This video series is a retrospect on the first 10 years of the Japan Biodiversity Fund (JBF), capturing the perspectives of those who have received support through the JBF over the past decade.

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Thematic Area: Youth Starting with a small nucleus of committed youth, determined to have their voices heard in global biodiversity negotiations, the Global Youth Biodiversity Network received consistent support from the JBF since its inception in 2011, ending the decade with a broad network of local chapters spanning numerous counties on five continents. Learn more about the history and the far-reaching impacts of this long-standing collaboration. |

Thematic Area: Women An active advocate for Women and other under-represented groups within the context of the Convention, turn all eyes on Mrinalini Rai as she reflects upon the outcomes and importance of the JBF’s partnership over the years to her important work. | 
Thematic Area: COMDEKS Developed by UNDP, COMDEKS is a flagship programme associated with the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI). Learn more about the JBF’s support to all three phases of this project, as well as what the future holds. |

Thematic Area: Global Taxonomy Initiative DNA barcoding technology turns 20 this year. Adriana Radulovici describes the JBF’s crucial input over the last decade in supporting projects that pushed the needle of mainstreaming this technology in the biodiversity sphere. | Thematic Area: Mapping Biodiversity Priorities
Filmed on the periphery of the historic closing session of COP15.2, Ms. Kebaabetswe Keoagile of Botswana provides a detailed account of her experiences using spatial planning on the national level to inform policy making. |

Thematic Area: Voluntary Peer Review
The Voluntary Peer Review (VPR) process of NBSAP Revision was designed to help Parties improve their individual and collective capacities to implement the Convention more effectively. This interview in the Impact Series will provide you with the most comprehensive experience-based outlook on the impact the JBF has had and will continue to have as we gear towards Phase 2.