Reference |
Target |
Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets |
Afghanistan |
Preliminary Target 9 |
Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices protected, and rights of indigenous and local communities over their traditional knowledge, innovations and practices, including their rights to benefits sharing, protected |
18 |
Preliminary Target 11 |
New and additional financial resources and technology transferred to Afghanistan, to allow for the effective implementation of commitments under the Convention |
20 |
Albania |
National Objective |
By the end of 2015, there should be a strategic document on biodiversity (DSPEP), revised and adopted – in line with target 17, Aichi; |
17 |
Algeria |
Objectif 1 |
Renforcer la coopération intersectorielle et la coordination efficace entre tous les acteurs et intervenants en matière de biodiversité. |
1, 4, 17 |
Objectif 2 |
Intensifier le renforcement institutionnel et le développement des capacités de l’ensemble des parties prenantes en prenant en considération la dimension genre, la société civile et les média. |
4, 17 |
Objectif 4 |
Adapter, actualiser, et mettre en place une législation efficace et applicable à la conservation, l’utilisation durable, la restauration et la valorisation de la biodiversité. |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 17 |
Objectif 5 |
Développer de nouveaux mécanismes de financement spécifiques à la conservation de la biodiversité et à sa valorisation par les savoirs faires traditionnels, notamment les financements innovants tels que les schémas de Paiements pour Services Ecosystémiques, et assurer la priorisation budgétaire pour la biodiversité, en cohérence avec les opportunités de financements internationaux. |
3, 20 |
Objectif 6 |
Renforcer l’institutionnalisation des engagements pris dans les conventions internationales concernant la biodiversité (CITES, RAMSAR) et développer les synergies avec les conventions de Rio (CCNUCC, CNULCD). |
2, 17 |
Objectif 7 |
Développer la capitalisation, la recherche et la formation pour améliorer la connaissance sur la biodiversité, notamment en matière d’inventaire de la biodiversité et des bonnes pratiques pour la conservation, la restauration et la valorisation de la biodiversité. |
18, 19 |
Objectif 8 |
Diffuser les connaissances et l'information afin de les rendre accessibles aux secteurs pertinents, utilisateurs, gestionnaires et bénéficiaires de la biodiversité, notamment en vue de valoriser et diffuser les savoir-faire traditionnels et les opportunités de croissance verte liées à la biodiversité. |
9, 18 |
Objectif 9 |
Renforcer la prise de décision en s’appuyant sur toutes les connaissances, notamment par le développement et la mise à disposition auprès des décideurs de systèmes de suivi-évaluation, réseaux de surveillance, évaluation d’impacts et analyses économiques. |
Objectif 14 |
Intégrer la population dans la gestion, la conservation, la restauration et la valorisation de la biodiversité, en capitalisant sur les bonnes pratiques de co-gestion afin de susciter l’appropriation et la responsabilisation pour la préservation de la biodiversité. |
1, 17 |
Objectif 16 |
Assurer le suivi et l’évaluation des programmes et projets relatifs à la biodiversité, notamment à travers un système d’information géographique partagé pour la conservation, la restauration et la sauvegarde des écosystèmes qui fournissent des services écosystémiques essentiels. |
14, 19 |
Objectif 20 |
Développer les partenariats public-privés et renforcer l’implication du secteur privé pour le développement des filières clés de la biodiversité. |
4, 20 |
Andorra |
Objetivo 1 |
Inventariar y mejorar el conocimiento de la biodiversidad de Andorra y de su tendencia |
5, 10, 12, 19 |
Objetivo 4 |
Educación, comunicación y formación en materia de biodiversidad |
1, 19 |
Objetivo 5 |
Gobernanza y cooperación |
2, 3, 4, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20 |
Antigua and Barbuda |
Target 17 |
By 2020, Antigua and Barbuda has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing an effective, participatory and updated NBSAP (this current document). |
17 |
Target 18 |
The Formal integration of local communities into the co- management process of Biodiversity in country by 2020. |
18 |
Target 19 |
By 2020, implementation of a knowledge management system for biodiversity within Antigua and Barbuda. |
19 |
Target 20 |
The capacity of governmental natural resources management institutions as well as non-governmental organizations, to support the objectives and achieve the overall aim of the NBSAP is strengthened by 2020. |
20 |
Australia |
Objective |
Empower Australians to be active stewards of nature |
1, 20 |
Objective |
Respect and maintain traditional ecological knowledge and stewardship of nature |
14, 18 |
Objective |
Improve conservation management of Australia’s landscapes, waterways, wetlands and seascapes |
5, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18 |
Objective |
Increase knowledge about nature to make better decisions |
19 |
Objective |
Share and use information effectively |
19 |
Objective |
Measure collective efforts to demonstrate our progress |
2, 14, 19 |
Bahrain |
Target 1 |
Protect an additional 10% of Bahrain's territorial maine and coastal areas |
4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19 |
Target 2 |
To reduce the number of bycatch from fishing by 10% |
4, 6, 19 |
Target 4 |
Protect no less than 25% of remaining unprotected coral reefs |
2, 4, 10, 15, 19 |
Target 6 |
Rehabilitate mangroves by 25% and increase migratory bird species by 10% |
3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 19 |
Target 7 |
To protect at least 60% of remaining desert ecosystems and wildlife |
12, 13, 16, 19 |
Target 9 |
Revive agricultural land systems including Palm groves by 25% |
7, 9, 13, 15, 16, 19 |
Target 11 |
Protect no less than 100% of healthy freshwater spring |
11, 14, 15, 19 |
Belarus |
Target 12 |
To improve the scientific knowledge about the modern state of biological diversity; to define trends and causes of the state dynamics of species and biotopes; to elaborate effective measures of sustainable use and monitoring of biological diversity and to create a platform for the exchange of information and
knowledge. |
19 |
Target 13 |
To ensure the mobilization of financial resources for implementing the measures on the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. |
20 |
Belgium |
Belgium intends to revise its NBS by WGRI-6 in 2014 |
17 |
Op. obj. 6.4 |
By 2020, create operational mechanisms to protect the knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities embodying traditional lifestyles relevant for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity |
18 |
Obj. 7 |
Improve and communicate scientific knowledge on biodiversity and ecosystem services (all operational
objectives under obj.7) |
19 |
Obj. 15 |
Ensure the provision of adequate resources for biodiversity |
20 |
Op. obj. 15.1 |
By 2020 at the latest, the mobilization of financial resources for biodiversity from all sources (including possible innovative financial mechanisms), should increase substantially compared to the average annual biodiversity funding for the years 2006-2010 |
20 |
Op. obj. 15.2 |
Fully use existing EU financing instruments to promote biodiversity |
20 |
Op. obj. 15.3 |
By 2015, contribute towards the doubling of the total biodiversity-related financial resource flows to developing countries and at least maintain this level until 2020, including through a country-driven
prioritization of biodiversity within development plans in recipient countries, using as preliminary baseline
the average annual biodiversity funding to developing countries for the years 2006–2010 |
20 |
Op. obj. 15.4 |
By 2020, support, as appropriate, developing countries to enhance institutional, national, administrative and managerial capacities, in order to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of international and national financial flows for biodiversity |
20 |
Belize |
By 2020, 100% of relevant national development decisions in Belize take into consideration ecosystem services and biodiversity relevance to the national economy. |
2, 4, 20 |
By 2025, access to genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge is regulated and benefits arising from utilization are shared in a fair and equitable manner. |
16, 18 |
By 2020, all relevant government Ministries, 75% of relevant civil society, and 25% of the private sector and general public are effectively involved in the implementation of the NBSAP. |
2, 17, 18, 20 |
By 2020, accurate and current data on Belize's natural resources and environmental services informs relevant national development decisions. |
19 |
By 2020, Belize's NBSAP is being implemented effectively, monitored and evaluated, and achieving desired outcomes. |
19 |
Bhutan |
National Target 17 |
By 2015, the revised National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAP) is adopted as a national guiding document for effective biodiversity management. |
17 |