National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)

What's New?

The national targets and NBSAPs due by COP-16 should be submitted using this Online Reporting Tool. Details are provided in notification 2023-117, notification 2024-064.

NBSAPs submitted after COP 15, in line with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, are available on the Online Reporting Tool.

An information webinar was organized; recordings are available in English, French, Spanish and Russian

Regional and/or subregional dialogues on national biodiversity strategies and action plans

  • Dialogue in the Republic of Moldova on national biodiversity strategies and action plans, held in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, from 9 to 11 September 2024 (webpage)

  • Dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and action plans organized with the European Union held in Brussels, Belgium, from 28 to 29 August 2024 (webpage)

  • Dialogue in Oman on national biodiversity strategies and action plans held in Salalah, Oman, from 22 to 25 July 2024 (webpage)

Relevant decisions

  • Decision 15/6 requests Parties to submit revised or updated NBSAPs, including national targets, by COP-16, following the guidance provided in annex I of the decision, aligned with the goals and targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Parties not in a position to do so are requested to submit their national targets, in advance of submission of their full NBSAP.
  • Decision 16/1 urges Parties that have not yet done so to revise or update their national biodiversity strategies and action plans, as requested in decision 15/6, as soon as possible.

Compilation of decisions related to NBSAPs

  • COP 16, NP COP-MOP 5 (PDF| Word)
  • COP-15, CP-MOP-10 and NP-MOP-4 (PDF)

Aichi Biodiversity Targets webpages

These webpages present data drawn from the online 6NRs related to the implementation status of each global target. Examples of measures and outcomes drawn respectively from post-COP10 NBSAPs and 6NRs, from each UN region, are also provided. Various resources that can assist Parties and stakeholders in implementing each global target are highlighted as well.

Data Reporting Tool for MEAs (DaRT)

DaRT is the first tool supporting Parties to effectively use synergies in the field of knowledge and information management for national reporting to biodiversity-related conventions. DaRT is being developed by UNEP, with the support of SCBD, and was endorsed by the InforMEA Initiative which brings together MEAs. It is financially supported by the European Union and Switzerland. Click here for further details. See also SBI-3 information document prepared on DaRT.

Bioland Tool

The Bioland Tool is a turnkey solution that can be used by all countries, no matter what capacity constraints they are faced with, to establish a basic operational national CHM website which, among other things, can effectively facilitate NBSAP implementation. This turnkey solution uses the Drupal content management system (CMS) and is available at no cost to countries. Click here to see a demonstration of the Bioland Tool. Countries interested in making use of the Bioland Tool should contact the CBD Secretariat at