1.Invites Parties, other Governments and relevant organizations, including national and international organizations responsible for funding and conducting research activities, to provide technical and financial support, strengthen capacity-building and build knowledge and information on the linkages between biodiversity and climate change, including traditional knowledge, innovations and practices embodying traditional lifestyles, with prior informed consent or approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge, by:
(a)Promoting work that considers the outputs from a number of individual models (multi-model combinations), together with ground-truthing, including through field-based observations and experiments, to generate fine-scale projections of the impacts of climate change on biodiversity, particularly on the most vulnerable ecosystems and species;
(b)Building knowledge, with comparable datasets, on the potential impacts of climate change and climate change response activities on biodiversity relevant for decision makers responsible for land-use planning and implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity, bearing in mind the specific needs of indigenous and local communities and other stakeholders, from local to regional scales;
(c)Subject to national legislation, respecting, preserving and maintaining the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles related to the linkages between biodiversity and climate change with the prior informed consent or approval and involvement of the holders of such knowledge and encouraging the equitable sharing of such benefits arising from the utilization of such knowledge, innovations and practices;
(d)Developing and improving regional programmes for bioclimatic modelling and monitoring the impacts of climate change on biodiversity;
(e)Addressing gaps in biodiversity modelling including, inter alia, the impacts of invasive alien species and overexploitation in terrestrial, coastal and marine systems; pollution and invasive species in freshwater systems; and land degradation and pollution in coastal and marine systems;
(f)Encouraging research to strengthen knowledge on how the impacts of climate change on biodiversity affect the delivery of ecosystem services;
(g)Identifying data and information needs, availability and gaps in order to determine how to develop or improve the extent to which existing data collection and management systems support decision-making, adaptive management, national planning and reporting on the impacts of climate change on biodiversity;
(h)Liaising with existing data-standard bodies and data-sharing initiatives at the global, regional and national levels to enhance access to and the interoperability of relevant global data sets and promoting the establishment or enhancement of national data collection and management systems;
(i)Investing in higher education and training programmes, including for researchers across different biodiversity disciplines, on monitoring, field study tools and methodologies and bioclimatic modelling;
(j)Investing in the consolidation and strengthening of national institutional capacities to monitor climate change impacts on biodiversity; and
(k)Strengthening or establishing multi-purpose monitoring programmes for climate change impacts on biodiversity, among others, the Biodiversity Observations Network of the Group on Earth Observations, and encouraging the online publication of the resulting data from these monitoring programmes, with the view to maximize the use of limited resources as well as to effectively address information gaps in both spatial and temporal scales;