About the PBDI 
The Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative (PBDI) was launched by the Republic of Korea, as President of the twelfth meeting of Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Established at COP12 and funded by the Republic of Korea, The PBDI's aims were to support Parties to the Convention on the implementation of Goal 1.3 of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas to “establish and strengthen regional networks, transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) and collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries".
Currently, the PBDI seeks to facilitate and strengthen transboundary conservation within the framework of protected and conserved areas. By fostering and strengthening transboundary conservation, the CBD Secretariat, through the Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative, actively contributes to the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, primarily by promoting and raising awareness of the benefits of these areas for biodiversity and international relations.
The PBDI is being developed to play a catalytic role in promoting transboundary conservation for the implementation of Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Transboundary conservation areas support Target 3 by enhancing ecological connectivity, ensuring species movement, and maintaining ecosystem functions across borders. These areas help prevent habitat fragmentation and biodiversity loss, which are often worsened by geopolitical boundaries. By protecting shared ecosystems and resources, neighboring countries can strengthen conservation efforts while contributing to the broader goal of increasing protected area coverage and connectivity.
Modus Operandi 
To achieve the initiative’s goals and ensure the effective realization of Target 3 it is vital to consider all elements comprehensively. Target 3 cannot be met by addressing only some aspects, such as coverage or connectivity, while neglecting equally crucial factors like governance or recognizing and respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and local communities. PBDI incorporates this need for a united approach through:

Target 3 and the KMGBF, links explained 

Learn more about the PBDI by watching the Welcome Video below