Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative

The Peace and Biodiversity Dialogue Initiative (PBDI) was launched by the Republic of Korea, as President of the twelfth meeting of Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The PBDI aims to support Parties to the Convention on the implementation of Goal 1.3 of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas to “establish and strengthen regional networks, transboundary protected areas (TBPAs) and collaboration between neighbouring protected areas across national boundaries”.

Through the PBDI, Parties to the CBD can share knowledge and best practices in transboundary cooperation. They may also wish to strengthen existing cooperation mechanisms or develop new ones with the facilitation of the SCBD and many partners with expertise in this regard. The PBDI is being developed to play a catalytic role, promote transboundary cooperation and parks for peace further.

A funding agreement for the PBDI was signed by the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Mr. Seong-kyu Yoon and the Executive Secretary of the CBD, Mr. Braulio de Ferreira de Souza Dias.