(33 record(s) found) |
1. | Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): Technical cooperation on biodiversity GIZ - Germany bilateral (biodiversity) Germany | |
The project outlined here has been submitted to the Western Cape Dept of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning for for World Bank and GEF funding via the SA National Biodiversity Insitute and the Cape Action Plan for People and the Environment.
The Integrating Biodiversity into Land Use Decision Making project, led by the Western Cape Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning (DEADP), in partnership with the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI), is part of the C.A.P.E. programme, funded by the Global Environment Facility through the World Bank.
The two-year project aims to improve the integration of biodiversity into land use planning and decision making through a combination of activities, including: engaging in institutional co-ordination mechanisms; providing accurate, relevant information and materials; providing appropriate training and targeted awareness-raising; and facilitating one-on-one follow up and support.
One activity aims to develop mechanisms for ensuring that biodiversity priorities are mainstreamed into forward planning instruments and decision-making throughout the C.A.P.E domain, including the agricultural sector.
Botanical Society of South Africa | Charl de Villiers |
3. | Sustainable River Catchments for the South East (SuRCaSE) More information about the Project can be found on the SuRCaSE website: http://www.liv.ac.uk/surcase/
The project was funded by the EU LIFE Programme.
Institute for Sustainable Water, Integrated Managment and Ecosystem Research (SWIMMER) | University of Liverpool |
4. | The rehabilitation of the delta of the Senegal River in Mauritania | Hamerlynck, O. & Duvail, S. |
5. | Case Study: Improved Ecotourism in Sumatra, Indonesia | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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6. | Case Study: The Importance of Local Benefits from Ecotourism in Indonesia | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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7. | Environmental assessment, CELCO–ARAUCO, and Chile’s wetland sanctuary: ethical considerations B.M. Marcotte, 2006. Environmental assessment, CELCO–ARAUCO, and Chile’s wetland sanctuary: ethical considerations. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 2006: 1-4. | Brian M. Marcotte |
8. | The Ecosystem Approach: coherent actions for marine and coastal environments For the full report please see
http://www.english-nature.org.uk/pubs/publication/PDF/EcosystemApproach.pdf Joint Nature Conservation Committee | English Nature |
9. | BIODIVERSITY AND TOURISM IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CONVENTION ON BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY: THE CASE OF THE TAYRONA NATIONAL PARK, COLOMBIA Colombia Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (Germany) | Jens Bruggemann, Marta Hernández, Emilio Rodríguez, Jordi Soler, Richard Tapper |
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10. | Biodiversity and Tourism: The Case for the Sustainable Use of the Natural and Cultural Heritage of Banská Stiavnica, Slovakia Slovakia | Christine Garbe, Michael Meyer, Jan Rohac, Peter Straka, Richard Tapper |
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11. | Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity through Sound Tourism Development in Biosphere Reserves in Central and Eastern Europe www.tourism4nature.org | Central and East European Working Group for the Enhancement of Biodiversity - CEEWEB (Dissemination) |
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12. | Ecotourism in Berezinsky Biosphere Reserve, Belarus Belarus | Sergey Babitsky |
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13. | German Initiatives Towards Sustainable Tourism Germany Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety | Germany, Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety |
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14. | Gulf of Aqaba, Egypt - "determining sustainable use limits to tourism" Egypt Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency | |
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15. | Integrating Biodiversity into the Tourism Sector: Best Practices Guidelines Mexico | Programme of International Consultancy on Ecotourism (Arch. Hector Ceballos-Lascurani) |
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16. | International Workshop: Case Studies on Sustainable Tourism and Biological Diversity Germany German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation | Germany, Federal Agency for Natural Conservation |
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17. | Sustainable Tourism as a Development Option; Practical Guides for Local Planners, Developers and Decision Makers Germany German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development | Germany, Federal Ministry of Economic Co-operation and Development and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) |
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18. | The Tourism Potential and Impacts in Protected Mountain Areas - POĽANA PROTECTED LANDSCAPE AREA – BIOSPHERE RESERVE, SLOVAKIA Slovakia | Magdalena Sorokova and Viliam Pichler |
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19. | The tourism potentials and impacts in protected mountain areas, SUMAVA BIOSPHERE RESERVE, Czech Republic Czechia | Martin Cihar, Vladimir Silovsky, Jindriska Stankova, Viktor Trebicky |
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21. | Outline of Initiative in The Netherlands Regarding Biodiversity and International Tourism Netherlands (Kingdom of the) | The Netherlands, Dpt. of Nature Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature Management and Fisheries |
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22. | The Conservation of Agricultural Biodiversity in Wigry National Park: Restitution of Local Breeds of Farm Animals and Restoration of Old Apple Cultivars
Joint Nature Conservation Committee | JOANNA GÓRECKA, Wigry National Park, Krzywe 82, PL-16-400 Suwałki, POLAND, phone: 0048 87 5632540, fax: 0048 87 5632541, e-mail: goreckaj@wigry.org.pl |
23. | Results and prospects of development of ecological tourism in Crimea
by the example of the Yalta mountain - wood natural reserve
and other objects of natural-reserved fund of Ukraine Ukraine The Yalta Mountain - Forest Nature Reserve | Natalija Kornilova, Yuri Rasin |
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24. | Mooring Buoy | |
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25. | The tourism potentials and impacts in protected mountain areas, ''GOLIJA-STUDENICA'' BIOSPHERE RESERVE, SERBIA Serbia | Jovan Popesku |
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26. | Tourism potentials and impacts in protected mountain areas, Aggtelek National Park, Hungary Hungary | Zsuzsa Tolnay, Sándor Judit |
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27. | The Marine Reserve of Galapagos,Ecuador Joint Nature Conservation Committee | R D Smith and E Maltby. (2003) 'Using the Ecosystem Approach to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity: Key issues and case studies. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK x + 118pp. |
28. | Ecological corridors in environmental management,
Brazil Joint Nature Conservation Committee | R D Smith and E Maltby. (2003) 'Using the Ecosystem Approach to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity: Key issues and case studies. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK x + 118pp. |
29. | The Pendjari Biosphere Reserve, Benin Joint Nature Conservation Committee | R D Smith and E Maltby. (2003) 'Using the Ecosystem Approach to Implement the Convention on Biological Diversity: Key issues and case studies. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK x + 118pp. |
30. | ReviTec, a modular approach to restoration in consent with the Ecosystem Approach University of Bremen | Hartmut Koehler, University of Bremen |
31. | Mburucuya National Park and sustainable community development Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC) | APN - Administración de Parques Nacionales, Argentina |
32. | LEADER+-Projects and their Potential to Contribute to Conservation -
Experiences from the Model Region Rügen Joint Nature Conservation Committee | JOCHEN LAMP, World Wide Fund for Nature, Baltic Sea Office, Knieperwall 1, D-18439 Stralsund, GERMANY, phone: 03831 297018, e-mail: lamp@wwf.de |
33. | The Ecosystem Approach implemented by local fishermen in Bocas del Toro
See also the following case study in the ecosystem approach sourcebook 'The ecosystem approach: five steps to implementation' Joint Nature Conservation Committee | IUCN / Nestor Windevoxhel - nestorw@proarca.org |