Protected Areas

Modus Operandi


The Target 11 Partnership is informal in nature, with an open-ended membership, along the lines of the PoWPA Friends Consortium, and its duration is two years, 2018-2020. It will be composed of coordination agencies and sub-regional implementation support networks in 12 sub-regions. These include international and regional NGOs (TNC, CI, WWF, BirdLife International, WCS, and others); international and UN Organizations (UNDP, UNFCCC, IUCN, IUCN-WCPA, and others); spatial data organizations ( UNEP-WCMC and EC-JRC); bilateral donor country Parties (Canada, EU, Germany, Iceland, Monaco, Japan, and others); multilateral funding agencies (GEF Secretariat); developing country Parties (India, Brazil, Egypt, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, and others); and Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (ICCA consortium and others).


  • Coordination agencies in each sub-region are identified.
  • Each coordination agency convenes all partners to form sub-regional implementation support network for decentralized and effective implementation of focused actions to achieve Target 11 in its sub-region.
  • Each coordination agency designs an Action Plan for its sub-region, based on focused actions and opportunities to fill the gaps identified by mapping on-going activities and national commitments and by aligning efforts in a way that facilitates the improvement of the status at the global level.
  • The SCBD secretariat, other UN agencies, and spatial data agencies are to provide data support including pinpointing the specific gaps, highlighting opportunities from national commitments to assist in the mapping of activities to facilitate implementation on the ground.
  • Facilitation of effective and decentralized implementation on the ground of focused actions to fill the gaps between 2018 and June 2020.

12 Subregions

Sub-Regional Implementation Support Networks:

  1. Pacific Region
  2. Australia and New Zealand
  3. East and South-East Asia
  4. South Asia
  5. Central and Eastern Europe
  6. Russian-speaking Eastern Europe and Central Asia
  7. Eastern and Southern Africa
  8. Western and Central Africa
  9. North Africa, Middle East and West Asia
  10. Caribbean
  11. Latin America
  12. North America