Overall Mandate: B@B, initiated by the European Commission, provides a network for European businesses to share experiences, best practices and conduct research on biodiversity conservation. The Platform consists of three elements:
1) An online information portal which acts as the main interface between members and the ongoing work of the B@B’s workstreams;
2) Annual B@B meetings which allow members to discuss progress on each workstream;
3) A high-level B@B Bureau of advisors who will guide and inform the work carried out by Platform members.
The B@B helps to coordinate and to raise awareness of other national and international level initiatives at EU level. The Platform also provides opportunities for businesses to directly engage with the European Commission on issues related to business and biodiversity. "
Business and Biodiversity Programme: B@B engages businesses through three workstreams:
1) Accounting for Natural Capital:developing a decision framework and set of principles that help companies determine what form of natural capital accounting (NCA) to adopt, and identify the best practice guidance and tools are available to support them. The approach will be piloted by volunteer companies.
2) Innovation for Biodiversity and Business: promoting innovation that contributes to nature protection and provides opportunities for businesses, including SMEs, by showcasing innovative companies / business models and identifying opportunities for fostering new business models.
3) Access to Finance and Innovative Finance Mechanisms: demonstrating the benefits to business, including SMEs, of biodiversity-related investments, as well as showcasing financing schemes for biodiversity and champions in the finance sector who are funding biodiversity related projects or who are using nature-related criteria for financing decisions.