The following material is provided to assist countries in their efforts to set national targets, in line with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets, and to revise and update their NBSAP, in line with the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. It is intended to complement the material provided to participants at the 2011-2012 regional NBSAP capacity-building workshops, in COP decisions, capacity-building modules, etc. It has been prepared by partner organizations and CBD Parties. Reports of workshops held by CBD partners, primarily at the regional level, which support and provide additional guidance for implementing COP-10 outcomes, are also provided below.
Re Aichi Target 3 (Incentives)
- A study (French, English) conducted by FRANCE addresses planning challenges resulting from negative (public) subsidies on biodiversity.
Indicators as part of NBSAP updating
The final reports of the regional capacity building workshops implemented by the Biodiversity Indicators Partnership (BIP) to assist countries in selecting and producing indicators for their NBSAPs, and for international reporting to the biodiversity-related Conventions, are available below. This work was carried out in coordination with SCBD's NBSAP support work.
- South America Capacity Building Workshop (Lima, Peru, 6 to 9 August 2012) (Report)
- South Asia Capacity Building Workshop (Wattala, Sri Lanka, 16 to 19 July 2012) (Report)
- Southeast Asia Capacity Building Workshop on Indicators (Tam Dao, Viet Nam, 25 to 28 March 2012) (Report)
- Eastern Africa Capacity Building Workshop (Entebbe, Uganda, 27 to 29 September 2011) (Report)