive alien species;
7.Have a focus on status and trends in relation to the 2010 Biodiversity Target and implementation of the three objectives of the Convention;
8.Employ scenarios beyond 2010 as appropriate;
9.Provide information on implementation of the biodiversity agenda within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals and, more generally, progress made in mainstreaming biodiversity into the development agenda;
10.Include supplementary products, inter alia , thematic and bioregional assessments.
11.Draw upon collaborative efforts between UNEP and the scientific community, inter alia making optimal use of the Global Environment Outlook.