Information Information News & Communications Web Announcements StatementsNotificationsNews Headlines on BiodiversityPress ReleasesRSS FeedsTwitterFacebookDiscussion Forums National Information Country Profiles List of PartiesLists of National Focal PointsNational Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs)National ReportsStatus of Contributions Multimedia Video Gallery YouTube General References Decisions RecommendationsMeetingsLibrary and DocumentationPrinciples, Guidelines and ToolsResources for NegotiatorsECOLEX - A Gateway to Biodiversity LawCase StudiesRelated WebsitesAdministrative and Financial Information Thematic Databases Ecosystem Approach Sourcebook Database on Incentive MeasuresDatabase on Scientific AssessmentsDatabase on Technology TransferCase Studies on Impact AssessmentCase Studies on Dry and Sub-Humid land Biodiversity Hosting Meetings Information // Documents Search Document Search Search Criteria Type <Any> Meeting Documents National Reports Case Studies Third National Report Second National Report First National Report Other 5th National Report Information Other 4th National Report Information Other National Report Information National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.2) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.3) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.4) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.5) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.6) Other Information about National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans Interim National Report on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety First Regular National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Thematic Report on Alien and Invasive Species Thematic Report on Access and Benefit Sharing Thematic Report on Forest Ecosystems Thematic Report on Mountain Ecosystems Thematic Report on Protected Areas Thematic Report on Technology Transfer and Cooperation Voluntary Report on Implementation of Expanded Programme of Work on Forests Voluntary Report on Implementation of the Programme of Work on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity Report on Implementation of GTI Work Programme Review of the Implementation of the Protected Areas Work Programme Country Study Meeting <Any> 2025-07-15: Training Course for Asia-Pacific States on Invasive Alien Sp... 2025-04-29: Fourteenth meeting of the Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Inva... 2025-03-11: Regional workshop on knowledge management for biodiversity f... 2025-02-25: Second resumed session of the sixteenth meeting of the Confe... 2025-02-25: Second resumed session of the eleventh meeting of the Confer... 2025-02-25: Second resumed session of the fifth meeting of the Conferenc... 2025-02-17: Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Ku... 2025-02-16: Subregional capacity-building workshop to support the implem... 2025-02-10: Sustainable Ocean Initiative regional capacity-building work... 2024-12-03: First resumed session of the sixteenth meeting of the Confer... 2024-12-03: First resumed session of the eleventh meeting of the Confere... 2024-12-03: First resumed session of the fifth meeting of the Conference... 2024-12-02: Training course for Caribbean States on risk assessments of ... 2024-10-26: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2024-10-21: Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Co... 2024-10-21: Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Con... 2024-10-21: Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven... 2024-10-16: Fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2024-09-30: Global capacity-building workshop on operationalizing access... 2024-09-24: Regional workshop on knowledge management for biodiversity f... 2024-09-09: Dialogue in the Republic of Moldova on national biodiversity... 2024-08-28: Dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and action plan... 2024-08-20: Third meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobiliza... 2024-08-12: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Ben... 2024-07-30: Dialogue in Tajikistan on national biodiversity strategies a... 2024-07-29: Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Ku... 2024-07-22: Dialogue in Oman on national biodiversity strategies and act... 2024-06-25: Regional Dialogues on National Biodiversity Strategies and A... 2024-06-11: Fourth meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Di... 2024-06-09: Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Ku... 2024-05-30: Regional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and ac... 2024-05-30: Regional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and ac... 2024-05-21: Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2024-05-13: Twenty-sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2024-04-30: Nineteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2024-04-18: Subregional workshop on Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Glo... 2024-04-15: Subregional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and... 2024-03-25: Fourth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya ... 2024-03-22: Workshop on Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiver... 2024-03-21: Webinar to celebrate 10 years of the Forest Ecosystem Restor... 2024-03-18: Second meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobiliz... 2024-03-18: Subregional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and... 2024-03-15: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-shar... 2024-03-12: Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indic... 2024-02-27: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk ... 2024-02-26: Second meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Financial Re... 2024-02-19: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical an... 2024-02-15: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-sha... 2024-02-13: Fifth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acce... 2024-01-29: Second meeting of the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Exp... 2024-01-29: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indic... 2024-01-23: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-shar... 2024-01-23: Regional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and Ac... 2024-01-16: Regional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and Ac... 2023-12-19: Launch of the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub of the Food and Agr... 2023-12-11: Fourth joint Aarhus Convention and Convention on Biological ... 2023-12-04: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indi... 2023-11-27: Technical Expert Group on Financial Reporting 2023-11-23: Legal expert workshop to review modalities for modifying the... 2023-11-20: Technical expert workshop to review modalities for modifying... 2023-11-14: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Bene... 2023-11-12: Twelfth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional Work... 2023-11-07: Webinar on the preparation for the first meeting of the Ad H... 2023-11-02: Twelfth meeting of the Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasiv... 2023-11-01: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk A... 2023-11-01: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical a... 2023-10-30: Global risk assessment workshop 2023-10-24: Eighteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2023-10-24: Preparatory meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Financi... 2023-10-19: Resumed second part of the fifteenth meeting of the Conferen... 2023-10-19: Resumed second part of the tenth meeting of the Conference o... 2023-10-19: Resumed second part of the fourth meeting of the Conference ... 2023-10-15: Twenty-fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2023-10-13: Workshop on the recently completed assessments of the Interg... 2023-10-03: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indica... 2023-09-26: Information session on the resumed second part of the fiftee... 2023-09-25: Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization 2023-09-12: International Forum facilitated by the Forest Ecosystem Rest... 2023-09-05: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) regional capacity-buildin... 2023-09-05: Preparatory meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mo... 2023-08-14: Subregional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and... 2023-08-01: Intersessional workshop of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative ... 2023-07-11: First meeting of the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expe... 2023-07-11: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the New Programme of Work a... 2023-06-20: Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Imp... 2023-06-14: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical an... 2023-06-12: Development of a global partnership to support the achieveme... 2023-06-05: Sustainable Ocean Initiative Workshop on Ocean-related Capac... 2023-05-17: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) national workshop for Jam... 2023-05-15: Twelfth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bi... 2023-04-05: Eleventh meeting of the Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasi... 2023-03-14: International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Tec... 2022-12-15: High-level segment of the fifteenth meeting of the Conferenc... 2022-12-07: Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Co... 2022-12-07: Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2022-12-07: Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2022-12-03: Fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2022-12-01: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Partnership Meetin... 2022-11-24: Sustainable Ocean Initiative national capacity-building work... 2022-11-07: South, Southeast and Pacific Asia Training Course on Risk As... 2022-10-25: Third meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Glob... 2022-10-17: Western, Central and Eastern Asian Training Course on Risk A... 2022-09-26: Meeting of the Informal Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodi... 2022-09-19: Francophone Africa Training Course on Risk Assessment of Liv... 2022-06-29: Expert workshop on the monitoring framework for the post-202... 2022-06-21: Fourth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2... 2022-06-17: Workshop on options to enhance the planning, monitoring, rep... 2022-04-20: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Worksho... 2022-03-14: Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, ... 2022-03-14: Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2022-03-14: Third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2021-12-09: Online workshop with the financial sector: Aligning financia... 2021-11-23: Proposed headline indicators for access and benefit-sharing:... 2021-10-12: High-level segment of the fifteenth meeting of the Conferenc... 2021-10-10: COP 15 Bureau Meeting (PART1) 2021-10-10: COP 15 Bureau Meeting 2021-09-29: Virtual Intersessional Workshop for the Sustainable Ocean In... 2021-08-23: Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2021-08-02: Third Global Thematic Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples and Lo... 2021-07-27: Extended consultation and virtual discussion on the draft ou... 2021-06-17: The Financial Sector and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2021-05-03: Third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation - Onl... 2021-05-03: Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, ... 2021-03-29: Gender and Biodiversity Virtual Nexus Dialogue Series: (1) U... 2021-03-25: Gender Matters in Biodiversity Conservation: Launch of Regio... 2021-03-23: Stakeholder Open Webinar – Sustainable Agriculture, Food Sys... 2021-03-08: Informal session in preparation for SBI 3 2021-02-18: UNEA-5 Virtual Side-event: Strengthening Non-State Actor Com... 2021-02-17: Informal session in preparation for SBSTTA 24 2021-02-11: Policy Options for Access and Benefit-sharing and Digital Se... 2021-02-02: Briefing webinar 4 (part 2) on agenda items 7, 8, 9 and 10 :... 2021-01-28: Briefing webinar 4 ( part 1) on agenda items 4 , 5 and 6: 4.... 2021-01-26: Briefing webinar 3 on agenda item 3 on the Post-2020 Global ... 2021-01-21: Briefing webinar 2 on agenda item 9 on enhancing reporting ... 2021-01-19: Briefing webinar 1 on agenda item 5 relating to the Post-202... 2020-12-15: Special virtual session for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-03 on biodiver... 2020-12-02: Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum 2020 2020-12-01: Eleventh meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the B... 2020-12-01: Second Global Thematic Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples and L... 2020-11-16: Second extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Partie... 2020-11-16: First extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties... 2020-11-16: First extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties... 2020-09-15: Special virtual sessions for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3 2020-07-27: Thematic Consultation on the Sustainable Use of Biological D... 2020-07-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2020-04-21: Third meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya P... 2020-04-20: Fourteenth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Cartagena Pro... 2020-04-15: Seventeenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Ca... 2020-04-13: Western, Central and Eastern Asian Training Course on Risk A... 2020-03-30: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2020-03-17: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Informatio... 2020-03-09: Subregional Exchange for the Caribbean on the Restoration of... 2020-03-01: Thematic Consultation on Capacity-building and Technical and... 2020-02-24: Second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2... 2020-02-20: Thematic Consultation on Transparent Implementation, Monitor... 2020-02-03: Expert Workshop to Identify Options for Modifying the Descri... 2020-01-14: Thematic Workshop on Resource Mobilization for the Post-2020... 2019-12-10: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Socio-econom... 2019-12-09: Regional Training Workshop to Build Understanding and Capaci... 2019-12-02: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Invasive Alien Species 2019-12-02: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Access and... 2019-12-01: Thematic Workshop on Area-based Conservation Measures 2019-11-25: Twenty-third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2019-11-24: Informal briefing by the Co-Chairs on the post-2020 global b... 2019-11-23: Workshop on the Evidence Base for the Post-2020 Global Biodi... 2019-11-21: Expert Workshop on the Communications Strategy for 2020 2019-11-20: Eleventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on A... 2019-11-17: Global Thematic Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples and Local Co... 2019-11-13: Thematic Workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity for the... 2019-11-11: Advancing Ocean Action Towards Sustainable Development Goal ... 2019-11-06: Thematic Workshop on Ecosystem Restoration for the Post-2020... 2019-11-04: Regional Dialogue on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiver... 2019-10-29: Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Imp... 2019-10-22: Thirteenth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Cartagena Pro... 2019-10-14: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2019-09-30: Global Capacity-building Workshop on Monitoring the Utilizat... 2019-09-22: Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologica... 2019-09-16: Anglophone African Laboratory Training Workshop on Detection... 2019-08-27: First meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2019-08-25: Global Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodive... 2019-08-25: Global Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodive... 2019-08-01: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Ecologicall... 2019-06-17: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity-buildin... 2019-06-17: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2019-06-10: Consultation Workshop of Biodiversity-related Conventions on... 2019-06-04: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Bi... 2019-05-29: Sixteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cart... 2019-05-28: Subregional Exchange for the Pacific on the Restoration of F... 2019-05-14: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-05-05: First North American Dialogue on Biocultural Diversity 2019-04-16: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-04-14: Subregional Workshop on National Clearing-House Mechanisms f... 2019-04-11: Expert Workshop to Develop Recommendations for Possible Gend... 2019-04-08: Anglophone African Training Course on Risk Assessment of Liv... 2019-04-02: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-03-19: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-01-28: Regional Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodi... 2019-01-01: Preparations for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 2018-11-24: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2018-11-23: Using National Reporting to Improve NBSAP Implementation and... 2018-11-23: Sustainable Ocean Day 2018-11-17: Fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the C... 2018-11-17: Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2018-11-17: Third meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2018-11-14: High-level segment of the fourteenth meeting of Conference o... 2018-11-13: African Ministerial Summit on Biodiversity 2018-10-15: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-building Worksho... 2018-10-08: African Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements ... 2018-09-24: Central and Eastern European Training Course on Risk Assessm... 2018-09-21: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Western Europ... 2018-09-05: Twelfth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-Building fo... 2018-08-30: Sixth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Global Strategy fo... 2018-08-28: Conference of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation ... 2018-08-20: Latin American Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living ... 2018-07-31: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Subregional Capacity-buil... 2018-07-27: Asian Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements on... 2018-07-09: Second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2018-07-08: Seminar on transformational change for the biodiversity agen... 2018-07-05: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Communication,... 2018-07-02: Twenty-second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, ... 2018-06-30: Workshop on the outcomes of the sixth session of the Plenary... 2018-06-30: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Ecologically... 2018-06-20: International Expert Workshop on Mainstreaming Biodiversity ... 2018-05-21: Pacific Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements ... 2018-05-08: Fifteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cart... 2018-04-24: Second meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya ... 2018-04-16: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Strengthen... 2018-04-10: Second meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Glo... 2018-04-02: Regional Training Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbe... 2018-03-20: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity... 2018-03-05: Subregional Workshop for Arabic-speaking Countries on the Cl... 2018-03-05: Workshop on Detection and Identification of Living Modified ... 2018-02-26: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Central and ... 2018-02-19: African Regional Workshop on strengthening capacities for th... 2018-02-19: Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologica... 2018-02-13: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequ... 2018-02-06: Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Other Effectiv... 2018-02-06: Technical Expert Workshop on Other Effective Area-Based Cons... 2018-01-29: Regional Workshop for Asia on the Clearing-House Mechanism 2018-01-17: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity-Buildin... 2017-12-17: Meeting of the informal advisory group on synergies among bi... 2017-12-13: Tenth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2017-12-11: Twenty-first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2017-12-10: Workshop on spatial tools for the preparation of the sixth n... 2017-12-09: Workshop on the preparation of the sixth national report 2017-12-09: Global Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communitie... 2017-12-07: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2017-12-06: Expert Workshop on Invasive Alien Species in Preparation for... 2017-12-05: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Bi... 2017-12-05: Expert Workshop to Develop Options for Modifying the Descrip... 2017-11-28: Regional Expert Workshop to Develop Training Materials on Ge... 2017-11-27: Regional Dialogue and Learning Mission on Integrating Climat... 2017-11-27: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Latin America... 2017-11-20: Technical Workshop to Review the Voluntary Guidelines for th... 2017-11-14: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acce... 2017-11-07: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Africa 2017-11-06: Asian Subregional Workshop on Strengthening Capacities for t... 2017-10-23: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Biodiversity and Huma... 2017-10-16: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Asia and the ... 2017-10-11: Meeting of Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Edu... 2017-10-09: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Socio-economic Cons... 2017-10-02: Regional Dialogue and Learning Mission on Integrating Climat... 2017-10-02: Capacity-development workshop for Central, Eastern and South... 2017-09-25: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2017-09-18: Capacity-building workshop for Caribbean small island develo... 2017-06-28: First Meeting of the Informal Working Group for the Sustaina... 2017-05-16: Fourteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2017-04-24: Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologica... 2017-03-27: Workshop on developing capacity for national border controls... 2017-03-20: Asia-Pacific Workshop on the Detection and Identification of... 2017-03-20: Capacity-building workshop for the Mediterranean on the rest... 2017-02-20: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Worksho... 2016-12-11: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2016-12-10: Workshop on the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House 2016-12-10: Second Technical Workshop on Monitoring of Marine and Coasta... 2016-12-04: Thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the C... 2016-12-04: Eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2016-12-04: Second meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2016-12-03: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2016-12-02: High Level Segment of the thirteenth meeting of Conference o... 2016-11-23: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2016-11-16: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for Spanish... 2016-11-14: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for South A... 2016-11-10: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for East As... 2016-11-08: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for Francop... 2016-11-03: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for Angloph... 2016-10-31: Global Workshop on integrated implementation of the Cartage... 2016-10-31: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) / Pacific Ocean Alliance ... 2016-10-30: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2016-10-17: Workshop on developing capacity for national border controls... 2016-10-17: Regional Training Workshop for the Asian Region on Community... 2016-09-26: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue with Regi... 2016-09-06: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2016-08-22: Regional joint preparatory meeting for Latin America and the... 2016-08-15: Pacific subregional joint preparatory meeting for the sevent... 2016-08-15: GRULAC Workshop on the Detection and Identification of Livin... 2016-08-08: Africa regional joint preparatory meeting for the seventeent... 2016-08-08: Capacity-building workshop for small island developing State... 2016-08-01: Asia regional joint preparatory meeting for the seventeenth ... 2016-07-28: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Communication,... 2016-07-25: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Ma... 2016-07-18: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2016-07-11: Capacity-building workshop for Pacific on achieving Aichi Bi... 2016-06-27: Capacity-building workshop for selected subregions of Asia o... 2016-06-20: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acc... 2016-06-15: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacit... 2016-06-14: Capacity-building workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on... 2016-06-13: Regional workshop for the Pacific on the Clearing-House Mech... 2016-06-01: Workshop for Asia on updating National Biodiversity Strategi... 2016-05-23: Regional Training Workshop for the Latin American and Caribb... 2016-05-02: First meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2016-05-01: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2016-04-25: Twentieth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech... 2016-04-24: Technical Workshop on Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Biodi... 2016-04-11: Tenth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2016-04-06: First meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya P... 2016-04-04: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Western... 2016-04-04: Capacity-building workshop for Latin America on the restorat... 2016-03-21: Capacity-building workshop for Africa on achieving Aichi Bio... 2016-03-21: “Friends of the CBD” workshop on mechanisms to support revie... 2016-03-16: Second meeting of the informal working group for the develop... 2016-03-14: Eleventh Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building f... 2016-03-07: Central and Eastern European Workshop on the Detection and I... 2016-02-25: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2016-02-24: Thirteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2016-02-09: Africa Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mainstreaming ... 2016-02-08: Workshop on synergies among the biodiversity-related convent... 2016-02-01: Expert Group Meeting on Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol on... 2016-01-25: African Training Workshop on Community Protocols, Indicators... 2016-01-18: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity Development Work... 2015-12-14: Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for the Caribbean Region... 2015-12-13: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2015-12-07: Capacity-building workshop for South, Central and West Asia ... 2015-12-01: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-30: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-24: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-17: International Expert Workshop on Biodiversity Mainstreaming 2015-11-16: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2015-11-12: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-04: Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2015-11-04: Aichi Biodiversity Targets Task Force Meeting 2015-11-02: Nineteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2015-10-31: Expert workshop on the contribution of science to the work o... 2015-10-30: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2015-10-28: Roundtable discussion: Initiative of the Secretariat of the... 2015-10-28: Expert Meeting on alien species in wildlife trade, experienc... 2015-10-28: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acce... 2015-10-26: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reporti... 2015-10-13: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2015-10-05: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reporti... 2015-10-05: Capacity-building workshop for West Africa on ecosystem rest... 2015-09-29: Workshop on an Inter-sectoral Dialogue for Enhancing the Mai... 2015-09-28: Capacity-building Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbe... 2015-09-28: Technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches to climate ... 2015-09-28: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2015-09-21: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Bi... 2015-09-16: Subregional Capacity-Building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-09-15: Capacity-building Workshop for East Asia and Southeast Asia ... 2015-09-15: Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Imp... 2015-09-14: Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators for the Strategi... 2015-09-11: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2015-07-08: Fifth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Global Strategy fo... 2015-06-22: Eastern European Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financia... 2015-06-14: Expert Meeting on the Repatriation of Traditional Knowledge ... 2015-06-11: Dialogue Workshop on Assessment of Collective Action of Indi... 2015-06-09: Workshop of the Network of Laboratories for the Detection an... 2015-06-08: International Training Workshop on Community-based Monitorin... 2015-05-27: Pacific Central American Expert Workshop for Marine Conserva... 2015-05-18: Western African Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial... 2015-05-18: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on Resource Mobiliza... 2015-05-13: Twelfth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartag... 2015-05-05: International technical expert workshop on identifying, acce... 2015-04-20: Western African Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial... 2015-04-19: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2015-04-13: South American Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial ... 2015-03-22: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2015-03-16: Asian Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial Reporting 2015-03-09: Caribbean Sub-regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mainstr... 2015-03-02: Central American Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financia... 2015-02-23: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-building Worksho... 2015-02-16: Southern African Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financia... 2015-02-11: Inception Meeting of the Working Group for the development o... 2015-02-09: Asia Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Mainstreaming Bi... 2014-12-08: Latin America Sub-regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mai... 2014-12-02: Expert Workshop to Prepare Practical Guidance on Preventing ... 2014-12-01: Caribbean Sub-regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mainstr... 2014-11-16: West Asia and North Africa Sub-regional Capacity-Building Wo... 2014-10-16: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) High-level Meeting 2014-10-13: First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2014-10-12: Capacity-building workshop on the Access and Benefit-Sharing... 2014-10-06: Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conv... 2014-10-05: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2014-10-03: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Partnership Meetin... 2014-09-29: Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as ... 2014-09-26: Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) Training Workshop 2014-09-09: CBD Expert Workshop to Provide Consolidated Practical Guidan... 2014-08-29: Inter-regional capacity-building workshop on REDD+ and Aichi... 2014-08-26: Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for the Pacific Region o... 2014-08-25: Capacity-building workshop for Mesoamerica on ecosystem cons... 2014-08-18: International Workshop on Financing for Biodiversity 2014-07-14: Capacity-building workshop for Central, South and East Asia ... 2014-07-08: Workshop on synergies between REDD+ and Ecosystem conservati... 2014-06-23: Eighteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2014-06-22: SCBD Dialogue Forum on Integrating the perspectives of Indig... 2014-06-21: Workshop on the fourth edition of the Global Biodiversity Ou... 2014-06-16: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Revi... 2014-06-14: Capacity-building workshop for Small Island Developing State... 2014-06-13: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2014-06-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol o... 2014-06-06: Regional Workshop on Community-Based Monitoring and Informat... 2014-06-02: Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for Asia on Traditional ... 2014-06-02: Capacity-building workshop for Europe on ecosystem conservat... 2014-06-02: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2014-06-01: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2014-05-28: Eleventh meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Carta... 2014-05-26: Regional Workshop on Resource mobilization for Central and E... 2014-05-21: Regional Workshop for East, South and Southeast Asia on Sou... 2014-05-21: Regional Workshop for East/South/Southeast Asia on Cities an... 2014-05-21: Workshop on Biodiversity Corridors in the Guiana Shield to s... 2014-05-19: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2014-05-12: Capacity-building workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa o... 2014-05-06: Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop of the UN-Water Initiative “C... 2014-05-06: Regional workshop for resource mobilization for Asia and the... 2014-05-05: Regional workshop for African countries on the Clearing-Hous... 2014-05-05: Coordination Meeting of the Belgian Parnership for the Clear... 2014-04-28: Capacity-building workshop for Southeast Asia on ecosystem c... 2014-04-28: Capacity-building workshop for the Caribbean on ecosystem co... 2014-04-15: Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on Res... 2014-04-14: Third meeting of the second phase of the High-level Panel on... 2014-04-09: Second Dialogue Seminar on Scaling up Finance for Biodiversi... 2014-04-07: Mediterranean Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Descriptio... 2014-04-07: Tenth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2014-04-02: Ninth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2014-03-31: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2014-03-26: Regional Capacity-building Workshop for the African Region o... 2014-03-24: Regional Capacity-building Workshop for Latin America on Nag... 2014-03-24: North-west Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Desc... 2014-03-24: Capacity-building workshop for South America on ecosystem co... 2014-03-03: Arctic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ec... 2014-02-25: Expert Workshop on Underwater Noise and its Impacts on Marin... 2014-02-24: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intergovernmental Com... 2014-02-23: ABS Clearing-House Capacity-building Workshop 2014-02-17: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Socio-economic Cons... 2014-02-11: Regional Workshop on Resource Mobilization for Africa 2014-02-01: Capacity-building workshop for West Asia and North Africa on... 2014-01-20: Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia on ... 2013-12-16: Central and Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Mainstreamin... 2013-12-14: Regional Workshop for Middle East and North Africa on the Pr... 2013-12-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop for Latin America and Ca... 2013-12-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive Alie... 2013-12-09: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-building Worksho... 2013-12-04: Second Meeting of the Expert Group on Biodiversity for Pover... 2013-12-03: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2013-12-02: Regional Workshop for Latin America on the Preparation of th... 2013-12-02: Second meeting of the second phase of the High-level Panel o... 2013-11-25: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2013-11-25: Workshop of the Network of Laboratories for the Detection an... 2013-11-11: Global Workshop on Reviewing Progress and Building Capacity ... 2013-10-15: First meeting of the Steering Committee for the Global Invas... 2013-10-14: Seventeenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Te... 2013-10-12: Expert Workshop on enhancing biodiversity data and observing... 2013-10-07: Sixth Meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2013-10-07: Eighth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Art... 2013-10-02: Informal Advisory Committee to the pilot phase of the Access... 2013-10-02: Third Meeting of the Global Partnership for Business and Bio... 2013-09-17: Expert Meeting on Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol on Acces... 2013-09-16: Regional Workshop for the Caribbean Countries on the Prepara... 2013-09-16: Regional Workshop for the Caribbean Countries on the Clearin... 2013-08-20: LDC Expert Group (LEG) regional training workshop on adaptat... 2013-07-29: LDC Expert Group (LEG) regional training workshop on adaptat... 2013-07-22: Regional Workshop for the Pacific Countries on the Preparati... 2013-06-27: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-25: Atelier régional sur les indicateurs et l’intégration des ob... 2013-06-20: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-18: Second meeting of the Advisory Committee of Subnational Gove... 2013-06-17: International Conference on Global Implementation Programme ... 2013-06-17: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-13: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-03: Expert Meeting to Develop a Draft Strategic Framework for Ca... 2013-05-30: First meeting of the second phase of the High-level Panel on... 2013-05-29: Tenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2013-05-21: Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Committee of Cities of the Gl... 2013-05-20: Regional Workshop for South, East and Southeast Asia on the ... 2013-05-15: Mediterranean Biodiversity Network: from ecological urban pl... 2013-05-14: Sub-regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures fo... 2013-05-06: Regional Workshop for Latin America on Updating National Bio... 2013-05-06: Regional Workshop for Latin America on the Clearing-house M... 2013-04-17: Eighth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Bio... 2013-04-15: Deuxième atelier régional pour les pays moins avancés d’Afri... 2013-04-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol o... 2013-04-08: South-Eastern Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the D... 2013-04-02: Regional Workshop on the Inter-Linkages between Human Health... 2013-03-25: Asia-Pacific regional training workshop on public awareness,... 2013-03-24: Sub-regional Workshop for Anglophone Africa on the Integrati... 2013-03-19: Western Balkans Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as ... 2013-03-18: Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) regional traini... 2013-03-10: CBD-UNCCD Joint Workshop on the role of biodiversity in nati... 2013-03-04: Caribbean Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building for the... 2013-03-04: Global Taxonomy Initiative Capacity-building Workshop toward... 2013-03-04: Regional Workshop on Reflecting the Global Strategy for Plan... 2013-02-25: North Pacific Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Descriptio... 2013-02-11: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive A... 2013-02-08: Biodiversity Indicators Partnership – Steering Committee Mee... 2013-02-04: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Worksho... 2013-01-28: First Regional Workshop for African Least Developed Countrie... 2012-12-11: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol o... 2012-12-10: Biodiversity Indicators Partnership - Technical Partners Mee... 2012-11-29: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive A... 2012-11-28: The Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues... 2012-11-26: Information Sharing Event on the Nagoya Protocol on ABS 2012-11-15: Regional Workshop for Central America and the Caribbean on i... 2012-11-05: Africa Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Public Awarene... 2012-10-29: Capacity-building for Pilot Countries on the Implementation ... 2012-10-15: Cities for Life: Cities’ and Sub-national Governments’ Biodi... 2012-10-08: Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Con... 2012-10-07: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2012-10-06: First meeting of the GBO-4 Advisory Group 2012-10-01: Sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2012-09-28: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2012-09-17: Informal Dialogue on CBD Strategy for Resource Mobilization 2012-09-10: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central... 2012-09-05: Regional Workshop for Caribbean region on Updating National ... 2012-09-04: Regional Workshop on the Inter-Linkages between Human Health... 2012-08-27: Regional Workshop for the Middle East and North Africa on Up... 2012-08-27: Eastern Tropical and Temperate Pacific Regional Workshop to ... 2012-08-17: Regional Workshop for Indigenous and Local Community Trainer... 2012-08-13: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Indigenous and Loca... 2012-08-06: South America Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as pa... 2012-08-06: Regional Workshop for Pacific Region on Updating National Bi... 2012-08-02: High-level Panel on Global Assessment of Resources for imple... 2012-07-30: GTI Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasi... 2012-07-30: Southern Indian Ocean Regional Workshop to Facilitate the De... 2012-07-16: South Asia Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as part ... 2012-07-13: Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species 2012-07-09: Organizational workshop of the Global Invasive Alien Species... 2012-07-09: The Asia/Pacific Regional preparatory workshop for Indigenou... 2012-07-02: Second Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Co... 2012-06-30: Capacity-building Workshop on Access and Benefit-sharing 2012-06-20: Special Panel Session on the Economics of Sustainable Develo... 2012-06-09: African Regional Indigenous and Local Community preparatory ... 2012-06-04: Sub-Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Cen... 2012-06-04: Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk ... 2012-05-30: Ninth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2012-05-29: Sub-regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures fo... 2012-05-15: Regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures for So... 2012-05-14: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on the Second Assessme... 2012-05-12: Workshop on Financing Mechanisms for Biodiversity: Examining... 2012-05-12: Fourth Informal Meeting of the Expert Team on the GEF-6 Repl... 2012-05-09: Inter-Regional Workshop on Capacity Needs for the Implementa... 2012-05-07: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Rev... 2012-05-06: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2012-04-30: Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech... 2012-04-29: EBSA Briefing: organizing regional workshops to describe eco... 2012-04-29: Thirteenth Meeting of the Coordination Mechanism of the Glob... 2012-04-29: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2012-04-28: Informal Diversity Liaison Group Meeting 2012-04-24: Meeting of Subnational Governments in support of the Aichi B... 2012-04-19: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-17: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-16: Subregional Workshop for West Asia and North Africa on Capac... 2012-04-12: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-11: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-05: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2012-04-02: Joint Workshop on Linkages between Health and Biodiversity 2012-04-01: Subregional Workshop for the Caribbean on Capacity-building ... 2012-03-28: Seventh meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Bi... 2012-03-25: Fifth meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2012-03-24: Southeast Asia Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as p... 2012-03-22: Third meeting on the Implementation of the Plan of Action on... 2012-03-15: Ninth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2012-03-12: Eighth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organization... 2012-03-12: Global Workshop on National Experiences in implementing the ... 2012-03-12: Sub-Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on... 2012-03-12: Sub-Regional Workshop for Latin America on Capacity-building... 2012-03-06: Dialogue seminar on scaling up finance for biodiversity 2012-02-28: Expert Meeting on cooperative procedures and institutional m... 2012-02-28: Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop t... 2012-02-27: Regional Workshop for Africa on Updating National Biodiversi... 2012-02-21: Capacity-building Workshop for North Africa and the Middle E... 2012-02-16: SBSTTA Bureau Meeting 2012-02-13: Sub-regional Workshop for Southern Africa on the integration... 2012-02-13: Meeting of the Sub-working Groups of the Ad Hoc Technical Ex... 2012-01-30: Sub-Regional Workshop for Central, South and East Africa on ... 2012-01-17: Mediterranean Regional Workshop for Biodiversity Strategies ... 2012-01-05: Informal Expert Meeting on the Impacts of Climate-related Ge... 2011-12-15: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on the Nagoya... 2011-12-15: First Meeting of the Global Platform for Business and Biodiv... 2011-12-12: Anglophone Africa Training Course on Risk Assessment of Livi... 2011-12-12: Expert Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Dev... 2011-12-12: Sub-Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for South Asia on th... 2011-12-07: African Sub-Regional Workshop to strengthen capacity for the... 2011-12-07: Joint Expert Meeting on addressing biodiversity concerns in ... 2011-12-06: Second Regional Workshop for South, East, and South-East Asi... 2011-12-06: Sub-Regional Workshop for South, East, and South-East Asia o... 2011-12-05: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on Updating... 2011-11-28: Pacific Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building for the E... 2011-11-28: Regional Workshop for Mesoamerica on Updating National Biodi... 2011-11-28: Sub-Regional Workshop for Central Africa on Capacity Buildin... 2011-11-22: Western South Pacific Regional Workshop to Facilitate the De... 2011-11-21: Asia Sub-regional Training of Trainers' Workshop on the Iden... 2011-11-17: Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Su... 2011-11-14: Workshop on Capacity-building for research and information e... 2011-11-12: Regional Workshop for Group of Latin American Countries of t... 2011-11-07: Latin American Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living ... 2011-11-07: Fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech... 2011-11-05: Twelfth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global... 2011-11-05: Consortium of Scientific Partners Training Seminar on Streng... 2011-11-04: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2011-10-31: Seventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Ar... 2011-10-29: Capacity-building Workshop on Access and Benefit-sharing 2011-10-29: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2011-10-29: Meeting of the COP-MOP Bureau 2011-10-24: Sub-Regional Workshop for South and East Africa on Capacity ... 2011-10-19: Expert Meeting to Develop a Series of Joint Expert Review Pr... 2011-10-17: Regional Workshop for Central Asia on Updating National Biod... 2011-10-17: Regional Workshop for Caribbean countries on Updating Nation... 2011-10-11: Third Expert Workshop on the City Biodiversity Index (Singap... 2011-10-05: Eighth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartage... 2011-10-03: Regional Workshop for Pacific region on Updating National Bi... 2011-10-03: Sub-Regional Workshop for the Pacific on Capacity Building f... 2011-09-27: Eastern Africa Capacity-building Workshop on Information Use... 2011-09-26: Caribbean Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modif... 2011-09-20: African Regional Consultation and Capacity-building Workshop... 2011-08-02: Sustainable Ocean Initiative Programme Development Meeting a... 2011-07-25: First Expert Team Meeting on the GEF-6 Replenishment 2011-07-21: African Regional Workshop on the Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Suppl... 2011-07-14: Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting of Local-community Representativ... 2011-07-13: Regional Workshop on the updating and revision of National B... 2011-07-11: Workshop on the Amazon Regional Biodiversity Strategy 2011-07-09: Seventh Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in Sup... 2011-07-08: Liaison Group on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-07-07: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-07-05: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-07-05: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Consultation and Capaci... 2011-07-05: International Conference: A Global Partnership for Plant Co... 2011-06-30: A Capacity-Building Workshop on Updating and Revising Nation... 2011-06-29: Liaison Group Meeting on Climate-Related Geo-Engineering as ... 2011-06-27: Regional Workshop for Eastern Africa on Updating National Bi... 2011-06-23: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-06-21: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-06-20: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Indicators for the ... 2011-06-19: Regional Workshop for Central Africa on Updating National Bi... 2011-06-16: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-06-16: Central and Eastern European Regional Workshop on the Nagoya... 2011-06-07: Joint Meeting of the CBD Liaison Group on Bushmeat and the C... 2011-06-06: First Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Com... 2011-06-05: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau (SBSTTA-15) 2011-06-04: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2011-06-04: Capacity-building Workshop on Access and Benefit-sharing 2011-06-03: The eleventh meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the G... 2011-05-31: International meeting on Article 10 (Sustainable Use of Biol... 2011-05-30: Third meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk A... 2011-05-27: Roundtable on Financing Protected Areas in West Africa 2011-05-22: Regional Workshop for West Africa on Updating National Biodi... 2011-05-22: Sub-Regional Workshop for West Africa on Capacity-building f... 2011-05-18: Third Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Biodiver... 2011-05-09: Regional Workshop for East, South and Southeast Asia on Upda... 2011-05-05: Central America Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Financ... 2011-05-02: Regional Workshop for North Africa and the Middle East on Up... 2011-05-01: Sustaining Support for PoWPA - Planning Meeting 2011-04-29: South America Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance 2011-04-15: Regional Workshop for Europe on Updating National Biodiversi... 2011-04-11: Central and Eastern European Regional Training of Trainers' ... 2011-04-11: Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the ABS Cle... 2011-04-08: Asia Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in suppor... 2011-04-07: Eighth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for... 2011-04-04: Seventh Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizatio... 2011-03-30: Sixth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2011-03-25: Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance... 2011-03-16: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2011-03-15: Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation and Capacity-building Wor... 2011-03-14: Regional Workshop for Southern Africa on Updating National B... 2011-02-17: Central Africa Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance... 2011-02-16: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group meeting on addressing the risk... 2011-02-14: Second meeting of the inter-agency liaison group on invasive... 2011-02-13: Fourth meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodi... 2011-01-17: First meeting on the Implementation of the Plan of Action on... 2010-11-29: Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in Support of ... 2010-10-26: High-level forum on Biodiversity in Development Cooperation 2010-10-25: Meeting on Parliamentarians and Biodiversity 2010-10-24: City Biodiversity Summit 2010 2010-10-24: Tenth meeting of Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxon... 2010-10-23: Media Workshop during the tenth meeting of the Conference of... 2010-10-18: Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven... 2010-10-17: South-South Cooperation Forum on Biodiversity for Developmen... 2010-10-17: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2010-10-16: Resumed Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group... 2010-10-13: Interregional Negotiating Group (ING) of the Ad Hoc Open-end... 2010-10-11: Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2010-10-08: Joint CBD-Aarhus Convention Workshop 2010-10-08: Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) Training Workshop 2010-10-06: Fourth meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs ... 2010-09-23: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-09-20: Global Expert Workshop on Biodiversity Benefits of Reducing ... 2010-09-18: Interregional Negotiating Group (ING) of the Ad Hoc Open-end... 2010-09-12: Conférence panafricaine de haut niveau - Biodiversité et lut... 2010-09-08: Seventh meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartag... 2010-08-11: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-07-12: Asian Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified ... 2010-07-10: Resumed Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group... 2010-07-05: Pacific Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building and Excha... 2010-07-01: Second Expert Workshop on the development of the City Biodiv... 2010-06-30: Regional Workshop for Europe on the Fourth National Report 2010-06-17: First meeting of the inter-agency liaison group on invasive ... 2010-06-15: Third meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs o... 2010-06-15: Regional Workshop for Latin American and Caribbean Countries... 2010-06-08: International Conference on Biological and Cultural Diversit... 2010-06-07: Maintenir La Diversité De La Vie Sur Terre : Un Objectif Des... 2010-06-02: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-05-31: Regional Workshop for African Countries on the Fourth Nation... 2010-05-29: The Second Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Bio... 2010-05-24: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Revi... 2010-05-16: Ninth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global T... 2010-05-15: GTI Symposium: "Taking Stock of the Renaissance in Taxonomy:... 2010-05-10: Fourteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2010-04-19: Regional Workshop for Asia-Pacific Countries on the Fourth N... 2010-04-19: Second Meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk ... 2010-04-12: Regional Workshop for Asia and Horn of Africa on the Fourth ... 2010-04-06: Workshop for Indigenous and Local Communities in Latin Ameri... 2010-03-22: Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2010-03-16: Access and Benefit-sharing: Co-Chairs Informal Inter-regiona... 2010-03-04: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-03-04: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Africa 2010-02-15: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for the Pa... 2010-02-15: Third International Meeting of Academic Institutions and oth... 2010-02-11: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-09: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-09: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Centra... 2010-02-08: Second meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs ... 2010-02-04: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-04: Seventh Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building fo... 2010-02-04: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-02-02: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-01: Sixth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations... 2010-02-01: Capacity Development Workshop for North America on NBSAPs an... 2010-01-27: International Workshop on Innovative Financial Mechanisms 2010-01-26: Access and Benefit-sharing Friends of the Co-Chairs Meeting 2010-01-18: Informal Expert Workshop on the updating of the Strategic Pl... 2010-01-15: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Latin ... 2010-01-10: Regional Workshop for the Middle East and North Africa on th... 2010-01-06: Second Curitiba Meeting on Cities and Biodiversity 2009-12-15: Regional Workshop for East, South and Southeast Asia on Upda... 2009-12-11: Regional Consultation for Africa on the updating and revisio... 2009-12-08: Regional Workshop for Africa on Ways and Means to Promote th... 2009-12-07: Regional Workshop for the Caribbean and Central American Cou... 2009-12-05: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Asia 2009-12-02: UNU-IAS Access and Benefit-sharing Business and Science Dial... 2009-11-30: Third Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge Conferenc... 2009-11-30: Sub-Regional Capacity-building Workshop for Communication, E... 2009-11-27: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on the Revi... 2009-11-25: Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific on Ways and Means... 2009-11-23: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Training of Trainer... 2009-11-18: Expert Workshop on Scientific and Technical Aspects relevant... 2009-11-09: Eighth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc... 2009-11-08: Meeting of the COP-MOP Bureau 2009-11-06: SBSTTA Bureau Meeting 2009-11-04: Sixth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2009-11-02: Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on the... 2009-11-02: Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2009-11-01: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2009-10-29: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2009-10-29: First meeting of the Steering Committee for South-South Coop... 2009-10-19: Fifth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2009-10-15: Liaison Group Meeting on Bushmeat 2009-10-12: Sub-working Group on the Roadmap for Risk Assessment 2009-10-12: Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific on the Review of ... 2009-10-06: Expert Workshop on the Removal and Mitigation of Perverse, a... 2009-10-06: Regional Workshop for Africa on the Review of Implementation... 2009-10-04: Third meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2009-09-29: Expert Workshop on Scientific and Technical Guidance on the ... 2009-09-28: Regional Workshop on Ways and Means to Promote the Sustainab... 2009-09-14: Africa Regional Training of Trainers’ Workshop on the Identi... 2009-09-14: Promoting Biodiversity and Business Initiatives globally 2009-09-02: Sub-regional Capacity Building Workshop on Forest Biodiversi... 2009-07-20: Drafting Committee Meeting for the Report of the Second Ad H... 2009-07-08: South-South-Exchange Meeting on the Conservation and Sustain... 2009-07-06: Expert Workshop on the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators and Post... 2009-06-16: Group of Technical and Legal Experts on Traditional Knowledg... 2009-06-13: Capacity Development Workshop for Europe on NBSAPs and the M... 2009-06-01: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2009-05-26: Liaison Group Meeting of the Global Strategy for Plant Conse... 2009-05-18: Online Forum on Paragraph 3 of Article 18 regarding the need... 2009-05-13: Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development ... 2009-05-04: Workshop for Least Developed Countries on the Fourth Nationa... 2009-04-20: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2009-04-18: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodi... 2009-04-09: Seventh meeting of the Liaison Group of the Biodiversity-rel... 2009-04-02: Seventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Ac... 2009-03-30: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2009-03-12: Sixth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2009-03-09: Fifth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations... 2009-03-09: Capacity Development Workshop for Central Asia on NBSAPs and... 2009-02-23: First meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs C... 2009-02-17: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-02-10: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-02-10: Expert Workshop on the Development of the Singapore Index on... 2009-02-09: Capacity-building workshop for the Pacific region for implem... 2009-02-03: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-02-02: Capacity Development Workshop for the Pacific on NBSAPs, the... 2009-01-28: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-01-27: Group of Technical and Legal Experts on Compliance in the co... 2008-12-14: Capacity Development Workshop for the Arab states on Nationa... 2008-12-02: Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Concepts, Terms, Wor... 2008-12-02: Capacity-building workshop for the South, East and South Eas... 2008-11-28: Meeting of the COP-MOP Bureau 2008-11-26: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2008-11-26: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2008-11-19: Fifth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2008-11-17: Fourth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bio... 2008-11-17: First meeting of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on... 2008-11-12: Global Indigenous Peoples' consultation on potential impacts... 2008-11-06: Expert Meeting on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity fo... 2008-11-03: Workshop on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (C... 2008-11-03: Pacific Region Workshop on Indigenous Communities, Tourism a... 2008-11-03: Capacity-building Workshop for the Caribbean region for Nati... 2008-11-01: Expert Workshop on Integrating Protected Areas into wider La... 2008-10-21: Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Consortium of... 2008-09-29: Capacity-building Workshop for Western Africa, Comoros and D... 2008-09-23: Latin American Sub-Regional Workshop on Protected Areas 2008-09-22: Capacity-building Workshop for Central Africa on National Bi... 2008-05-25: Biodiversity Training Workshop for Journalists attending COP... 2008-05-25: Second Meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodi... 2008-05-25: Training Workshop - Consortium of the Scientific Partners on... 2008-05-25: Second meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodi... 2008-05-24: Open-ended Workshop of the Informal Advisory Committee (IAC)... 2008-05-24: First meeting of the Advisory Group for the preparation of t... 2008-05-19: Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven... 2008-05-18: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2008-05-17: Capacity building Workshop for Women on CBD processes in pre... 2008-05-17: African Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ninth meeting o... 2008-05-17: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting... 2008-05-17: Asia and the Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ni... 2008-05-12: Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2008-05-09: Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) Training Workshop 2008-05-07: Meeting of the Friends of the Co-Chairs of the fifth meeting... 2008-04-26: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-04-14: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-04-07: Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange... 2008-03-31: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-03-31: Workshop for Portuguese-Speaking Countries on Training and I... 2008-03-26: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-03-25: Opportunities and challenges of responses to climate change ... 2008-03-17: Priority Activity 10 of the Programme of Work on Communicati... 2008-03-12: Fifth meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc Working Group of Lega... 2008-02-18: Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2008-02-17: Workshop SBSTTA-13 2008-02-16: Third meeting of the Informal Consultations on the Developme... 2008-02-16: Workshop on the development of national/regional biodiversit... 2008-02-14: Fifth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2008-02-11: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Pro... 2008-02-11: Fourth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organization... 2008-02-10: Workshop WGPA-2 2008-02-04: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-01-28: Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Education and ... 2008-01-21: Sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on Access and ... 2008-01-20: Second meeting of the Informal Consultations on the Developm... 2008-01-18: Capacity-building Workshop and Briefing of African Delegates... 2008-01-16: Workshop on the Elaboration of a Gender Plan of Action for t... 2008-01-14: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-01-07: Workshop to strengthen national and regional capacities in t... 2007-12-10: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Workshop on Capacit... 2007-11-26: Central and Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Capacity-Bui... 2007-11-21: Fourth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Protoco... 2007-11-19: Arctic Region Workshop on Indigenous Communities, Tourism an... 2007-10-22: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Leg... 2007-10-15: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2007-10-13: Informal Consultations on the Development of the Strategy fo... 2007-10-08: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2007-10-05: Capacity-building Workshop and Briefing of African Delegates... 2007-10-04: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2007-10-02: Expert Workshop on ecological criteria and biogeographic cla... 2007-09-19: Indigenous and Local Communities Experts for the Internation... 2007-09-10: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Technology Transfer and Sci... 2007-08-23: African Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange ... 2007-08-13: Anglophone Africa sub-regional workshop on the review of, an... 2007-07-09: Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Rev... 2007-07-08: Capacity-building Workshop for National Focal Points 2007-07-07: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2007-07-02: Twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Techni... 2007-07-01: First Meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2007-07-01: Capacity-Building Workshop for SBSTTA-12 Participants 2007-05-28: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the Review of Implementatio... 2007-05-22: International Day for Biological Diversity 2007 2007-04-30: Advisory Committee for the Programme of Work on Article 8(j)... 2007-04-16: Second International Meeting of Academic Institutions and Or... 2007-04-02: South and West Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on the review of, ... 2007-03-26: Cities and Biodiversity: Achieving the 2010 Biodiversity Tar... 2007-03-19: Roundtable on the Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Cli... 2007-03-17: Informal Consultation on the Links between the Conservation ... 2007-03-05: Third meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Protocol 2007-03-01: Fourth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for... 2007-02-26: Third Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations... 2007-02-19: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Lega... 2007-01-22: Meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an Internationa... 2006-12-14: Joint Article 8(j) and Clearing-House Mechanism Capacity-Bui... 2006-12-12: African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use 2006-12-12: Workshop on the Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Pro... 2006-12-11: Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Education and ... 2006-12-05: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2006-11-23: Meeting of the Biosafety Clearing-House Informal Advisory Co... 2006-11-20: Meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonom... 2006-11-20: Regional Synergy Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbea... 2006-11-06: Brainstorming session on South-South cooperation 2006-10-23: Liaison Group Meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Conse... 2006-09-15: First meeting of the Heads of Agency Task Force to Support t... 2006-09-08: First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Consortium of... 2006-07-26: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2006-07-24: Brainstorming meeting of SBSTTA Chairs on ways and means to ... 2006-03-20: Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to ... 2006-03-19: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2006-03-19: Brainstorming meeting on Avian Flu 2006-03-17: Expert Workshop on Protected Areas 2006-03-13: Third meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2006-03-11: Biosafety-Clearing House training workshop for developing co... 2006-02-20: Second meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Lia... 2006-02-06: Second meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartage... 2006-01-30: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc... 2006-01-23: Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on Article 8(... 2006-01-20: Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety 2006-01-18: Second Coordination meeting for governments and organization... 2005-12-13: CBD Clearing-House Mechanism and EC Clearing-House Mechanism... 2005-11-28: Eleventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Techn... 2005-11-27: Expert Group on Technology Transfer and Scientific and Techn... 2005-11-27: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2005-11-26: Meeting of the Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on... 2005-11-23: Workshop on the Joint Global Work Plan on Terrestrial and Fr... 2005-11-21: Technical Workshop on the introduction of new information an... 2005-11-15: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment under the C... 2005-11-03: Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge 2005-10-12: Group of legal and technical experts on liability and redres... 2005-09-13: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Sustainabl... 2005-09-13: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Ch... 2005-09-05: Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on the Review of Implementat... 2005-08-10: Ecological Society of America Visit to SCBD 2005-07-25: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the review of implementatio... 2005-07-11: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Implementation of Integrate... 2005-07-11: Advisory Committee for the Programme of Work on Article 8(j)... 2005-06-27: Workshop on the Joint Work Programme on Marine and Coastal I... 2005-06-20: Meeting of donor agencies and other relevant organizations t... 2005-06-13: Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Protected Areas 2005-06-09: Pacific Regional Workshop on the Composite Report on Traditi... 2005-05-30: Workshop on Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assess... 2005-05-30: Central and Eastern European Regional Expert Workshop on Sus... 2005-05-30: Second meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2005-05-28: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2005-05-25: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Liab... 2005-05-22: International Day for Biological Diversity 2005 2005-05-21: African Regional Workshop on the Composite Report on Traditi... 2005-05-16: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Gaps and Inconsistencies in... 2005-05-14: Latin American Regional Workshop on the Composite Report on ... 2005-04-28: Asian Regional Meeting on the Composite Report on Traditiona... 2005-03-23: Consular Representatives Meeting 2005-03-16: Open-ended Technical Expert Group on Identification Requirem... 2005-03-14: Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafe... 2005-03-14: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the review of implementatio... 2005-03-12: Consultation on the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity... 2005-03-09: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on the Cleari... 2005-02-23: Technical Workshop on the development of regional Clearing-H... 2005-02-14: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2005-02-07: Tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2005-02-06: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2005-02-03: Asia and the Pacific Regional Workshop on the Clearing-House... 2005-01-27: Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety 2005-01-26: Coordination meeting for governments and organizations imple... 2005-01-24: Meeting of Experts to develop a Users' Manual on the CBD Gui... 2005-01-20: Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge 2004-12-13: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Island Biodiversity 2004-11-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Biosafety ... 2004-11-02: Informal Meeting on Interoperability of Information among th... 2004-11-01: Workshop on capacity-building and exchange of experiences as... 2004-10-25: Expert group on outcome-oriented targets for the Programmes ... 2004-10-19: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on indicators for assessing pr... 2004-10-18: Liaison Group meeting on indicators for assessing progress t... 2004-10-18: Technical Group of Experts on Liability and Redress under th... 2004-10-04: Coordination meeting for representatives of academic institu... 2004-09-13: Regional Workshop for Africa on Synergy among the Rio Conven... 2004-02-24: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2004-02-23: First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2004-02-22: Joint Meeting of the COP Bureau and the ICCP Bureau 2004-02-13: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2004-02-09: Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to... 2004-01-22: Latin American and Caribbean regional preparatory meeting fo... 2003-12-16: The Clearing-House Mechanism: exchange of experiences on its... 2003-12-08: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Worki... 2003-12-01: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc... 2003-11-24: Ad hoc technical expert group on the implementation of the p... 2003-11-15: Joint meeting of the COP Bureau and ICCP Bureau 2003-11-10: Second GTI Coordination Mechanism Meeting 2003-11-10: Ninth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2003-11-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2003-11-06: International Workshop on Protected Forest Areas 2003-10-27: Meeting of the Consultative Working Group of Experts on Comm... 2003-10-05: Expert meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2003-09-09: Convention on Biological Diversity Clearing-House Mechanism ... 2003-08-28: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2003-08-12: Joint Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on the Cl... 2003-07-07: Meeting on the further elaboration and guidelines for implem... 2003-07-01: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on mountain biodiversity 2003-06-10: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on protected areas 2003-06-03: Workshop on incentive measures for the conservation and sust... 2003-05-21: SCBD meeting "2010 - The Global Biodiversity Challenge" with... 2003-05-13: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on biological diversity and cl... 2003-05-06: Fourth workshop on sustainable use 2003-04-10: Liaison Group of technical experts on the Biosafety Clearing... 2003-03-31: Africa regional meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism 2003-03-17: Open-ended Inter-Sessional Meeting on the Multi-Year Program... 2003-03-15: Joint meeting of the COP Bureau and ICCP Bureau 2003-03-10: Eighth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technic... 2003-03-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2003-02-24: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Traditional Knowledge and C... 2003-02-19: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group meeting on the potential impac... 2003-02-10: Expert meeting on indicators of biological diversity includi... 2003-01-16: Scoping meeting of the Advisory Group for the second edition... 2002-12-18: Joint meeting of the COP Bureau and ICCP Bureau 2002-12-16: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2002-12-02: Workshop on Liability and Redress in the context of the Cart... 2002-12-02: Expert Meeting on methods and guidelines for the rapid asses... 2002-12-02: Open-ended expert workshop on capacity-building for access t... 2002-11-04: Liaison Group meeting on capacity-building for biosafety 2002-10-11: Liaison Group meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Conse... 2002-09-23: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Dry a... 2002-09-09: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biological Diversity and Cl... 2002-07-01: Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group on Mariculture 2002-05-20: Second Meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Marin... 2002-04-22: Third Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Car... 2002-04-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2002-04-07: Sixth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t... 2002-03-22: Informal consultation on the development of the Strategic Pl... 2002-03-19: Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa in preparation for t... 2002-03-18: Technical Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging a... 2002-03-18: Regional Preparatory Meeting for Latin America and the Carib... 2002-03-18: First Meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Dry an... 2002-03-18: Regional Preparatory Meeting for Asia and the Pacific in pre... 2002-03-13: Technical Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging a... 2002-03-04: Regional Meeting on the Pilot Phase of the Biosafety Clearin... 2002-02-19: Informal Meeting on Formats, Protocols and Standards for Imp... 2002-02-18: Third Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Div... 2002-02-18: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2002-02-11: Technical Expert Meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Co... 2002-02-05: Regional Meeting on the Pilot Phase of the Biosafety Clearin... 2002-02-04: Second Meeting on the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Inter-sessional Work... 2002-01-28: Workshop on Forests and Biological Diversity 2002-01-21: First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biolog... 2002-01-19: African Meeting on Capacity Building for the Biosafety Clear... 2002-01-19: African Meeting on capacity-building for the Biosafety Clear... 2002-01-09: Asian Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Div... 2001-11-26: Southern Africa Regional Training Workshop on the Commonweal... 2001-11-19: Open-ended intersessional meeting on the Strategic Plan, Nat... 2001-11-12: Seventh Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Techni... 2001-11-11: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2001-11-06: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau (By Teleconference) 2001-11-05: Third CBD/UNESCO Consultative Working Group of Experts on Bi... 2001-10-22: First meeting of the Ad-Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2001-10-22: Technical Expert Group on Marine and Coastal Protected Areas 2001-10-10: Workshop on Incentive Measures 2001-10-01: Second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Ca... 2001-09-28: Pan-European Workshop on Building the CHM Partnership: Facil... 2001-09-27: Liaison Group Meeting of Technical Experts on the Pilot Phas... 2001-09-26: Open-Ended Meeting of Experts on Compliance. Back to Back w... 2001-09-24: African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological D... 2001-09-07: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meeting on the Clearing... 2001-09-04: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting on the Biosafe... 2001-07-16: Workshop on Financing for Biodiversity (Co-organized with GE... 2001-07-11: Open-ended Meeting of Experts on Capacity-Building for the I... 2001-07-09: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2001-06-18: Workshop on Liability and Redress under the CBD 2001-06-13: Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identif... 2001-06-04: Workshop on Biological Diversity and Tourism 2001-05-28: Workshop on the Strategic Plan 2001-05-17: Global Strategy for Plant Conservation<br />Second Informal ... 2001-03-21: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2001-03-19: Liaison Group Meeting of Technical Experts on the Biosafety ... 2001-03-19: Panel of Experts on Access and Benefit-Sharing 2001-03-12: Sixth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2001-03-11: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2001-03-11: Informal Consultation on the proposed Global Strategy for Pl... 2001-02-26: Regional Meeting on Biosafety Clearing-House and the Clearin... 2001-01-24: Second Liaison Group on Agricultural Biological Diversity 2000-12-11: First Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Car... 2000-11-19: Second CBD/UNESCO Consultative Working Group of Experts on B... 2000-09-17: Liaison Group Meeting on Alien Invasive Species - Back to Ba... 2000-09-14: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2000-09-11: Meeting of Technical Experts on the Biosafety Clearing House 2000-07-11: First CBD/UNESCO Consultative Working Group of Experts on Bi... 2000-05-15: Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t... 2000-03-27: First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Inter-Sessional Worki... 2000-01-31: Fifth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2000-01-29: Organizational Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee fo... 2000-01-29: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2000-01-24: Resumed session of the first extraordinary meeting of the Co... 1999-10-11: Expert consultation on coral bleaching 1999-10-01: First Meeting of the Panel of Experts on Access to Genetic R... 1999-09-27: First Liaison Group Meeting on Drylands 1999-09-24: First Liaison Group Meeting on Indicators 1999-09-20: First Liaison Group on Agricultural Biological Diversity 1999-09-20: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 1999-09-15: First Liaison Group Meeting on Ecosystem Approach 1999-09-15: Informal Consultation on the process to resume the Extraordi... 1999-07-01: Informal Consultation on the process to resume the Extraordi... 1999-06-28: Intersessional Meeting on the Operations of the Convention 1999-06-21: Fourth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technic... 1999-06-20: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 1999-02-22: First Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties... 1999-02-14: Sixth Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1998-08-17: Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1998-07-20: Second International Expert Meeting on "Building the Clearin... 1998-05-04: Fourth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to... 1998-03-05: Fourth CHM regional workshop in Africa 1998-02-05: Fourth Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Gro... 1998-01-01: Meetings of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-... 1997-12-03: Third CHM regional workshop in Asia 1997-11-24: First Workshop on Traditional Knowledge and Biological Diver... 1997-10-27: Second CHM regional workshop in Central and Eastern Europe 1997-10-13: Third Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1997-10-13: First CHM regional workshop in Latin American and the Carib... 1997-09-01: Implementing the Clearing-House Mechanism: National, Regiona... 1997-09-01: Third Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 1997-06-25: First International Expert Meeting on "Building the Clearing... 1997-05-12: Second Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Gro... 1997-03-07: First meeting of experts on marine and coastal biological di... 1996-11-04: Third Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t... 1996-09-02: Second Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technic... 1996-07-22: First Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1995-11-06: Second Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to ... 1995-09-04: First Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 1994-11-28: First Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to ... 1994-06-20: Second Session of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Con... 1993-10-11: First Session of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Conv... 1992-05-20: Conference for the Adoption of the Convention on Biological ... 1992-05-11: Seventh Negotiating Session / Fifth Meeting of the Intergove... 1992-02-06: Sixth Negotiating Session / Fourth Meeting of the Intergover... 1991-11-25: Fifth Negotiating Session / Third Meeting of the Intergovern... 1991-09-23: Fourth Negotiating Session / Second Meeting of the Intergove... 1991-06-24: Third Negotiating Session / First Meeting of the Intergovern... 1991-06-24: Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Biolo... 1991-02-25: Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Biolo... 1990-11-19: First Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Techn... 1990-11-14: Sub-Working Group on Biotechnology 1990-07-09: Third Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Biol... 1990-02-19: Second Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Bio... 1990-01-01: List of Business Contacts 1990-01-01: List of CHM Contacts 1990-01-01: List of SCBD Staff 1988-11-16: First session of Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Biologic... Thematic Areas <Any> Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing Agricultural Biodiversity Arctic Biodiversity Bio-Bridge Initiative Biodiversity for Development Biofuels and Biodiversity Biosafety and Biotechnology Business and Biodiversity Capacity-building Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Chemicals and Pollution Cities and Biodiversity Clearing-House Mechanism Climate Change and Biodiversity Communication, Education and Public Awareness Conference of the Parties Convention on Biological Diversity Cooperation and Partnerships Digital sequence information on genetic resources Digital Strategy Dry and Sub-Humid Lands Biodiversity Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures Ecosystem Approach Ecosystem Restoration Endangered Species Exchange of Information Ex-Situ Conservation Financial Resources and Mechanism Forest Biodiversity Gender and Biodiversity Genetic Use Restriction Technologies Geo-engineering and Biodiversity Global Biodiversity Outlook Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Global Taxonomy Initiative Governance, Law and Policy Health and Biodiversity Identification, Monitoring and Indicators Impact Assessment Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity Inland Waters Biodiversity Intellectual Property Rights International Day for Biological Diversity International Year of Biodiversity - 2010 Invasive Alien Species Island Biodiversity Knowledge Management Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Liability and Redress Library and Documentation Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Migratory Species Mountain Biodiversity National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) National Reports New and emerging issues Operations of the Convention on Biological Diversity Parliamentarians and Biodiversity Polar Biodiversity Post-2020 framework Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation Research and Science Scientific and Technical Cooperation Scientific Assessment South-South Cooperation Strategic Plan / Biodiversity Targets Subsidiary Body on Implementation Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice Sustainable Development / Millenium Development Goals Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Sustainable Wildlife Management Synthetic Biology Technical and Scientific Cooperation Tourism and Biodiversity Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j) Transfer of Technology and Cooperation United Nations United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020 Youth and Biodiversity Language <Any> English Spanish French Arabic Chinese Russian Keyword 1 <Any> 2010 biodiversity target Aboriginal people ABS National Focal Point Access Access restrictions Access to genetic resources Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing Access to the sea Accessiblity/adaptability of information systems Accident prevention Accidental release of organisms Accreditation Action Plan Adaptable species Administration Advance informed agreement Afforestation Africa Agenda Agenda 21 Agricultural biodiversity Agricultural biotechnologies Agricultural biotechnology Agricultural development Agricultural ecology Agricultural economics Agricultural land Agricultural management Agricultural policies Agricultural practices Agricultural production Agricultural resources Agricultural resources Agriculture Agri-environmental payments Agroecosystems Agroforestry Agro-industry Agronomy Air pollutants Air pollution Albania Algae Algeria Alien species Alkali lands Amphibians Analysis of alternatives Animal behaviour Animal collections Animal genetic resources Animal genetics Animal husbandry Animal introduction Animal population Animal production Animal resources Animal resources Antarctic ecosystems Antarctic region Antarctic Treaty Antigua and Barbuda Antipollution incentives Appropriate technology Aquaculture Aquatic environment Aquatic mammals Aquatic microorganisms Arctic ecosystems Arctic region Argentina Arid land ecosystems Arid lands Arid lands Armenia Arthropods Articles Asia Assessment and monitoring Atmosphere Atmospheric processes Attribute based choice modelling Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bacteria Bahamas Ballast water Bamboos Banana Bangladesh Barbados Barriers/obstacles to technology transfer Basel Convention of the Control of Transboundary Movements of hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Baseline Baseline studies Belarus Belgium Belize Benefit sharing Benefits transfer Benefits transfer Benefit-sharing Benin Best practices Best practices Bhutan Bibliographic information Bibliography Bilateral conventions Biochemical engineering Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation Biodiversity hotspot Biodiversity information system Biodiversity levels Biodiversity specialist Biodiversity value Biodiversity-related conventions Bioethics Biological development Biological diversity Biological diversity Biological diversity and protected areas Biological indicators Biological resources Biological resources Biological resources Biology Bionics Biophysical changes Bioprospecting Bioregion Biosafety Biosafety Biosafety Clearing-House Biosafety Protocol Biosphere reserves Biosphere reserves Biotechnological issues Biotechnologies Biotechnology Biotopes Biotypes BirdLife International Birds Birds Black Sea Bolivia Boreal forests Botanical gardens Botany Botswana Brazil Breeders rights Budget Bulgaria Bureau Burkina Faso Burundi Business Business Business and Biodiversity Business case Business drivers Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Canadian Species at Risk Act Canopy Capacity and human resources for information systems Capacity building Capacity building Cape Verde Caribbean Caribbean Area Cartagena Protocol Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Case studies CBD Article 14 CBD Decision IV/10c CBD decision V/18 CBD decision VI/7 Central Africa Central African Republic Central America Central America Central Asia Central Europe Certificate Certification Chad Change in productivity Checklist method Chemical industry Chile China CHM National Focal Point Choice modeling Cities and biodiversity Civil Society Classification Clearing-House Mechanism Clearing-house mechanism Clearing-House Mechanism of the CBD Climate Climate change Climatic change Climatic issues Cloning Closure CMS Resolution 7.2 Coastal areas Coastal development Coastal ecosystems Coastal environments Coastal waters Cold zone ecosystems Collections Colombia Commercial research Commercial utilization of genetic resources Commercialization Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Communication channels Communication technology Community participation Community-to-community transfer Comoros Compensation Compensation for loss of use Competent National Authority (CNA) Compliance Components of biodiversity Conference of the Parties Congo Coniferous forests Conservation Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of plant genetic resources Conservation payments Conservation strategy Consumption patterns Contaminated land Contaminated soil Contingent ranking Contingent valuation Contingent valuation method Contracts Contribution of parties Convention Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on biological diversity Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (or CMS or Bonn convention) Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) Cook Islands Cooperation Coral bleaching Coral reef Coral reefs Corals Corporate social responsibility Costa Rica Cost-based approaches Cost-based valuation Cost-benefit analysis Cost-benefit analysis cost-effectiveness analysis Credential Croatia Crops Cuba Cultural heritage impact assessment Cultural impact assessment Cultural indicators Cumulative effects Cumulative Impact Assessment Customary law Cyprus Czech Republic Damage Dams Dams Danish Data collection Data processing Data recording techniques Decision Decision making Decision-making Decisions Definitions Deforestation Deforestation Democracy Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Derivatives Desertification Desertification Designation of origin Developed countries Developing countries Development agencies Development aid Development cooperation Development indicators Development laws against "unproductive" use Development patterns Development planning Development plans Development policies Development projects Diffusion of research Disaster prevention Disasters DIVERSITAS Djibouti Dominant species Dominica Dominican Republic Drinking water Drought control Dry and sub-humid lands Dry and sub-humid lands biodiversity Dry farming Drylands East Africa Eastern Africa Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Ecodevelopment Eco-labelling Eco-labelling and certification Ecological balance Ecological corridors Ecological impact assessment Ecology Ecology Economic assessment Economic development Economic indicators Economic management instruments Economic planning Economic policies Economic resources Economic sectors Economic valuation Economic valuation Economics, trade and incentive measures Ecosystem approach Ecosystem approach Ecosystem level Ecosystem management Ecosystem Services Ecosystems Ecotourism Ecuador Education Egypt EIA - Analysis (or assessment) EIA guideline EIA legislation EIA reporting EIA system El Salvador Electricity generation Electronic information network Endangered animal species Endangered animal species Endangered plant species Endangered plant species Endangered species Endangered species Energy Energy policy Energy resources Energy use Environment Environmental accidents Environmental accounting Environmental aspects of human settlements Environmental assessment Environmental auditing Environmental awareness Environmental awareness Environmental costs Environmental criteria Environmental degradation Environmental economic issues Environmental economics Environmental economics Environmental education Environmental education Environmental funds Environmental health hazards Environmental impact Environmental impact assessment Environmental impact assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Environmental incentives Environmental indicators Environmental law Environmental law Environmental legislation Environmental liability Environmental licensing Environmental management Environmental management indicators Environmental management plan Environmental monitoring Environmental planning Environmental planning Environmental policy Environmental production declaration Environmental protection Environmental quality indicators Environmental quality standards Environmental risk (or effect) assessment Environmental risk assessment Environmental statistics Environmental subsidies Environmental training Environmental valuation Environmental valuation Enzymes Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Erosion Espoo Convention - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in a Transboundary Context Estonia Estuarine conservation areas Estuarine ecosystems Ethics Ethiopia Ethnobotany Europe European Union directive 79/409/EEC European Union directives on environmental impact assessment European-Union directive 92/43/EEC Evaluation Exchange formats/standards/protocols Experimentation Expert Expressway Ex-situ conservation Extraction levies/pricing Fauna Fauna Feasibility studies Fellowships Fiji Financial assistance Financial institution Financial institutions Financial mechanism Financial resources Financial rules Financing Finland Fish Fish fish stocks Fisheries Fisheries Fisheries co-management mechanism Fisheries development Fisheries development Fisheries legal regime Fisheries management Fishery management Fishery policies Fishery production Fishery resources Fishes Fishing areas Fishing rights Flood plain Flora Flora Folklore Food Food chain Food contamination Food preservation Food resources Food safety Food science Food security Food technology Foreign direct investment Foreign trade Forest biodiversity Forest conservation Forest ecosystems Forest ecosystems Forest fires Forest fires Forest inventories Forest management Forest management Forest policy Forest products Forest protection Forest rehabilitation Forest reserves Forest resource assessment Forest resources Forest stands Forestation Forestry Forestry and land use Forestry development Forestry legislation Forestry policies Forestry production Forests Format Fossil fuels France Free trade Free trade Fresh water ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems Freshwater resources Funding Fungi Gabon Gambia Gap analysis Gas pipeline Gender and biodiversity Gender issues Gene banks Gene banks Gene flow Genes Genetic engineering Genetic level Genetic resources Genetic resources Genetic transformation Genetically modified crop Genetically modified organism Genetically Modified Organisms Genetics Genomes Geographic information systems Geographic information systems Geographic Information Systems Geographical distribution Geology Georgia Germ plasm Germany Germplasm Germplasm collections Germplasm conservation Ghana Global Global Biodiversity Outlook Global change Global conventions Global strategy for plant conservation Global taxonomy initiative Global warming Globalization Glossary Governance Government Grains Grass fires Grassland ecosystems Grassland ecosystems Gravel pits Greece Greenbelts Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases Grenada Guam (USA) Guatemala Guidance Guidelines Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Habitat destruction Haiti Handling Harbours Harmonization Hazardous substances Hazardous wastes Hazards of pollutants Health Health hazards Health impact assessment Health protection Health-related biotechnologies Heath lands Hedonic pricing Highland ecosystems Honduras Human diseases Human population Human rights Human-made disasters Hungary Hunting Hydroelectric power IAIA - International Association for Impact Assessment Iceland Identification Identification, monitoring and indicators Immunological diseases Impact assessment Impact evaluation Impact identification Impact prediction Implementation Implementation In situ conservation Incentive measure Incentive measures Incentive measures Incentives for private-sector actors Incentives for public research institutions India Indian Ocean Indicator Indicator animals Indicator plants Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and Local Communities Indigenous communities Indigenous forests Indigenous knowledge Indigenous organisms Indonesia Industrial products Industrial projects Informal Advisory Committee Information Information clearing-house Information exchange Information kit Information Management Information networks Information services Information technology Infrastructure provision Inland fisheries Inland waters Inland waters biodiversity Inland waters environment Innovation Innovative approach/type 2 partnerships Insect Insecta In-situ conservation Instrumental values Integrated assessment Intellectual property rights Intellectual Property Rights Interaction Matrix method Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Committee International agreement International agreements International cooperation International Day for Biological Diversity International environmental relations International exchange programmes International inland waters International law International Law Commission International organization International organizations International relations International standardization International trade International waters International Year of Biodiversity 2010 Interoperability of information systems Intrinsic values Introduced breeds Introduced varieties Invasive alien species Invasive alien species Invertebrates Invitation Involvement of indigenous and local communities Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ireland Irrigation Island ecosystems Israel Italy IUCN - World Conservation Union IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Jamaica Japan Joint Research Programmes Joint ventures Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Knowledge management Knowledge sharing Kyrgyzstan Lacustrine ecology Lake Tanganyika Lakes Land Land carrying capacity Land mammals Land planning Land pollution Land purchase Land reclamation Land restoration Land set-aside payments Land use Land use classification Land use planning Land varieties Land-based activities Landfill taxes Landscape level Land-use covenants and certification Latin America Latvia Law Law of the Sea Lebanon Legal liability Legal rights Legislation Lesotho Liability Liability and redress Liaison group Liberia Licences Liechtenstein Life-cycle assessment Linkages List of participants Lithuania Living marine resources Living modified organisms Local authorities Local communities Long-term effects of pollutants Long-term trends Loss of biodiversity Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Mammals Management Mangrove ecosystems Mangrove swamps Marginal lands Marine and coastal biodiversity Marine areas Marine biology Marine conservation areas Marine ecosystems Marine environment Marine monitoring Marine pollution Marine resources Marine resources conservation Marine sediments Market creation (organic production, tourism, ...) Marshall Islands Material Transfer Agreements Mauritania Mauritius Media Medical sciences Medicinal plants Mediterranean Sea Megadiverse countries Mekong River Memorandum of understanding Meta-analysis Meteorology Mexico Microbial resources Microbial resources Micronesia (Federated States of) Micro-organism communities Microorganisms Migration Migratory species Migratory species Millenium Development Goals Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Mining Mitigation measures Modes of cooperation on science, technology and innovation Molluscs Monaco Monetary benefits Mongolia MONITORING Monitoring Moral approaches Morocco Mountain biodiversity Mountain biodiversity Mountain ecosystems Mountain ecosystems Mountaineering Mozambique Multi-criteria analysis Multi-criteria approach Mutagens Mutants Mutated microorganisms release Mutually agreed terms (MATs) Myanmar Namibia National action plan National biodiversity strategy National biodiversity strategy and action plan National conservation policy National conservation programmes National Environmental Policy Act National focal point National implementation National legislation National parks National parks National plans National policies National report National research and technology strategies National reserves National strategy Natural habitats Natural Heritage Programs Natural resources Nature conservation Nature conservation Nature reserves Nepal Network (or flow diagram) method Networks/linkages of information systems New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue 'no net loss' principle Nomenclature Nomination Non-commercial research Non-economic value Non-governmental organization Non-governmental organizations Non-monetary benefits North Africa North America North Atlantic Ocean North Pacific Ocean Norway Notification and public consultation Nutrition Nutritive value of food Observer Ocean dumping Oceans OECD Oil extraction Oil sands Oil spills Oman Options for regional/international cooperation on information systems Organic farming Organization of work Organohalogen compounds Overlay mapping method Ozone depletion Ozone layer Packaging Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Parasites Park visitor fees Parks and reserves Participation in technological research Patent data/databases Patents Payments for ecosystem services Penalties for environmental damage Penalties/Sanctions Permafrost ecosystems Persistent organic pollutants Persistent organic pollutants Peru Pest control Pest management Pesticides Pests Pharmacology Phased approach assessment Philippines Plant Plant biotechnology Plant breeding Plant collections Plant genetic resources Plant genetics Plant population Plant production Plant protection Plant resources Plant species Plants Poaching Poland Polar ecosystems Policies Policy planning Pollination Pollinator Pollinators Pollutant analysis Pollutants Pollution Pollution control Pollution control Pollution taxes/levies Population density Population distribution Population dynamics Population ecology Population growth Portugal Post-Projet Environmental Audit Power plants Precautionary approach Precautionary principle Preliminary assessment Prevention Pricing policies of resources Primary data Primates Print media Prior informed consent Prior informed consent Prior informed consent (PIC) Priority access to results/benefits arising from technologies based upon genetic resources Private enterprises Private ownership Private property Private sector Private sector Product labelling productivity approach Programme of work Project evaluation Project management Proprietary Technology Protected areas Protected areas Protected forests Protected species Protected species Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources Protozoa Provenance Public awareness Public Awareness Public health Public parks Public participation Public relations Qatar Race relations RAMSAR Ramsar - Resolution VII/16 Ramsar - Resolution VII/8 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/14 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/9 Ratification Reafforestation Reclamation Recombinant DNA technology Recommendation Recovery strategy and action plan Red-listing process Redress Reforestation Regional cooperation Regional plan Registration Regulations Regulatory control Rehabilitation Replacement costs Report Reporting Reproductive manipulation Reptiles Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Research Research and development Research institutions Research institutions Research networks Research policies Research projects Residual environmental effects Resilience Resource conservation Resource depletion Resource management Resources management Restoration Restoration Revealed preference approach Revegetation Revenue sharing with communities Review of environmental assessment Right of access Rio Declaration Risk Risk assessment Rivers Road Role of intellectual property rights / options to increase synergy and overcome barriers Romania Rules of procedure Russian Federation Rwanda Sacred site Sacred site Saint Lucia Samoa Samoa (US) Sampling techniques Sand dune fixation Sand dunes Sand extraction Saudi Arabia SBSTTA Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific certainty Scientific community Scoping Screening SEA legislation Sea level rise Secondary data Secretariat Sedimentation Seeds Selective breeding of animals Selective breeding of plants Semi-arid land ecosystems Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Settlement of disputes Seychelles Shell Mining Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Small islands Social Change Processes Social impact assessments Social indicators Social policies Socioeconomic development Socio-economic factors Socio-economic impact of biotechnologies Socio-economic impacts Soil capabilities Soil conservation Soil contamination Soil degradation Soil degradation Soil erosion Soil improvement Soil salination Soils Solomon Islands South Africa South America South Pacific Ocean Southeast Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Spain Spatial plan Species Species level Species management plan Speech Sri Lanka Stakeholder involvement Stakeholders Stakeholders Standards State of the environment Stated preference approach Statement Status Steel industry Stock assessment Strategic environmental assessment Strategic plan Strengthening of decision-making skills Strengthening property rights (land tenure, ...) Submission Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice Subsidy reform Subterranean water Sub-tropical ecosystems Sudan Support payment Suriname Sustainability Sustainable development Sustainable development indicators Sustainable use Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tax exemptions Taxa Taxonomy Technical aid Technical and scientific cooperation Technical information Technological changes Technologies based upon genetic resources Technologies for conservation and sustainable use Technology Technology adaptation Technology diffusion Technology in the public domain Technology transfer Technology transfer Technology transfer offices Technology transfer programme Temperate ecosystems Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems Temperate forests Temperate woodlands Teratogens Terms of reference Terms of reference Terrestrial biological resources Terrestrial ecosystems Thailand The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The Netherlands Threat Threatened ecosystem threatened ecosystem Threatened ecosystems Threatened habitats Threatened species Togo Tonga Tourism Tourism and biodiversity Tourism facilities Toxic substances Toxicity Toxicity of pesticides Trace materials Tradable permits/use rights Trade Trade agreements Trade assessment Trade barriers Trade impact on environment Trade policies Traditional cultural practices Traditional farming Traditional health care Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices Traditional lifestyles Traditional medicines Traditional technologies Traditional technology Training Training Training programmes Transboundary movement of living modified organism Transboundary pollution Transfer agreements Transfer of technology Transport Transport of hazardous materials Transport sector Travel Travel cost valuation Trees Trends Trinidad and Tobago TRIPS Tropical ecosystems Tropical forest ecosystems Tropical forests Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC United Kingdom United Nations United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Urban areas Urban renewal Uruguay Use / hunting permits / licensing Utilization of pesticides Uzbekistan Valued ecosystem components Vanuatu Varieties Vegetation Vegetation Venezuela Viet Nam Virology Viruses Voluntary approaches Vulnerable ecosystem Wastes Water erosion Water erosion Water management Water quality Water resources Water resources conservation Water resources development Waterfowl Waterfowl Waterlogged lands Watershed management Waterside development Weather Weather hazards Weeds West Africa Western Asia Western Europe Wetland Wetland management Wetlands assessment Wetlands conservation Wetlands ecosystems Wetlands ecosystems Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife conservation Wildlife habitats Wildlife population statistics Wildlife trade Wood products Woodland ecosystems Working group Workshops World Heritage Convention Yeasts Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Zoning Zoological gardens Zoology Country <Any> Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia European Union Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands (Kingdom of the) New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka State of Palestine Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Keyword 2 <Any> 2010 biodiversity target Aboriginal people ABS National Focal Point Access Access restrictions Access to genetic resources Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing Access to the sea Accessiblity/adaptability of information systems Accident prevention Accidental release of organisms Accreditation Action Plan Adaptable species Administration Advance informed agreement Afforestation Africa Agenda Agenda 21 Agricultural biodiversity Agricultural biotechnologies Agricultural biotechnology Agricultural development Agricultural ecology Agricultural economics Agricultural land Agricultural management Agricultural policies Agricultural practices Agricultural production Agricultural resources Agricultural resources Agriculture Agri-environmental payments Agroecosystems Agroforestry Agro-industry Agronomy Air pollutants Air pollution Albania Algae Algeria Alien species Alkali lands Amphibians Analysis of alternatives Animal behaviour Animal collections Animal genetic resources Animal genetics Animal husbandry Animal introduction Animal population Animal production Animal resources Animal resources Antarctic ecosystems Antarctic region Antarctic Treaty Antigua and Barbuda Antipollution incentives Appropriate technology Aquaculture Aquatic environment Aquatic mammals Aquatic microorganisms Arctic ecosystems Arctic region Argentina Arid land ecosystems Arid lands Arid lands Armenia Arthropods Articles Asia Assessment and monitoring Atmosphere Atmospheric processes Attribute based choice modelling Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bacteria Bahamas Ballast water Bamboos Banana Bangladesh Barbados Barriers/obstacles to technology transfer Basel Convention of the Control of Transboundary Movements of hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Baseline Baseline studies Belarus Belgium Belize Benefit sharing Benefits transfer Benefits transfer Benefit-sharing Benin Best practices Best practices Bhutan Bibliographic information Bibliography Bilateral conventions Biochemical engineering Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation Biodiversity hotspot Biodiversity information system Biodiversity levels Biodiversity specialist Biodiversity value Biodiversity-related conventions Bioethics Biological development Biological diversity Biological diversity Biological diversity and protected areas Biological indicators Biological resources Biological resources Biological resources Biology Bionics Biophysical changes Bioprospecting Bioregion Biosafety Biosafety Biosafety Clearing-House Biosafety Protocol Biosphere reserves Biosphere reserves Biotechnological issues Biotechnologies Biotechnology Biotopes Biotypes BirdLife International Birds Birds Black Sea Bolivia Boreal forests Botanical gardens Botany Botswana Brazil Breeders rights Budget Bulgaria Bureau Burkina Faso Burundi Business Business Business and Biodiversity Business case Business drivers Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Canadian Species at Risk Act Canopy Capacity and human resources for information systems Capacity building Capacity building Cape Verde Caribbean Caribbean Area Cartagena Protocol Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Case studies CBD Article 14 CBD Decision IV/10c CBD decision V/18 CBD decision VI/7 Central Africa Central African Republic Central America Central America Central Asia Central Europe Certificate Certification Chad Change in productivity Checklist method Chemical industry Chile China CHM National Focal Point Choice modeling Cities and biodiversity Civil Society Classification Clearing-House Mechanism Clearing-house mechanism Clearing-House Mechanism of the CBD Climate Climate change Climatic change Climatic issues Cloning Closure CMS Resolution 7.2 Coastal areas Coastal development Coastal ecosystems Coastal environments Coastal waters Cold zone ecosystems Collections Colombia Commercial research Commercial utilization of genetic resources Commercialization Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Communication channels Communication technology Community participation Community-to-community transfer Comoros Compensation Compensation for loss of use Competent National Authority (CNA) Compliance Components of biodiversity Conference of the Parties Congo Coniferous forests Conservation Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of plant genetic resources Conservation payments Conservation strategy Consumption patterns Contaminated land Contaminated soil Contingent ranking Contingent valuation Contingent valuation method Contracts Contribution of parties Convention Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on biological diversity Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (or CMS or Bonn convention) Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) Cook Islands Cooperation Coral bleaching Coral reef Coral reefs Corals Corporate social responsibility Costa Rica Cost-based approaches Cost-based valuation Cost-benefit analysis Cost-benefit analysis cost-effectiveness analysis Credential Croatia Crops Cuba Cultural heritage impact assessment Cultural impact assessment Cultural indicators Cumulative effects Cumulative Impact Assessment Customary law Cyprus Czech Republic Damage Dams Dams Danish Data collection Data processing Data recording techniques Decision Decision making Decision-making Decisions Definitions Deforestation Deforestation Democracy Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Derivatives Desertification Desertification Designation of origin Developed countries Developing countries Development agencies Development aid Development cooperation Development indicators Development laws against "unproductive" use Development patterns Development planning Development plans Development policies Development projects Diffusion of research Disaster prevention Disasters DIVERSITAS Djibouti Dominant species Dominica Dominican Republic Drinking water Drought control Dry and sub-humid lands Dry and sub-humid lands biodiversity Dry farming Drylands East Africa Eastern Africa Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Ecodevelopment Eco-labelling Eco-labelling and certification Ecological balance Ecological corridors Ecological impact assessment Ecology Ecology Economic assessment Economic development Economic indicators Economic management instruments Economic planning Economic policies Economic resources Economic sectors Economic valuation Economic valuation Economics, trade and incentive measures Ecosystem approach Ecosystem approach Ecosystem level Ecosystem management Ecosystem Services Ecosystems Ecotourism Ecuador Education Egypt EIA - Analysis (or assessment) EIA guideline EIA legislation EIA reporting EIA system El Salvador Electricity generation Electronic information network Endangered animal species Endangered animal species Endangered plant species Endangered plant species Endangered species Endangered species Energy Energy policy Energy resources Energy use Environment Environmental accidents Environmental accounting Environmental aspects of human settlements Environmental assessment Environmental auditing Environmental awareness Environmental awareness Environmental costs Environmental criteria Environmental degradation Environmental economic issues Environmental economics Environmental economics Environmental education Environmental education Environmental funds Environmental health hazards Environmental impact Environmental impact assessment Environmental impact assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Environmental incentives Environmental indicators Environmental law Environmental law Environmental legislation Environmental liability Environmental licensing Environmental management Environmental management indicators Environmental management plan Environmental monitoring Environmental planning Environmental planning Environmental policy Environmental production declaration Environmental protection Environmental quality indicators Environmental quality standards Environmental risk (or effect) assessment Environmental risk assessment Environmental statistics Environmental subsidies Environmental training Environmental valuation Environmental valuation Enzymes Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Erosion Espoo Convention - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in a Transboundary Context Estonia Estuarine conservation areas Estuarine ecosystems Ethics Ethiopia Ethnobotany Europe European Union directive 79/409/EEC European Union directives on environmental impact assessment European-Union directive 92/43/EEC Evaluation Exchange formats/standards/protocols Experimentation Expert Expressway Ex-situ conservation Extraction levies/pricing Fauna Fauna Feasibility studies Fellowships Fiji Financial assistance Financial institution Financial institutions Financial mechanism Financial resources Financial rules Financing Finland Fish Fish fish stocks Fisheries Fisheries Fisheries co-management mechanism Fisheries development Fisheries development Fisheries legal regime Fisheries management Fishery management Fishery policies Fishery production Fishery resources Fishes Fishing areas Fishing rights Flood plain Flora Flora Folklore Food Food chain Food contamination Food preservation Food resources Food safety Food science Food security Food technology Foreign direct investment Foreign trade Forest biodiversity Forest conservation Forest ecosystems Forest ecosystems Forest fires Forest fires Forest inventories Forest management Forest management Forest policy Forest products Forest protection Forest rehabilitation Forest reserves Forest resource assessment Forest resources Forest stands Forestation Forestry Forestry and land use Forestry development Forestry legislation Forestry policies Forestry production Forests Format Fossil fuels France Free trade Free trade Fresh water ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems Freshwater resources Funding Fungi Gabon Gambia Gap analysis Gas pipeline Gender and biodiversity Gender issues Gene banks Gene banks Gene flow Genes Genetic engineering Genetic level Genetic resources Genetic resources Genetic transformation Genetically modified crop Genetically modified organism Genetically Modified Organisms Genetics Genomes Geographic information systems Geographic information systems Geographic Information Systems Geographical distribution Geology Georgia Germ plasm Germany Germplasm Germplasm collections Germplasm conservation Ghana Global Global Biodiversity Outlook Global change Global conventions Global strategy for plant conservation Global taxonomy initiative Global warming Globalization Glossary Governance Government Grains Grass fires Grassland ecosystems Grassland ecosystems Gravel pits Greece Greenbelts Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases Grenada Guam (USA) Guatemala Guidance Guidelines Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Habitat destruction Haiti Handling Harbours Harmonization Hazardous substances Hazardous wastes Hazards of pollutants Health Health hazards Health impact assessment Health protection Health-related biotechnologies Heath lands Hedonic pricing Highland ecosystems Honduras Human diseases Human population Human rights Human-made disasters Hungary Hunting Hydroelectric power IAIA - International Association for Impact Assessment Iceland Identification Identification, monitoring and indicators Immunological diseases Impact assessment Impact evaluation Impact identification Impact prediction Implementation Implementation In situ conservation Incentive measure Incentive measures Incentive measures Incentives for private-sector actors Incentives for public research institutions India Indian Ocean Indicator Indicator animals Indicator plants Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and Local Communities Indigenous communities Indigenous forests Indigenous knowledge Indigenous organisms Indonesia Industrial products Industrial projects Informal Advisory Committee Information Information clearing-house Information exchange Information kit Information Management Information networks Information services Information technology Infrastructure provision Inland fisheries Inland waters Inland waters biodiversity Inland waters environment Innovation Innovative approach/type 2 partnerships Insect Insecta In-situ conservation Instrumental values Integrated assessment Intellectual property rights Intellectual Property Rights Interaction Matrix method Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Committee International agreement International agreements International cooperation International Day for Biological Diversity International environmental relations International exchange programmes International inland waters International law International Law Commission International organization International organizations International relations International standardization International trade International waters International Year of Biodiversity 2010 Interoperability of information systems Intrinsic values Introduced breeds Introduced varieties Invasive alien species Invasive alien species Invertebrates Invitation Involvement of indigenous and local communities Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ireland Irrigation Island ecosystems Israel Italy IUCN - World Conservation Union IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Jamaica Japan Joint Research Programmes Joint ventures Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Knowledge management Knowledge sharing Kyrgyzstan Lacustrine ecology Lake Tanganyika Lakes Land Land carrying capacity Land mammals Land planning Land pollution Land purchase Land reclamation Land restoration Land set-aside payments Land use Land use classification Land use planning Land varieties Land-based activities Landfill taxes Landscape level Land-use covenants and certification Latin America Latvia Law Law of the Sea Lebanon Legal liability Legal rights Legislation Lesotho Liability Liability and redress Liaison group Liberia Licences Liechtenstein Life-cycle assessment Linkages List of participants Lithuania Living marine resources Living modified organisms Local authorities Local communities Long-term effects of pollutants Long-term trends Loss of biodiversity Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Mammals Management Mangrove ecosystems Mangrove swamps Marginal lands Marine and coastal biodiversity Marine areas Marine biology Marine conservation areas Marine ecosystems Marine environment Marine monitoring Marine pollution Marine resources Marine resources conservation Marine sediments Market creation (organic production, tourism, ...) Marshall Islands Material Transfer Agreements Mauritania Mauritius Media Medical sciences Medicinal plants Mediterranean Sea Megadiverse countries Mekong River Memorandum of understanding Meta-analysis Meteorology Mexico Microbial resources Microbial resources Micronesia (Federated States of) Micro-organism communities Microorganisms Migration Migratory species Migratory species Millenium Development Goals Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Mining Mitigation measures Modes of cooperation on science, technology and innovation Molluscs Monaco Monetary benefits Mongolia MONITORING Monitoring Moral approaches Morocco Mountain biodiversity Mountain biodiversity Mountain ecosystems Mountain ecosystems Mountaineering Mozambique Multi-criteria analysis Multi-criteria approach Mutagens Mutants Mutated microorganisms release Mutually agreed terms (MATs) Myanmar Namibia National action plan National biodiversity strategy National biodiversity strategy and action plan National conservation policy National conservation programmes National Environmental Policy Act National focal point National implementation National legislation National parks National parks National plans National policies National report National research and technology strategies National reserves National strategy Natural habitats Natural Heritage Programs Natural resources Nature conservation Nature conservation Nature reserves Nepal Network (or flow diagram) method Networks/linkages of information systems New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue 'no net loss' principle Nomenclature Nomination Non-commercial research Non-economic value Non-governmental organization Non-governmental organizations Non-monetary benefits North Africa North America North Atlantic Ocean North Pacific Ocean Norway Notification and public consultation Nutrition Nutritive value of food Observer Ocean dumping Oceans OECD Oil extraction Oil sands Oil spills Oman Options for regional/international cooperation on information systems Organic farming Organization of work Organohalogen compounds Overlay mapping method Ozone depletion Ozone layer Packaging Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Parasites Park visitor fees Parks and reserves Participation in technological research Patent data/databases Patents Payments for ecosystem services Penalties for environmental damage Penalties/Sanctions Permafrost ecosystems Persistent organic pollutants Persistent organic pollutants Peru Pest control Pest management Pesticides Pests Pharmacology Phased approach assessment Philippines Plant Plant biotechnology Plant breeding Plant collections Plant genetic resources Plant genetics Plant population Plant production Plant protection Plant resources Plant species Plants Poaching Poland Polar ecosystems Policies Policy planning Pollination Pollinator Pollinators Pollutant analysis Pollutants Pollution Pollution control Pollution control Pollution taxes/levies Population density Population distribution Population dynamics Population ecology Population growth Portugal Post-Projet Environmental Audit Power plants Precautionary approach Precautionary principle Preliminary assessment Prevention Pricing policies of resources Primary data Primates Print media Prior informed consent Prior informed consent Prior informed consent (PIC) Priority access to results/benefits arising from technologies based upon genetic resources Private enterprises Private ownership Private property Private sector Private sector Product labelling productivity approach Programme of work Project evaluation Project management Proprietary Technology Protected areas Protected areas Protected forests Protected species Protected species Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources Protozoa Provenance Public awareness Public Awareness Public health Public parks Public participation Public relations Qatar Race relations RAMSAR Ramsar - Resolution VII/16 Ramsar - Resolution VII/8 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/14 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/9 Ratification Reafforestation Reclamation Recombinant DNA technology Recommendation Recovery strategy and action plan Red-listing process Redress Reforestation Regional cooperation Regional plan Registration Regulations Regulatory control Rehabilitation Replacement costs Report Reporting Reproductive manipulation Reptiles Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Research Research and development Research institutions Research institutions Research networks Research policies Research projects Residual environmental effects Resilience Resource conservation Resource depletion Resource management Resources management Restoration Restoration Revealed preference approach Revegetation Revenue sharing with communities Review of environmental assessment Right of access Rio Declaration Risk Risk assessment Rivers Road Role of intellectual property rights / options to increase synergy and overcome barriers Romania Rules of procedure Russian Federation Rwanda Sacred site Sacred site Saint Lucia Samoa Samoa (US) Sampling techniques Sand dune fixation Sand dunes Sand extraction Saudi Arabia SBSTTA Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific certainty Scientific community Scoping Screening SEA legislation Sea level rise Secondary data Secretariat Sedimentation Seeds Selective breeding of animals Selective breeding of plants Semi-arid land ecosystems Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Settlement of disputes Seychelles Shell Mining Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Small islands Social Change Processes Social impact assessments Social indicators Social policies Socioeconomic development Socio-economic factors Socio-economic impact of biotechnologies Socio-economic impacts Soil capabilities Soil conservation Soil contamination Soil degradation Soil degradation Soil erosion Soil improvement Soil salination Soils Solomon Islands South Africa South America South Pacific Ocean Southeast Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Spain Spatial plan Species Species level Species management plan Speech Sri Lanka Stakeholder involvement Stakeholders Stakeholders Standards State of the environment Stated preference approach Statement Status Steel industry Stock assessment Strategic environmental assessment Strategic plan Strengthening of decision-making skills Strengthening property rights (land tenure, ...) Submission Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice Subsidy reform Subterranean water Sub-tropical ecosystems Sudan Support payment Suriname Sustainability Sustainable development Sustainable development indicators Sustainable use Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tax exemptions Taxa Taxonomy Technical aid Technical and scientific cooperation Technical information Technological changes Technologies based upon genetic resources Technologies for conservation and sustainable use Technology Technology adaptation Technology diffusion Technology in the public domain Technology transfer Technology transfer Technology transfer offices Technology transfer programme Temperate ecosystems Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems Temperate forests Temperate woodlands Teratogens Terms of reference Terms of reference Terrestrial biological resources Terrestrial ecosystems Thailand The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The Netherlands Threat Threatened ecosystem threatened ecosystem Threatened ecosystems Threatened habitats Threatened species Togo Tonga Tourism Tourism and biodiversity Tourism facilities Toxic substances Toxicity Toxicity of pesticides Trace materials Tradable permits/use rights Trade Trade agreements Trade assessment Trade barriers Trade impact on environment Trade policies Traditional cultural practices Traditional farming Traditional health care Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices Traditional lifestyles Traditional medicines Traditional technologies Traditional technology Training Training Training programmes Transboundary movement of living modified organism Transboundary pollution Transfer agreements Transfer of technology Transport Transport of hazardous materials Transport sector Travel Travel cost valuation Trees Trends Trinidad and Tobago TRIPS Tropical ecosystems Tropical forest ecosystems Tropical forests Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC United Kingdom United Nations United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Urban areas Urban renewal Uruguay Use / hunting permits / licensing Utilization of pesticides Uzbekistan Valued ecosystem components Vanuatu Varieties Vegetation Vegetation Venezuela Viet Nam Virology Viruses Voluntary approaches Vulnerable ecosystem Wastes Water erosion Water erosion Water management Water quality Water resources Water resources conservation Water resources development Waterfowl Waterfowl Waterlogged lands Watershed management Waterside development Weather Weather hazards Weeds West Africa Western Asia Western Europe Wetland Wetland management Wetlands assessment Wetlands conservation Wetlands ecosystems Wetlands ecosystems Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife conservation Wildlife habitats Wildlife population statistics Wildlife trade Wood products Woodland ecosystems Working group Workshops World Heritage Convention Yeasts Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Zoning Zoological gardens Zoology Between <Any> 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1978 1972 and <Any> 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1978 1972 Title Contains Group by Type Meeting Thematic Area Title Country Date
Information // Documents Search Document Search Search Criteria Type <Any> Meeting Documents National Reports Case Studies Third National Report Second National Report First National Report Other 5th National Report Information Other 4th National Report Information Other National Report Information National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.2) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.3) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.4) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.5) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (v.6) Other Information about National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans Interim National Report on the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety First Regular National Report on the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Thematic Report on Alien and Invasive Species Thematic Report on Access and Benefit Sharing Thematic Report on Forest Ecosystems Thematic Report on Mountain Ecosystems Thematic Report on Protected Areas Thematic Report on Technology Transfer and Cooperation Voluntary Report on Implementation of Expanded Programme of Work on Forests Voluntary Report on Implementation of the Programme of Work on Marine and Coastal Biological Diversity Report on Implementation of GTI Work Programme Review of the Implementation of the Protected Areas Work Programme Country Study Meeting <Any> 2025-07-15: Training Course for Asia-Pacific States on Invasive Alien Sp... 2025-04-29: Fourteenth meeting of the Inter-Agency Liaison Group on Inva... 2025-03-11: Regional workshop on knowledge management for biodiversity f... 2025-02-25: Second resumed session of the sixteenth meeting of the Confe... 2025-02-25: Second resumed session of the eleventh meeting of the Confer... 2025-02-25: Second resumed session of the fifth meeting of the Conferenc... 2025-02-17: Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Ku... 2025-02-16: Subregional capacity-building workshop to support the implem... 2025-02-10: Sustainable Ocean Initiative regional capacity-building work... 2024-12-03: First resumed session of the sixteenth meeting of the Confer... 2024-12-03: First resumed session of the eleventh meeting of the Confere... 2024-12-03: First resumed session of the fifth meeting of the Conference... 2024-12-02: Training course for Caribbean States on risk assessments of ... 2024-10-26: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2024-10-21: Sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Co... 2024-10-21: Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Con... 2024-10-21: Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven... 2024-10-16: Fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2024-09-30: Global capacity-building workshop on operationalizing access... 2024-09-24: Regional workshop on knowledge management for biodiversity f... 2024-09-09: Dialogue in the Republic of Moldova on national biodiversity... 2024-08-28: Dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and action plan... 2024-08-20: Third meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobiliza... 2024-08-12: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Ben... 2024-07-30: Dialogue in Tajikistan on national biodiversity strategies a... 2024-07-29: Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Ku... 2024-07-22: Dialogue in Oman on national biodiversity strategies and act... 2024-06-25: Regional Dialogues on National Biodiversity Strategies and A... 2024-06-11: Fourth meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative Global Di... 2024-06-09: Subregional capacity-building workshop on Target 3 of the Ku... 2024-05-30: Regional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and ac... 2024-05-30: Regional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and ac... 2024-05-21: Fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2024-05-13: Twenty-sixth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2024-04-30: Nineteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2024-04-18: Subregional workshop on Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Glo... 2024-04-15: Subregional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and... 2024-03-25: Fourth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya ... 2024-03-22: Workshop on Target 3 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiver... 2024-03-21: Webinar to celebrate 10 years of the Forest Ecosystem Restor... 2024-03-18: Second meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobiliz... 2024-03-18: Subregional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and... 2024-03-15: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-shar... 2024-03-12: Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indic... 2024-02-27: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk ... 2024-02-26: Second meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Financial Re... 2024-02-19: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical an... 2024-02-15: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-sha... 2024-02-13: Fifth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acce... 2024-01-29: Second meeting of the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Exp... 2024-01-29: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indic... 2024-01-23: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Benefit-shar... 2024-01-23: Regional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and Ac... 2024-01-16: Regional Dialogue on National Biodiversity Strategies and Ac... 2023-12-19: Launch of the Biodiversity Knowledge Hub of the Food and Agr... 2023-12-11: Fourth joint Aarhus Convention and Convention on Biological ... 2023-12-04: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indi... 2023-11-27: Technical Expert Group on Financial Reporting 2023-11-23: Legal expert workshop to review modalities for modifying the... 2023-11-20: Technical expert workshop to review modalities for modifying... 2023-11-14: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Bene... 2023-11-12: Twelfth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional Work... 2023-11-07: Webinar on the preparation for the first meeting of the Ad H... 2023-11-02: Twelfth meeting of the Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasiv... 2023-11-01: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk A... 2023-11-01: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical a... 2023-10-30: Global risk assessment workshop 2023-10-24: Eighteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2023-10-24: Preparatory meeting of the Technical Expert Group on Financi... 2023-10-19: Resumed second part of the fifteenth meeting of the Conferen... 2023-10-19: Resumed second part of the tenth meeting of the Conference o... 2023-10-19: Resumed second part of the fourth meeting of the Conference ... 2023-10-15: Twenty-fifth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2023-10-13: Workshop on the recently completed assessments of the Interg... 2023-10-03: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Indica... 2023-09-26: Information session on the resumed second part of the fiftee... 2023-09-25: Meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mobilization 2023-09-12: International Forum facilitated by the Forest Ecosystem Rest... 2023-09-05: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) regional capacity-buildin... 2023-09-05: Preparatory meeting of the Advisory Committee on Resource Mo... 2023-08-14: Subregional dialogue on national biodiversity strategies and... 2023-08-01: Intersessional workshop of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative ... 2023-07-11: First meeting of the multidisciplinary Ad Hoc Technical Expe... 2023-07-11: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the New Programme of Work a... 2023-06-20: Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Imp... 2023-06-14: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Technical an... 2023-06-12: Development of a global partnership to support the achieveme... 2023-06-05: Sustainable Ocean Initiative Workshop on Ocean-related Capac... 2023-05-17: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) national workshop for Jam... 2023-05-15: Twelfth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bi... 2023-04-05: Eleventh meeting of the Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasi... 2023-03-14: International Conference on GMO Analysis and New Genomic Tec... 2022-12-15: High-level segment of the fifteenth meeting of the Conferenc... 2022-12-07: Fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Co... 2022-12-07: Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2022-12-07: Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2022-12-03: Fifth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2022-12-01: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Partnership Meetin... 2022-11-24: Sustainable Ocean Initiative national capacity-building work... 2022-11-07: South, Southeast and Pacific Asia Training Course on Risk As... 2022-10-25: Third meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Glob... 2022-10-17: Western, Central and Eastern Asian Training Course on Risk A... 2022-09-26: Meeting of the Informal Group on the Post-2020 Global Biodi... 2022-09-19: Francophone Africa Training Course on Risk Assessment of Liv... 2022-06-29: Expert workshop on the monitoring framework for the post-202... 2022-06-21: Fourth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2... 2022-06-17: Workshop on options to enhance the planning, monitoring, rep... 2022-04-20: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Worksho... 2022-03-14: Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, ... 2022-03-14: Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2022-03-14: Third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2021-12-09: Online workshop with the financial sector: Aligning financia... 2021-11-23: Proposed headline indicators for access and benefit-sharing:... 2021-10-12: High-level segment of the fifteenth meeting of the Conferenc... 2021-10-10: COP 15 Bureau Meeting (PART1) 2021-10-10: COP 15 Bureau Meeting 2021-09-29: Virtual Intersessional Workshop for the Sustainable Ocean In... 2021-08-23: Third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2021-08-02: Third Global Thematic Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples and Lo... 2021-07-27: Extended consultation and virtual discussion on the draft ou... 2021-06-17: The Financial Sector and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2021-05-03: Third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation - Onl... 2021-05-03: Twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, ... 2021-03-29: Gender and Biodiversity Virtual Nexus Dialogue Series: (1) U... 2021-03-25: Gender Matters in Biodiversity Conservation: Launch of Regio... 2021-03-23: Stakeholder Open Webinar – Sustainable Agriculture, Food Sys... 2021-03-08: Informal session in preparation for SBI 3 2021-02-18: UNEA-5 Virtual Side-event: Strengthening Non-State Actor Com... 2021-02-17: Informal session in preparation for SBSTTA 24 2021-02-11: Policy Options for Access and Benefit-sharing and Digital Se... 2021-02-02: Briefing webinar 4 (part 2) on agenda items 7, 8, 9 and 10 :... 2021-01-28: Briefing webinar 4 ( part 1) on agenda items 4 , 5 and 6: 4.... 2021-01-26: Briefing webinar 3 on agenda item 3 on the Post-2020 Global ... 2021-01-21: Briefing webinar 2 on agenda item 9 on enhancing reporting ... 2021-01-19: Briefing webinar 1 on agenda item 5 relating to the Post-202... 2020-12-15: Special virtual session for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-03 on biodiver... 2020-12-02: Global Taxonomy Initiative Forum 2020 2020-12-01: Eleventh meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the B... 2020-12-01: Second Global Thematic Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples and L... 2020-11-16: Second extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Partie... 2020-11-16: First extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties... 2020-11-16: First extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Parties... 2020-09-15: Special virtual sessions for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3 2020-07-27: Thematic Consultation on the Sustainable Use of Biological D... 2020-07-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2020-04-21: Third meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya P... 2020-04-20: Fourteenth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Cartagena Pro... 2020-04-15: Seventeenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Ca... 2020-04-13: Western, Central and Eastern Asian Training Course on Risk A... 2020-03-30: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2020-03-17: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequence Informatio... 2020-03-09: Subregional Exchange for the Caribbean on the Restoration of... 2020-03-01: Thematic Consultation on Capacity-building and Technical and... 2020-02-24: Second meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-2... 2020-02-20: Thematic Consultation on Transparent Implementation, Monitor... 2020-02-03: Expert Workshop to Identify Options for Modifying the Descri... 2020-01-14: Thematic Workshop on Resource Mobilization for the Post-2020... 2019-12-10: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Socio-econom... 2019-12-09: Regional Training Workshop to Build Understanding and Capaci... 2019-12-02: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Invasive Alien Species 2019-12-02: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Access and... 2019-12-01: Thematic Workshop on Area-based Conservation Measures 2019-11-25: Twenty-third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2019-11-24: Informal briefing by the Co-Chairs on the post-2020 global b... 2019-11-23: Workshop on the Evidence Base for the Post-2020 Global Biodi... 2019-11-21: Expert Workshop on the Communications Strategy for 2020 2019-11-20: Eleventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on A... 2019-11-17: Global Thematic Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples and Local Co... 2019-11-13: Thematic Workshop on Marine and Coastal Biodiversity for the... 2019-11-11: Advancing Ocean Action Towards Sustainable Development Goal ... 2019-11-06: Thematic Workshop on Ecosystem Restoration for the Post-2020... 2019-11-04: Regional Dialogue on Integrating Climate Change and Biodiver... 2019-10-29: Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Imp... 2019-10-22: Thirteenth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Cartagena Pro... 2019-10-14: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2019-09-30: Global Capacity-building Workshop on Monitoring the Utilizat... 2019-09-22: Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologica... 2019-09-16: Anglophone African Laboratory Training Workshop on Detection... 2019-08-27: First meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on the Post-20... 2019-08-25: Global Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodive... 2019-08-25: Global Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodive... 2019-08-01: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Ecologicall... 2019-06-17: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity-buildin... 2019-06-17: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2019-06-10: Consultation Workshop of Biodiversity-related Conventions on... 2019-06-04: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Bi... 2019-05-29: Sixteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cart... 2019-05-28: Subregional Exchange for the Pacific on the Restoration of F... 2019-05-14: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-05-05: First North American Dialogue on Biocultural Diversity 2019-04-16: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-04-14: Subregional Workshop on National Clearing-House Mechanisms f... 2019-04-11: Expert Workshop to Develop Recommendations for Possible Gend... 2019-04-08: Anglophone African Training Course on Risk Assessment of Liv... 2019-04-02: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-03-19: Regional Consultation on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity F... 2019-01-28: Regional Consultation Workshop on the Post-2020 Global Biodi... 2019-01-01: Preparations for the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 2018-11-24: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2018-11-23: Using National Reporting to Improve NBSAP Implementation and... 2018-11-23: Sustainable Ocean Day 2018-11-17: Fourteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the C... 2018-11-17: Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2018-11-17: Third meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2018-11-14: High-level segment of the fourteenth meeting of Conference o... 2018-11-13: African Ministerial Summit on Biodiversity 2018-10-15: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-building Worksho... 2018-10-08: African Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements ... 2018-09-24: Central and Eastern European Training Course on Risk Assessm... 2018-09-21: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Western Europ... 2018-09-05: Twelfth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-Building fo... 2018-08-30: Sixth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Global Strategy fo... 2018-08-28: Conference of the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation ... 2018-08-20: Latin American Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living ... 2018-07-31: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Subregional Capacity-buil... 2018-07-27: Asian Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements on... 2018-07-09: Second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2018-07-08: Seminar on transformational change for the biodiversity agen... 2018-07-05: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Communication,... 2018-07-02: Twenty-second meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, ... 2018-06-30: Workshop on the outcomes of the sixth session of the Plenary... 2018-06-30: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Group on Ecologically... 2018-06-20: International Expert Workshop on Mainstreaming Biodiversity ... 2018-05-21: Pacific Regional Training Workshop on National Arrangements ... 2018-05-08: Fifteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cart... 2018-04-24: Second meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya ... 2018-04-16: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Strengthen... 2018-04-10: Second meeting of the Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Glo... 2018-04-02: Regional Training Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbe... 2018-03-20: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity... 2018-03-05: Subregional Workshop for Arabic-speaking Countries on the Cl... 2018-03-05: Workshop on Detection and Identification of Living Modified ... 2018-02-26: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Central and ... 2018-02-19: African Regional Workshop on strengthening capacities for th... 2018-02-19: Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologica... 2018-02-13: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Digital Sequ... 2018-02-06: Expert Workshop on Marine Protected Areas and Other Effectiv... 2018-02-06: Technical Expert Workshop on Other Effective Area-Based Cons... 2018-01-29: Regional Workshop for Asia on the Clearing-House Mechanism 2018-01-17: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity-Buildin... 2017-12-17: Meeting of the informal advisory group on synergies among bi... 2017-12-13: Tenth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2017-12-11: Twenty-first meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, T... 2017-12-10: Workshop on spatial tools for the preparation of the sixth n... 2017-12-09: Workshop on the preparation of the sixth national report 2017-12-09: Global Dialogue with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communitie... 2017-12-07: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2017-12-06: Expert Workshop on Invasive Alien Species in Preparation for... 2017-12-05: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Bi... 2017-12-05: Expert Workshop to Develop Options for Modifying the Descrip... 2017-11-28: Regional Expert Workshop to Develop Training Materials on Ge... 2017-11-27: Regional Dialogue and Learning Mission on Integrating Climat... 2017-11-27: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Latin America... 2017-11-20: Technical Workshop to Review the Voluntary Guidelines for th... 2017-11-14: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acce... 2017-11-07: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Africa 2017-11-06: Asian Subregional Workshop on Strengthening Capacities for t... 2017-10-23: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Biodiversity and Huma... 2017-10-16: Regional Bio-Bridge Initiative Round Table for Asia and the ... 2017-10-11: Meeting of Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Edu... 2017-10-09: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Socio-economic Cons... 2017-10-02: Regional Dialogue and Learning Mission on Integrating Climat... 2017-10-02: Capacity-development workshop for Central, Eastern and South... 2017-09-25: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2017-09-18: Capacity-building workshop for Caribbean small island develo... 2017-06-28: First Meeting of the Informal Working Group for the Sustaina... 2017-05-16: Fourteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2017-04-24: Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologica... 2017-03-27: Workshop on developing capacity for national border controls... 2017-03-20: Asia-Pacific Workshop on the Detection and Identification of... 2017-03-20: Capacity-building workshop for the Mediterranean on the rest... 2017-02-20: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Worksho... 2016-12-11: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2016-12-10: Workshop on the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-House 2016-12-10: Second Technical Workshop on Monitoring of Marine and Coasta... 2016-12-04: Thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the C... 2016-12-04: Eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2016-12-04: Second meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2016-12-03: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2016-12-02: High Level Segment of the thirteenth meeting of Conference o... 2016-11-23: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2016-11-16: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for Spanish... 2016-11-14: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for South A... 2016-11-10: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for East As... 2016-11-08: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for Francop... 2016-11-03: Webinar on Guidelines for Sixth National Reports for Angloph... 2016-10-31: Global Workshop on integrated implementation of the Cartage... 2016-10-31: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) / Pacific Ocean Alliance ... 2016-10-30: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2016-10-17: Workshop on developing capacity for national border controls... 2016-10-17: Regional Training Workshop for the Asian Region on Community... 2016-09-26: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Dialogue with Regi... 2016-09-06: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2016-08-22: Regional joint preparatory meeting for Latin America and the... 2016-08-15: Pacific subregional joint preparatory meeting for the sevent... 2016-08-15: GRULAC Workshop on the Detection and Identification of Livin... 2016-08-08: Africa regional joint preparatory meeting for the seventeent... 2016-08-08: Capacity-building workshop for small island developing State... 2016-08-01: Asia regional joint preparatory meeting for the seventeenth ... 2016-07-28: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Communication,... 2016-07-25: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment and Risk Ma... 2016-07-18: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2016-07-11: Capacity-building workshop for Pacific on achieving Aichi Bi... 2016-06-27: Capacity-building workshop for selected subregions of Asia o... 2016-06-20: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acc... 2016-06-15: Second meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on Capacit... 2016-06-14: Capacity-building workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on... 2016-06-13: Regional workshop for the Pacific on the Clearing-House Mech... 2016-06-01: Workshop for Asia on updating National Biodiversity Strategi... 2016-05-23: Regional Training Workshop for the Latin American and Caribb... 2016-05-02: First meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation 2016-05-01: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2016-04-25: Twentieth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech... 2016-04-24: Technical Workshop on Monitoring of Marine and Coastal Biodi... 2016-04-11: Tenth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2016-04-06: First meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Nagoya P... 2016-04-04: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Western... 2016-04-04: Capacity-building workshop for Latin America on the restorat... 2016-03-21: Capacity-building workshop for Africa on achieving Aichi Bio... 2016-03-21: “Friends of the CBD” workshop on mechanisms to support revie... 2016-03-16: Second meeting of the informal working group for the develop... 2016-03-14: Eleventh Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building f... 2016-03-07: Central and Eastern European Workshop on the Detection and I... 2016-02-25: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2016-02-24: Thirteenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Car... 2016-02-09: Africa Regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mainstreaming ... 2016-02-08: Workshop on synergies among the biodiversity-related convent... 2016-02-01: Expert Group Meeting on Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol on... 2016-01-25: African Training Workshop on Community Protocols, Indicators... 2016-01-18: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity Development Work... 2015-12-14: Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for the Caribbean Region... 2015-12-13: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2015-12-07: Capacity-building workshop for South, Central and West Asia ... 2015-12-01: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-30: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-24: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-17: International Expert Workshop on Biodiversity Mainstreaming 2015-11-16: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2015-11-12: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-11-04: Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2015-11-04: Aichi Biodiversity Targets Task Force Meeting 2015-11-02: Nineteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2015-10-31: Expert workshop on the contribution of science to the work o... 2015-10-30: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2015-10-28: Roundtable discussion: Initiative of the Secretariat of the... 2015-10-28: Expert Meeting on alien species in wildlife trade, experienc... 2015-10-28: First meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Acce... 2015-10-26: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reporti... 2015-10-13: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2015-10-05: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on Financial Reporti... 2015-10-05: Capacity-building workshop for West Africa on ecosystem rest... 2015-09-29: Workshop on an Inter-sectoral Dialogue for Enhancing the Mai... 2015-09-28: Capacity-building Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbe... 2015-09-28: Technical workshop on ecosystem-based approaches to climate ... 2015-09-28: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) National Capacity Develop... 2015-09-21: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Synthetic Bi... 2015-09-16: Subregional Capacity-Building Workshop on Financial Reportin... 2015-09-15: Capacity-building Workshop for East Asia and Southeast Asia ... 2015-09-15: Informal Advisory Committee on Capacity-building for the Imp... 2015-09-14: Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Indicators for the Strategi... 2015-09-11: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Training of Trainers Work... 2015-07-08: Fifth meeting of the Liaison Group on the Global Strategy fo... 2015-06-22: Eastern European Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financia... 2015-06-14: Expert Meeting on the Repatriation of Traditional Knowledge ... 2015-06-11: Dialogue Workshop on Assessment of Collective Action of Indi... 2015-06-09: Workshop of the Network of Laboratories for the Detection an... 2015-06-08: International Training Workshop on Community-based Monitorin... 2015-05-27: Pacific Central American Expert Workshop for Marine Conserva... 2015-05-18: Western African Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial... 2015-05-18: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on Resource Mobiliza... 2015-05-13: Twelfth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartag... 2015-05-05: International technical expert workshop on identifying, acce... 2015-04-20: Western African Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial... 2015-04-19: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2015-04-13: South American Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial ... 2015-03-22: CBD Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecolo... 2015-03-16: Asian Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financial Reporting 2015-03-09: Caribbean Sub-regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mainstr... 2015-03-02: Central American Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financia... 2015-02-23: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-building Worksho... 2015-02-16: Southern African Workshop on CBD Implementation and Financia... 2015-02-11: Inception Meeting of the Working Group for the development o... 2015-02-09: Asia Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Mainstreaming Bi... 2014-12-08: Latin America Sub-regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mai... 2014-12-02: Expert Workshop to Prepare Practical Guidance on Preventing ... 2014-12-01: Caribbean Sub-regional Capacity-Building Workshop on Mainstr... 2014-11-16: West Asia and North Africa Sub-regional Capacity-Building Wo... 2014-10-16: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) High-level Meeting 2014-10-13: First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2014-10-12: Capacity-building workshop on the Access and Benefit-Sharing... 2014-10-06: Twelfth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conv... 2014-10-05: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-H... 2014-10-03: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Global Partnership Meetin... 2014-09-29: Seventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as ... 2014-09-26: Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) Training Workshop 2014-09-09: CBD Expert Workshop to Provide Consolidated Practical Guidan... 2014-08-29: Inter-regional capacity-building workshop on REDD+ and Aichi... 2014-08-26: Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for the Pacific Region o... 2014-08-25: Capacity-building workshop for Mesoamerica on ecosystem cons... 2014-08-18: International Workshop on Financing for Biodiversity 2014-07-14: Capacity-building workshop for Central, South and East Asia ... 2014-07-08: Workshop on synergies between REDD+ and Ecosystem conservati... 2014-06-23: Eighteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2014-06-22: SCBD Dialogue Forum on Integrating the perspectives of Indig... 2014-06-21: Workshop on the fourth edition of the Global Biodiversity Ou... 2014-06-16: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Revi... 2014-06-14: Capacity-building workshop for Small Island Developing State... 2014-06-13: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2014-06-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol o... 2014-06-06: Regional Workshop on Community-Based Monitoring and Informat... 2014-06-02: Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for Asia on Traditional ... 2014-06-02: Capacity-building workshop for Europe on ecosystem conservat... 2014-06-02: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2014-06-01: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2014-05-28: Eleventh meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Carta... 2014-05-26: Regional Workshop on Resource mobilization for Central and E... 2014-05-21: Regional Workshop for East, South and Southeast Asia on Sou... 2014-05-21: Regional Workshop for East/South/Southeast Asia on Cities an... 2014-05-21: Workshop on Biodiversity Corridors in the Guiana Shield to s... 2014-05-19: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2014-05-12: Capacity-building workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa o... 2014-05-06: Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop of the UN-Water Initiative “C... 2014-05-06: Regional workshop for resource mobilization for Asia and the... 2014-05-05: Regional workshop for African countries on the Clearing-Hous... 2014-05-05: Coordination Meeting of the Belgian Parnership for the Clear... 2014-04-28: Capacity-building workshop for Southeast Asia on ecosystem c... 2014-04-28: Capacity-building workshop for the Caribbean on ecosystem co... 2014-04-15: Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on Res... 2014-04-14: Third meeting of the second phase of the High-level Panel on... 2014-04-09: Second Dialogue Seminar on Scaling up Finance for Biodiversi... 2014-04-07: Mediterranean Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Descriptio... 2014-04-07: Tenth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2014-04-02: Ninth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2014-03-31: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2014-03-26: Regional Capacity-building Workshop for the African Region o... 2014-03-24: Regional Capacity-building Workshop for Latin America on Nag... 2014-03-24: North-west Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Desc... 2014-03-24: Capacity-building workshop for South America on ecosystem co... 2014-03-03: Arctic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ec... 2014-02-25: Expert Workshop on Underwater Noise and its Impacts on Marin... 2014-02-24: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Intergovernmental Com... 2014-02-23: ABS Clearing-House Capacity-building Workshop 2014-02-17: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Socio-economic Cons... 2014-02-11: Regional Workshop on Resource Mobilization for Africa 2014-02-01: Capacity-building workshop for West Asia and North Africa on... 2014-01-20: Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia on ... 2013-12-16: Central and Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Mainstreamin... 2013-12-14: Regional Workshop for Middle East and North Africa on the Pr... 2013-12-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop for Latin America and Ca... 2013-12-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive Alie... 2013-12-09: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-building Worksho... 2013-12-04: Second Meeting of the Expert Group on Biodiversity for Pover... 2013-12-03: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2013-12-02: Regional Workshop for Latin America on the Preparation of th... 2013-12-02: Second meeting of the second phase of the High-level Panel o... 2013-11-25: Sub-regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protoc... 2013-11-25: Workshop of the Network of Laboratories for the Detection an... 2013-11-11: Global Workshop on Reviewing Progress and Building Capacity ... 2013-10-15: First meeting of the Steering Committee for the Global Invas... 2013-10-14: Seventeenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Te... 2013-10-12: Expert Workshop on enhancing biodiversity data and observing... 2013-10-07: Sixth Meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2013-10-07: Eighth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Art... 2013-10-02: Informal Advisory Committee to the pilot phase of the Access... 2013-10-02: Third Meeting of the Global Partnership for Business and Bio... 2013-09-17: Expert Meeting on Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol on Acces... 2013-09-16: Regional Workshop for the Caribbean Countries on the Prepara... 2013-09-16: Regional Workshop for the Caribbean Countries on the Clearin... 2013-08-20: LDC Expert Group (LEG) regional training workshop on adaptat... 2013-07-29: LDC Expert Group (LEG) regional training workshop on adaptat... 2013-07-22: Regional Workshop for the Pacific Countries on the Preparati... 2013-06-27: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-25: Atelier régional sur les indicateurs et l’intégration des ob... 2013-06-20: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-18: Second meeting of the Advisory Committee of Subnational Gove... 2013-06-17: International Conference on Global Implementation Programme ... 2013-06-17: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-13: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2013-06-03: Expert Meeting to Develop a Draft Strategic Framework for Ca... 2013-05-30: First meeting of the second phase of the High-level Panel on... 2013-05-29: Tenth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2013-05-21: Fourth Meeting of the Advisory Committee of Cities of the Gl... 2013-05-20: Regional Workshop for South, East and Southeast Asia on the ... 2013-05-15: Mediterranean Biodiversity Network: from ecological urban pl... 2013-05-14: Sub-regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures fo... 2013-05-06: Regional Workshop for Latin America on Updating National Bio... 2013-05-06: Regional Workshop for Latin America on the Clearing-house M... 2013-04-17: Eighth Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Bio... 2013-04-15: Deuxième atelier régional pour les pays moins avancés d’Afri... 2013-04-09: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol o... 2013-04-08: South-Eastern Atlantic Regional Workshop to Facilitate the D... 2013-04-02: Regional Workshop on the Inter-Linkages between Human Health... 2013-03-25: Asia-Pacific regional training workshop on public awareness,... 2013-03-24: Sub-regional Workshop for Anglophone Africa on the Integrati... 2013-03-19: Western Balkans Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as ... 2013-03-18: Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) regional traini... 2013-03-10: CBD-UNCCD Joint Workshop on the role of biodiversity in nati... 2013-03-04: Caribbean Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building for the... 2013-03-04: Global Taxonomy Initiative Capacity-building Workshop toward... 2013-03-04: Regional Workshop on Reflecting the Global Strategy for Plan... 2013-02-25: North Pacific Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Descriptio... 2013-02-11: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive A... 2013-02-08: Biodiversity Indicators Partnership – Steering Committee Mee... 2013-02-04: Sustainable Ocean Initiative (SOI) Capacity-Building Worksho... 2013-01-28: First Regional Workshop for African Least Developed Countrie... 2012-12-11: Regional Capacity-building Workshop on the Nagoya Protocol o... 2012-12-10: Biodiversity Indicators Partnership - Technical Partners Mee... 2012-11-29: Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasive A... 2012-11-28: The Inter-Agency Support Group on Indigenous Peoples’ Issues... 2012-11-26: Information Sharing Event on the Nagoya Protocol on ABS 2012-11-15: Regional Workshop for Central America and the Caribbean on i... 2012-11-05: Africa Regional Capacity-building Workshop on Public Awarene... 2012-10-29: Capacity-building for Pilot Countries on the Implementation ... 2012-10-15: Cities for Life: Cities’ and Sub-national Governments’ Biodi... 2012-10-08: Eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Con... 2012-10-07: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2012-10-06: First meeting of the GBO-4 Advisory Group 2012-10-01: Sixth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2012-09-28: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2012-09-17: Informal Dialogue on CBD Strategy for Resource Mobilization 2012-09-10: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Central... 2012-09-05: Regional Workshop for Caribbean region on Updating National ... 2012-09-04: Regional Workshop on the Inter-Linkages between Human Health... 2012-08-27: Regional Workshop for the Middle East and North Africa on Up... 2012-08-27: Eastern Tropical and Temperate Pacific Regional Workshop to ... 2012-08-17: Regional Workshop for Indigenous and Local Community Trainer... 2012-08-13: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Indigenous and Loca... 2012-08-06: South America Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as pa... 2012-08-06: Regional Workshop for Pacific Region on Updating National Bi... 2012-08-02: High-level Panel on Global Assessment of Resources for imple... 2012-07-30: GTI Subregional Capacity-building Workshop to Address Invasi... 2012-07-30: Southern Indian Ocean Regional Workshop to Facilitate the De... 2012-07-16: South Asia Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as part ... 2012-07-13: Inter-agency Liaison Group on Invasive Alien Species 2012-07-09: Organizational workshop of the Global Invasive Alien Species... 2012-07-09: The Asia/Pacific Regional preparatory workshop for Indigenou... 2012-07-02: Second Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Co... 2012-06-30: Capacity-building Workshop on Access and Benefit-sharing 2012-06-20: Special Panel Session on the Economics of Sustainable Develo... 2012-06-09: African Regional Indigenous and Local Community preparatory ... 2012-06-04: Sub-Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe and Cen... 2012-06-04: Fourth Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk ... 2012-05-30: Ninth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2012-05-29: Sub-regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures fo... 2012-05-15: Regional Workshop on Valuation and Incentive Measures for So... 2012-05-14: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on the Second Assessme... 2012-05-12: Workshop on Financing Mechanisms for Biodiversity: Examining... 2012-05-12: Fourth Informal Meeting of the Expert Team on the GEF-6 Repl... 2012-05-09: Inter-Regional Workshop on Capacity Needs for the Implementa... 2012-05-07: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Rev... 2012-05-06: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2012-04-30: Sixteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech... 2012-04-29: EBSA Briefing: organizing regional workshops to describe eco... 2012-04-29: Thirteenth Meeting of the Coordination Mechanism of the Glob... 2012-04-29: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2012-04-28: Informal Diversity Liaison Group Meeting 2012-04-24: Meeting of Subnational Governments in support of the Aichi B... 2012-04-19: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-17: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-16: Subregional Workshop for West Asia and North Africa on Capac... 2012-04-12: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-11: Third Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ris... 2012-04-05: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2012-04-02: Joint Workshop on Linkages between Health and Biodiversity 2012-04-01: Subregional Workshop for the Caribbean on Capacity-building ... 2012-03-28: Seventh meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee of the Bi... 2012-03-25: Fifth meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2012-03-24: Southeast Asia Capacity-building Workshop on Indicators as p... 2012-03-22: Third meeting on the Implementation of the Plan of Action on... 2012-03-15: Ninth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2012-03-12: Eighth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organization... 2012-03-12: Global Workshop on National Experiences in implementing the ... 2012-03-12: Sub-Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on... 2012-03-12: Sub-Regional Workshop for Latin America on Capacity-building... 2012-03-06: Dialogue seminar on scaling up finance for biodiversity 2012-02-28: Expert Meeting on cooperative procedures and institutional m... 2012-02-28: Wider Caribbean and Western Mid-Atlantic Regional Workshop t... 2012-02-27: Regional Workshop for Africa on Updating National Biodiversi... 2012-02-21: Capacity-building Workshop for North Africa and the Middle E... 2012-02-16: SBSTTA Bureau Meeting 2012-02-13: Sub-regional Workshop for Southern Africa on the integration... 2012-02-13: Meeting of the Sub-working Groups of the Ad Hoc Technical Ex... 2012-01-30: Sub-Regional Workshop for Central, South and East Africa on ... 2012-01-17: Mediterranean Regional Workshop for Biodiversity Strategies ... 2012-01-05: Informal Expert Meeting on the Impacts of Climate-related Ge... 2011-12-15: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on the Nagoya... 2011-12-15: First Meeting of the Global Platform for Business and Biodiv... 2011-12-12: Anglophone Africa Training Course on Risk Assessment of Livi... 2011-12-12: Expert Group on Biodiversity for Poverty Eradication and Dev... 2011-12-12: Sub-Regional Capacity-Building Workshop for South Asia on th... 2011-12-07: African Sub-Regional Workshop to strengthen capacity for the... 2011-12-07: Joint Expert Meeting on addressing biodiversity concerns in ... 2011-12-06: Second Regional Workshop for South, East, and South-East Asi... 2011-12-06: Sub-Regional Workshop for South, East, and South-East Asia o... 2011-12-05: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on Updating... 2011-11-28: Pacific Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building for the E... 2011-11-28: Regional Workshop for Mesoamerica on Updating National Biodi... 2011-11-28: Sub-Regional Workshop for Central Africa on Capacity Buildin... 2011-11-22: Western South Pacific Regional Workshop to Facilitate the De... 2011-11-21: Asia Sub-regional Training of Trainers' Workshop on the Iden... 2011-11-17: Asia-Pacific Regional Workshop on the Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Su... 2011-11-14: Workshop on Capacity-building for research and information e... 2011-11-12: Regional Workshop for Group of Latin American Countries of t... 2011-11-07: Latin American Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living ... 2011-11-07: Fifteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tech... 2011-11-05: Twelfth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global... 2011-11-05: Consortium of Scientific Partners Training Seminar on Streng... 2011-11-04: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2011-10-31: Seventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Ar... 2011-10-29: Capacity-building Workshop on Access and Benefit-sharing 2011-10-29: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2011-10-29: Meeting of the COP-MOP Bureau 2011-10-24: Sub-Regional Workshop for South and East Africa on Capacity ... 2011-10-19: Expert Meeting to Develop a Series of Joint Expert Review Pr... 2011-10-17: Regional Workshop for Central Asia on Updating National Biod... 2011-10-17: Regional Workshop for Caribbean countries on Updating Nation... 2011-10-11: Third Expert Workshop on the City Biodiversity Index (Singap... 2011-10-05: Eighth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartage... 2011-10-03: Regional Workshop for Pacific region on Updating National Bi... 2011-10-03: Sub-Regional Workshop for the Pacific on Capacity Building f... 2011-09-27: Eastern Africa Capacity-building Workshop on Information Use... 2011-09-26: Caribbean Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modif... 2011-09-20: African Regional Consultation and Capacity-building Workshop... 2011-08-02: Sustainable Ocean Initiative Programme Development Meeting a... 2011-07-25: First Expert Team Meeting on the GEF-6 Replenishment 2011-07-21: African Regional Workshop on the Nagoya – Kuala Lumpur Suppl... 2011-07-14: Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting of Local-community Representativ... 2011-07-13: Regional Workshop on the updating and revision of National B... 2011-07-11: Workshop on the Amazon Regional Biodiversity Strategy 2011-07-09: Seventh Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in Sup... 2011-07-08: Liaison Group on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2011-07-07: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-07-05: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-07-05: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Consultation and Capaci... 2011-07-05: International Conference: A Global Partnership for Plant Co... 2011-06-30: A Capacity-Building Workshop on Updating and Revising Nation... 2011-06-29: Liaison Group Meeting on Climate-Related Geo-Engineering as ... 2011-06-27: Regional Workshop for Eastern Africa on Updating National Bi... 2011-06-23: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-06-21: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-06-20: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group Meeting on Indicators for the ... 2011-06-19: Regional Workshop for Central Africa on Updating National Bi... 2011-06-16: Online Real-time Conference on Socio-economic Considerations... 2011-06-16: Central and Eastern European Regional Workshop on the Nagoya... 2011-06-07: Joint Meeting of the CBD Liaison Group on Bushmeat and the C... 2011-06-06: First Meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Com... 2011-06-05: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau (SBSTTA-15) 2011-06-04: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2011-06-04: Capacity-building Workshop on Access and Benefit-sharing 2011-06-03: The eleventh meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the G... 2011-05-31: International meeting on Article 10 (Sustainable Use of Biol... 2011-05-30: Third meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk A... 2011-05-27: Roundtable on Financing Protected Areas in West Africa 2011-05-22: Regional Workshop for West Africa on Updating National Biodi... 2011-05-22: Sub-Regional Workshop for West Africa on Capacity-building f... 2011-05-18: Third Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Biodiver... 2011-05-09: Regional Workshop for East, South and Southeast Asia on Upda... 2011-05-05: Central America Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Financ... 2011-05-02: Regional Workshop for North Africa and the Middle East on Up... 2011-05-01: Sustaining Support for PoWPA - Planning Meeting 2011-04-29: South America Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance 2011-04-15: Regional Workshop for Europe on Updating National Biodiversi... 2011-04-11: Central and Eastern European Regional Training of Trainers' ... 2011-04-11: Expert Meeting on the Modalities of Operation of the ABS Cle... 2011-04-08: Asia Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in suppor... 2011-04-07: Eighth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for... 2011-04-04: Seventh Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizatio... 2011-03-30: Sixth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2011-03-25: Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance... 2011-03-16: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2011-03-15: Asia-Pacific Regional Consultation and Capacity-building Wor... 2011-03-14: Regional Workshop for Southern Africa on Updating National B... 2011-02-17: Central Africa Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance... 2011-02-16: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group meeting on addressing the risk... 2011-02-14: Second meeting of the inter-agency liaison group on invasive... 2011-02-13: Fourth meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodi... 2011-01-17: First meeting on the Implementation of the Plan of Action on... 2010-11-29: Regional Workshop on Biodiversity and Finance in Support of ... 2010-10-26: High-level forum on Biodiversity in Development Cooperation 2010-10-25: Meeting on Parliamentarians and Biodiversity 2010-10-24: City Biodiversity Summit 2010 2010-10-24: Tenth meeting of Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxon... 2010-10-23: Media Workshop during the tenth meeting of the Conference of... 2010-10-18: Tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven... 2010-10-17: South-South Cooperation Forum on Biodiversity for Developmen... 2010-10-17: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2010-10-16: Resumed Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group... 2010-10-13: Interregional Negotiating Group (ING) of the Ad Hoc Open-end... 2010-10-11: Fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2010-10-08: Joint CBD-Aarhus Convention Workshop 2010-10-08: Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) Training Workshop 2010-10-06: Fourth meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs ... 2010-09-23: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-09-20: Global Expert Workshop on Biodiversity Benefits of Reducing ... 2010-09-18: Interregional Negotiating Group (ING) of the Ad Hoc Open-end... 2010-09-12: Conférence panafricaine de haut niveau - Biodiversité et lut... 2010-09-08: Seventh meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartag... 2010-08-11: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-07-12: Asian Training Course on Risk Assessment of Living Modified ... 2010-07-10: Resumed Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group... 2010-07-05: Pacific Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity-building and Excha... 2010-07-01: Second Expert Workshop on the development of the City Biodiv... 2010-06-30: Regional Workshop for Europe on the Fourth National Report 2010-06-17: First meeting of the inter-agency liaison group on invasive ... 2010-06-15: Third meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs o... 2010-06-15: Regional Workshop for Latin American and Caribbean Countries... 2010-06-08: International Conference on Biological and Cultural Diversit... 2010-06-07: Maintenir La Diversité De La Vie Sur Terre : Un Objectif Des... 2010-06-02: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-05-31: Regional Workshop for African Countries on the Fourth Nation... 2010-05-29: The Second Expert Meeting for South-South Cooperation on Bio... 2010-05-24: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Revi... 2010-05-16: Ninth meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global T... 2010-05-15: GTI Symposium: "Taking Stock of the Renaissance in Taxonomy:... 2010-05-10: Fourteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2010-04-19: Regional Workshop for Asia-Pacific Countries on the Fourth N... 2010-04-19: Second Meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk ... 2010-04-12: Regional Workshop for Asia and Horn of Africa on the Fourth ... 2010-04-06: Workshop for Indigenous and Local Communities in Latin Ameri... 2010-03-22: Ninth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2010-03-16: Access and Benefit-sharing: Co-Chairs Informal Inter-regiona... 2010-03-04: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-03-04: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Africa 2010-02-15: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for the Pa... 2010-02-15: Third International Meeting of Academic Institutions and oth... 2010-02-11: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-09: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-09: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Centra... 2010-02-08: Second meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs ... 2010-02-04: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-04: Seventh Meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building fo... 2010-02-04: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2010-02-02: Second Series of Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Ri... 2010-02-01: Sixth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations... 2010-02-01: Capacity Development Workshop for North America on NBSAPs an... 2010-01-27: International Workshop on Innovative Financial Mechanisms 2010-01-26: Access and Benefit-sharing Friends of the Co-Chairs Meeting 2010-01-18: Informal Expert Workshop on the updating of the Strategic Pl... 2010-01-15: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Latin ... 2010-01-10: Regional Workshop for the Middle East and North Africa on th... 2010-01-06: Second Curitiba Meeting on Cities and Biodiversity 2009-12-15: Regional Workshop for East, South and Southeast Asia on Upda... 2009-12-11: Regional Consultation for Africa on the updating and revisio... 2009-12-08: Regional Workshop for Africa on Ways and Means to Promote th... 2009-12-07: Regional Workshop for the Caribbean and Central American Cou... 2009-12-05: Access and Benefit-sharing Regional Consultations for Asia 2009-12-02: UNU-IAS Access and Benefit-sharing Business and Science Dial... 2009-11-30: Third Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge Conferenc... 2009-11-30: Sub-Regional Capacity-building Workshop for Communication, E... 2009-11-27: Regional Workshop for Central and Eastern Europe on the Revi... 2009-11-25: Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific on Ways and Means... 2009-11-23: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Training of Trainer... 2009-11-18: Expert Workshop on Scientific and Technical Aspects relevant... 2009-11-09: Eighth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc... 2009-11-08: Meeting of the COP-MOP Bureau 2009-11-06: SBSTTA Bureau Meeting 2009-11-04: Sixth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2009-11-02: Regional Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbean on the... 2009-11-02: Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2009-11-01: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2009-10-29: Latin American and Caribbean Indigenous and Local Community ... 2009-10-29: First meeting of the Steering Committee for South-South Coop... 2009-10-19: Fifth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2009-10-15: Liaison Group Meeting on Bushmeat 2009-10-12: Sub-working Group on the Roadmap for Risk Assessment 2009-10-12: Regional Workshop for Asia and the Pacific on the Review of ... 2009-10-06: Expert Workshop on the Removal and Mitigation of Perverse, a... 2009-10-06: Regional Workshop for Africa on the Review of Implementation... 2009-10-04: Third meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2009-09-29: Expert Workshop on Scientific and Technical Guidance on the ... 2009-09-28: Regional Workshop on Ways and Means to Promote the Sustainab... 2009-09-14: Africa Regional Training of Trainers’ Workshop on the Identi... 2009-09-14: Promoting Biodiversity and Business Initiatives globally 2009-09-02: Sub-regional Capacity Building Workshop on Forest Biodiversi... 2009-07-20: Drafting Committee Meeting for the Report of the Second Ad H... 2009-07-08: South-South-Exchange Meeting on the Conservation and Sustain... 2009-07-06: Expert Workshop on the 2010 Biodiversity Indicators and Post... 2009-06-16: Group of Technical and Legal Experts on Traditional Knowledg... 2009-06-13: Capacity Development Workshop for Europe on NBSAPs and the M... 2009-06-01: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2009-05-26: Liaison Group Meeting of the Global Strategy for Plant Conse... 2009-05-18: Online Forum on Paragraph 3 of Article 18 regarding the need... 2009-05-13: Expert Meeting on Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development ... 2009-05-04: Workshop for Least Developed Countries on the Fourth Nationa... 2009-04-20: Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessm... 2009-04-18: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodi... 2009-04-09: Seventh meeting of the Liaison Group of the Biodiversity-rel... 2009-04-02: Seventh meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Ac... 2009-03-30: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2009-03-12: Sixth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2009-03-09: Fifth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations... 2009-03-09: Capacity Development Workshop for Central Asia on NBSAPs and... 2009-02-23: First meeting of the Group of the Friends of the Co-Chairs C... 2009-02-17: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-02-10: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-02-10: Expert Workshop on the Development of the Singapore Index on... 2009-02-09: Capacity-building workshop for the Pacific region for implem... 2009-02-03: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-02-02: Capacity Development Workshop for the Pacific on NBSAPs, the... 2009-01-28: First Regional Real-time Online Conferences on Risk Assessme... 2009-01-27: Group of Technical and Legal Experts on Compliance in the co... 2008-12-14: Capacity Development Workshop for the Arab states on Nationa... 2008-12-02: Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Concepts, Terms, Wor... 2008-12-02: Capacity-building workshop for the South, East and South Eas... 2008-11-28: Meeting of the COP-MOP Bureau 2008-11-26: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2008-11-26: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2008-11-19: Fifth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartagen... 2008-11-17: Fourth meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bio... 2008-11-17: First meeting of the Second Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on... 2008-11-12: Global Indigenous Peoples' consultation on potential impacts... 2008-11-06: Expert Meeting on South-South Cooperation on Biodiversity fo... 2008-11-03: Workshop on Communication, Education and Public Awareness (C... 2008-11-03: Pacific Region Workshop on Indigenous Communities, Tourism a... 2008-11-03: Capacity-building Workshop for the Caribbean region for Nati... 2008-11-01: Expert Workshop on Integrating Protected Areas into wider La... 2008-10-21: Third Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Consortium of... 2008-09-29: Capacity-building Workshop for Western Africa, Comoros and D... 2008-09-23: Latin American Sub-Regional Workshop on Protected Areas 2008-09-22: Capacity-building Workshop for Central Africa on National Bi... 2008-05-25: Biodiversity Training Workshop for Journalists attending COP... 2008-05-25: Second Meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodi... 2008-05-25: Training Workshop - Consortium of the Scientific Partners on... 2008-05-25: Second meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodi... 2008-05-24: Open-ended Workshop of the Informal Advisory Committee (IAC)... 2008-05-24: First meeting of the Advisory Group for the preparation of t... 2008-05-19: Ninth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Conven... 2008-05-18: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2008-05-17: Capacity building Workshop for Women on CBD processes in pre... 2008-05-17: African Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ninth meeting o... 2008-05-17: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Preparatory Meeting... 2008-05-17: Asia and the Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for the ni... 2008-05-12: Fourth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2008-05-09: Biosafety Clearing-House (BCH) Training Workshop 2008-05-07: Meeting of the Friends of the Co-Chairs of the fifth meeting... 2008-04-26: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-04-14: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-04-07: Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange... 2008-03-31: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-03-31: Workshop for Portuguese-Speaking Countries on Training and I... 2008-03-26: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-03-25: Opportunities and challenges of responses to climate change ... 2008-03-17: Priority Activity 10 of the Programme of Work on Communicati... 2008-03-12: Fifth meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc Working Group of Lega... 2008-02-18: Thirteenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Tec... 2008-02-17: Workshop SBSTTA-13 2008-02-16: Third meeting of the Informal Consultations on the Developme... 2008-02-16: Workshop on the development of national/regional biodiversit... 2008-02-14: Fifth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for ... 2008-02-11: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Pro... 2008-02-11: Fourth Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organization... 2008-02-10: Workshop WGPA-2 2008-02-04: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-01-28: Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Education and ... 2008-01-21: Sixth meeting of the Open-ended Working Group on Access and ... 2008-01-20: Second meeting of the Informal Consultations on the Developm... 2008-01-18: Capacity-building Workshop and Briefing of African Delegates... 2008-01-16: Workshop on the Elaboration of a Gender Plan of Action for t... 2008-01-14: Capacity-Building Workshop on Implementing NBSAPs and Mainst... 2008-01-07: Workshop to strengthen national and regional capacities in t... 2007-12-10: Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Workshop on Capacit... 2007-11-26: Central and Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Capacity-Bui... 2007-11-21: Fourth meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Protoco... 2007-11-19: Arctic Region Workshop on Indigenous Communities, Tourism an... 2007-10-22: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Leg... 2007-10-15: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Arti... 2007-10-13: Informal Consultations on the Development of the Strategy fo... 2007-10-08: Fifth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2007-10-05: Capacity-building Workshop and Briefing of African Delegates... 2007-10-04: Third meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Bios... 2007-10-02: Expert Workshop on ecological criteria and biogeographic cla... 2007-09-19: Indigenous and Local Communities Experts for the Internation... 2007-09-10: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Technology Transfer and Sci... 2007-08-23: African Regional Workshop on Capacity-Building and Exchange ... 2007-08-13: Anglophone Africa sub-regional workshop on the review of, an... 2007-07-09: Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Rev... 2007-07-08: Capacity-building Workshop for National Focal Points 2007-07-07: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2007-07-02: Twelfth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Techni... 2007-07-01: First Meeting of the Chairs of the Scientific Advisory Bodie... 2007-07-01: Capacity-Building Workshop for SBSTTA-12 Participants 2007-05-28: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the Review of Implementatio... 2007-05-22: International Day for Biological Diversity 2007 2007-04-30: Advisory Committee for the Programme of Work on Article 8(j)... 2007-04-16: Second International Meeting of Academic Institutions and Or... 2007-04-02: South and West Asia Sub-Regional Workshop on the review of, ... 2007-03-26: Cities and Biodiversity: Achieving the 2010 Biodiversity Tar... 2007-03-19: Roundtable on the Interlinkages between Biodiversity and Cli... 2007-03-17: Informal Consultation on the Links between the Conservation ... 2007-03-05: Third meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Protocol 2007-03-01: Fourth meeting of the Liaison Group on Capacity-building for... 2007-02-26: Third Coordination Meeting for Governments and Organizations... 2007-02-19: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of Lega... 2007-01-22: Meeting of the Group of Technical Experts on an Internationa... 2006-12-14: Joint Article 8(j) and Clearing-House Mechanism Capacity-Bui... 2006-12-12: African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use 2006-12-12: Workshop on the Application of the Ecosystem Approach to Pro... 2006-12-11: Informal Advisory Committee on Communication, Education and ... 2006-12-05: Meeting of the COP Bureau 2006-11-23: Meeting of the Biosafety Clearing-House Informal Advisory Co... 2006-11-20: Meeting of the Coordination Mechanism for the Global Taxonom... 2006-11-20: Regional Synergy Workshop for Latin America and the Caribbea... 2006-11-06: Brainstorming session on South-South cooperation 2006-10-23: Liaison Group Meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Conse... 2006-09-15: First meeting of the Heads of Agency Task Force to Support t... 2006-09-08: First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Consortium of... 2006-07-26: Meeting of the SBSTTA Bureau 2006-07-24: Brainstorming meeting of SBSTTA Chairs on ways and means to ... 2006-03-20: Eighth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to ... 2006-03-19: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2006-03-19: Brainstorming meeting on Avian Flu 2006-03-17: Expert Workshop on Protected Areas 2006-03-13: Third meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2006-03-11: Biosafety-Clearing House training workshop for developing co... 2006-02-20: Second meeting of the Open-ended Ad Hoc Working Group on Lia... 2006-02-06: Second meeting of the Compliance Committee under the Cartage... 2006-01-30: Fourth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc... 2006-01-23: Ad Hoc Open-ended Intersessional Working Group on Article 8(... 2006-01-20: Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety 2006-01-18: Second Coordination meeting for governments and organization... 2005-12-13: CBD Clearing-House Mechanism and EC Clearing-House Mechanism... 2005-11-28: Eleventh meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Techn... 2005-11-27: Expert Group on Technology Transfer and Scientific and Techn... 2005-11-27: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2005-11-26: Meeting of the Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on... 2005-11-23: Workshop on the Joint Global Work Plan on Terrestrial and Fr... 2005-11-21: Technical Workshop on the introduction of new information an... 2005-11-15: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Risk Assessment under the C... 2005-11-03: Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge 2005-10-12: Group of legal and technical experts on liability and redres... 2005-09-13: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on Sustainabl... 2005-09-13: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biodiversity and Climate Ch... 2005-09-05: Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on the Review of Implementat... 2005-08-10: Ecological Society of America Visit to SCBD 2005-07-25: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the review of implementatio... 2005-07-11: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Implementation of Integrate... 2005-07-11: Advisory Committee for the Programme of Work on Article 8(j)... 2005-06-27: Workshop on the Joint Work Programme on Marine and Coastal I... 2005-06-20: Meeting of donor agencies and other relevant organizations t... 2005-06-13: Ad Hoc Open-Ended Working Group on Protected Areas 2005-06-09: Pacific Regional Workshop on the Composite Report on Traditi... 2005-05-30: Workshop on Cultural, Environmental and Social Impact Assess... 2005-05-30: Central and Eastern European Regional Expert Workshop on Sus... 2005-05-30: Second meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as t... 2005-05-28: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2005-05-25: First meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Liab... 2005-05-22: International Day for Biological Diversity 2005 2005-05-21: African Regional Workshop on the Composite Report on Traditi... 2005-05-16: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Gaps and Inconsistencies in... 2005-05-14: Latin American Regional Workshop on the Composite Report on ... 2005-04-28: Asian Regional Meeting on the Composite Report on Traditiona... 2005-03-23: Consular Representatives Meeting 2005-03-16: Open-ended Technical Expert Group on Identification Requirem... 2005-03-14: Compliance Committee under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafe... 2005-03-14: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on the review of implementatio... 2005-03-12: Consultation on the Cross-Cutting Initiative on Biodiversity... 2005-03-09: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Workshop on the Cleari... 2005-02-23: Technical Workshop on the development of regional Clearing-H... 2005-02-14: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2005-02-07: Tenth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2005-02-06: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2005-02-03: Asia and the Pacific Regional Workshop on the Clearing-House... 2005-01-27: Liaison Group on Capacity-building for Biosafety 2005-01-26: Coordination meeting for governments and organizations imple... 2005-01-24: Meeting of Experts to develop a Users' Manual on the CBD Gui... 2005-01-20: Business and the 2010 Biodiversity Challenge 2004-12-13: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Island Biodiversity 2004-11-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee on the Biosafety ... 2004-11-02: Informal Meeting on Interoperability of Information among th... 2004-11-01: Workshop on capacity-building and exchange of experiences as... 2004-10-25: Expert group on outcome-oriented targets for the Programmes ... 2004-10-19: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on indicators for assessing pr... 2004-10-18: Liaison Group meeting on indicators for assessing progress t... 2004-10-18: Technical Group of Experts on Liability and Redress under th... 2004-10-04: Coordination meeting for representatives of academic institu... 2004-09-13: Regional Workshop for Africa on Synergy among the Rio Conven... 2004-02-24: Biosafety Clearing-House Training Workshop 2004-02-23: First meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as th... 2004-02-22: Joint Meeting of the COP Bureau and the ICCP Bureau 2004-02-13: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2004-02-09: Seventh Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to... 2004-01-22: Latin American and Caribbean regional preparatory meeting fo... 2003-12-16: The Clearing-House Mechanism: exchange of experiences on its... 2003-12-08: Third meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Inter-sessional Worki... 2003-12-01: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acc... 2003-11-24: Ad hoc technical expert group on the implementation of the p... 2003-11-15: Joint meeting of the COP Bureau and ICCP Bureau 2003-11-10: Second GTI Coordination Mechanism Meeting 2003-11-10: Ninth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2003-11-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2003-11-06: International Workshop on Protected Forest Areas 2003-10-27: Meeting of the Consultative Working Group of Experts on Comm... 2003-10-05: Expert meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation 2003-09-09: Convention on Biological Diversity Clearing-House Mechanism ... 2003-08-28: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2003-08-12: Joint Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on the Cl... 2003-07-07: Meeting on the further elaboration and guidelines for implem... 2003-07-01: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on mountain biodiversity 2003-06-10: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on protected areas 2003-06-03: Workshop on incentive measures for the conservation and sust... 2003-05-21: SCBD meeting "2010 - The Global Biodiversity Challenge" with... 2003-05-13: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on biological diversity and cl... 2003-05-06: Fourth workshop on sustainable use 2003-04-10: Liaison Group of technical experts on the Biosafety Clearing... 2003-03-31: Africa regional meeting on the Clearing-House Mechanism 2003-03-17: Open-ended Inter-Sessional Meeting on the Multi-Year Program... 2003-03-15: Joint meeting of the COP Bureau and ICCP Bureau 2003-03-10: Eighth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technic... 2003-03-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2003-02-24: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Traditional Knowledge and C... 2003-02-19: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group meeting on the potential impac... 2003-02-10: Expert meeting on indicators of biological diversity includi... 2003-01-16: Scoping meeting of the Advisory Group for the second edition... 2002-12-18: Joint meeting of the COP Bureau and ICCP Bureau 2002-12-16: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2002-12-02: Workshop on Liability and Redress in the context of the Cart... 2002-12-02: Expert Meeting on methods and guidelines for the rapid asses... 2002-12-02: Open-ended expert workshop on capacity-building for access t... 2002-11-04: Liaison Group meeting on capacity-building for biosafety 2002-10-11: Liaison Group meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Conse... 2002-09-23: Second meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Dry a... 2002-09-09: Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biological Diversity and Cl... 2002-07-01: Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group on Mariculture 2002-05-20: Second Meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Marin... 2002-04-22: Third Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Car... 2002-04-09: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2002-04-07: Sixth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t... 2002-03-22: Informal consultation on the development of the Strategic Pl... 2002-03-19: Regional Preparatory Meeting for Africa in preparation for t... 2002-03-18: Technical Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging a... 2002-03-18: Regional Preparatory Meeting for Latin America and the Carib... 2002-03-18: First Meeting of the Ad hoc Technical Expert Group on Dry an... 2002-03-18: Regional Preparatory Meeting for Asia and the Pacific in pre... 2002-03-13: Technical Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging a... 2002-03-04: Regional Meeting on the Pilot Phase of the Biosafety Clearin... 2002-02-19: Informal Meeting on Formats, Protocols and Standards for Imp... 2002-02-18: Third Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Div... 2002-02-18: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2002-02-11: Technical Expert Meeting on the Global Strategy for Plant Co... 2002-02-05: Regional Meeting on the Pilot Phase of the Biosafety Clearin... 2002-02-04: Second Meeting on the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Inter-sessional Work... 2002-01-28: Workshop on Forests and Biological Diversity 2002-01-21: First Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Technical Expert Group on Biolog... 2002-01-19: African Meeting on Capacity Building for the Biosafety Clear... 2002-01-19: African Meeting on capacity-building for the Biosafety Clear... 2002-01-09: Asian Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological Div... 2001-11-26: Southern Africa Regional Training Workshop on the Commonweal... 2001-11-19: Open-ended intersessional meeting on the Strategic Plan, Nat... 2001-11-12: Seventh Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Techni... 2001-11-11: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2001-11-06: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau (By Teleconference) 2001-11-05: Third CBD/UNESCO Consultative Working Group of Experts on Bi... 2001-10-22: First meeting of the Ad-Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Acce... 2001-10-22: Technical Expert Group on Marine and Coastal Protected Areas 2001-10-10: Workshop on Incentive Measures 2001-10-01: Second Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Ca... 2001-09-28: Pan-European Workshop on Building the CHM Partnership: Facil... 2001-09-27: Liaison Group Meeting of Technical Experts on the Pilot Phas... 2001-09-26: Open-Ended Meeting of Experts on Compliance. Back to Back w... 2001-09-24: African Regional Workshop on Sustainable Use of Biological D... 2001-09-07: Latin America and Caribbean Regional Meeting on the Clearing... 2001-09-04: Latin American and Caribbean Regional Meeting on the Biosafe... 2001-07-16: Workshop on Financing for Biodiversity (Co-organized with GE... 2001-07-11: Open-ended Meeting of Experts on Capacity-Building for the I... 2001-07-09: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2001-06-18: Workshop on Liability and Redress under the CBD 2001-06-13: Expert Meeting on Handling, Transport, Packaging and Identif... 2001-06-04: Workshop on Biological Diversity and Tourism 2001-05-28: Workshop on the Strategic Plan 2001-05-17: Global Strategy for Plant Conservation<br />Second Informal ... 2001-03-21: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2001-03-19: Liaison Group Meeting of Technical Experts on the Biosafety ... 2001-03-19: Panel of Experts on Access and Benefit-Sharing 2001-03-12: Sixth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2001-03-11: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2001-03-11: Informal Consultation on the proposed Global Strategy for Pl... 2001-02-26: Regional Meeting on Biosafety Clearing-House and the Clearin... 2001-01-24: Second Liaison Group on Agricultural Biological Diversity 2000-12-11: First Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Car... 2000-11-19: Second CBD/UNESCO Consultative Working Group of Experts on B... 2000-09-17: Liaison Group Meeting on Alien Invasive Species - Back to Ba... 2000-09-14: Meeting of the ICCP Bureau 2000-09-11: Meeting of Technical Experts on the Biosafety Clearing House 2000-07-11: First CBD/UNESCO Consultative Working Group of Experts on Bi... 2000-05-15: Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t... 2000-03-27: First Meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-Ended Inter-Sessional Worki... 2000-01-31: Fifth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 2000-01-29: Organizational Meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee fo... 2000-01-29: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 2000-01-24: Resumed session of the first extraordinary meeting of the Co... 1999-10-11: Expert consultation on coral bleaching 1999-10-01: First Meeting of the Panel of Experts on Access to Genetic R... 1999-09-27: First Liaison Group Meeting on Drylands 1999-09-24: First Liaison Group Meeting on Indicators 1999-09-20: First Liaison Group on Agricultural Biological Diversity 1999-09-20: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 1999-09-15: First Liaison Group Meeting on Ecosystem Approach 1999-09-15: Informal Consultation on the process to resume the Extraordi... 1999-07-01: Informal Consultation on the process to resume the Extraordi... 1999-06-28: Intersessional Meeting on the Operations of the Convention 1999-06-21: Fourth Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technic... 1999-06-20: Meeting of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-h... 1999-02-22: First Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties... 1999-02-14: Sixth Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1998-08-17: Fifth Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1998-07-20: Second International Expert Meeting on "Building the Clearin... 1998-05-04: Fourth Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to... 1998-03-05: Fourth CHM regional workshop in Africa 1998-02-05: Fourth Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Gro... 1998-01-01: Meetings of the Informal Advisory Committee to the Clearing-... 1997-12-03: Third CHM regional workshop in Asia 1997-11-24: First Workshop on Traditional Knowledge and Biological Diver... 1997-10-27: Second CHM regional workshop in Central and Eastern Europe 1997-10-13: Third Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1997-10-13: First CHM regional workshop in Latin American and the Carib... 1997-09-01: Implementing the Clearing-House Mechanism: National, Regiona... 1997-09-01: Third Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 1997-06-25: First International Expert Meeting on "Building the Clearing... 1997-05-12: Second Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Gro... 1997-03-07: First meeting of experts on marine and coastal biological di... 1996-11-04: Third Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to t... 1996-09-02: Second Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technic... 1996-07-22: First Ordinary Meeting of the Open-Ended Ad Hoc working Grou... 1995-11-06: Second Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to ... 1995-09-04: First Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technica... 1994-11-28: First Ordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to ... 1994-06-20: Second Session of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Con... 1993-10-11: First Session of the Intergovernmental Committee on the Conv... 1992-05-20: Conference for the Adoption of the Convention on Biological ... 1992-05-11: Seventh Negotiating Session / Fifth Meeting of the Intergove... 1992-02-06: Sixth Negotiating Session / Fourth Meeting of the Intergover... 1991-11-25: Fifth Negotiating Session / Third Meeting of the Intergovern... 1991-09-23: Fourth Negotiating Session / Second Meeting of the Intergove... 1991-06-24: Third Negotiating Session / First Meeting of the Intergovern... 1991-06-24: Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Biolo... 1991-02-25: Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Technical Experts on Biolo... 1990-11-19: First Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Legal and Techn... 1990-11-14: Sub-Working Group on Biotechnology 1990-07-09: Third Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Biol... 1990-02-19: Second Session of the Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Bio... 1990-01-01: List of Business Contacts 1990-01-01: List of CHM Contacts 1990-01-01: List of SCBD Staff 1988-11-16: First session of Ad Hoc Working Group of Experts on Biologic... Thematic Areas <Any> Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing Agricultural Biodiversity Arctic Biodiversity Bio-Bridge Initiative Biodiversity for Development Biofuels and Biodiversity Biosafety and Biotechnology Business and Biodiversity Capacity-building Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Chemicals and Pollution Cities and Biodiversity Clearing-House Mechanism Climate Change and Biodiversity Communication, Education and Public Awareness Conference of the Parties Convention on Biological Diversity Cooperation and Partnerships Digital sequence information on genetic resources Digital Strategy Dry and Sub-Humid Lands Biodiversity Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures Ecosystem Approach Ecosystem Restoration Endangered Species Exchange of Information Ex-Situ Conservation Financial Resources and Mechanism Forest Biodiversity Gender and Biodiversity Genetic Use Restriction Technologies Geo-engineering and Biodiversity Global Biodiversity Outlook Global Strategy for Plant Conservation Global Taxonomy Initiative Governance, Law and Policy Health and Biodiversity Identification, Monitoring and Indicators Impact Assessment Implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity Inland Waters Biodiversity Intellectual Property Rights International Day for Biological Diversity International Year of Biodiversity - 2010 Invasive Alien Species Island Biodiversity Knowledge Management Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Liability and Redress Library and Documentation Marine and Coastal Biodiversity Migratory Species Mountain Biodiversity National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP) National Reports New and emerging issues Operations of the Convention on Biological Diversity Parliamentarians and Biodiversity Polar Biodiversity Post-2020 framework Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation Research and Science Scientific and Technical Cooperation Scientific Assessment South-South Cooperation Strategic Plan / Biodiversity Targets Subsidiary Body on Implementation Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice Sustainable Development / Millenium Development Goals Sustainable Use of Biodiversity Sustainable Wildlife Management Synthetic Biology Technical and Scientific Cooperation Tourism and Biodiversity Traditional Knowledge, Innovations and Practices - Article 8(j) Transfer of Technology and Cooperation United Nations United Nations Decade on Biodiversity - 2011-2020 Youth and Biodiversity Language <Any> English Spanish French Arabic Chinese Russian Keyword 1 <Any> 2010 biodiversity target Aboriginal people ABS National Focal Point Access Access restrictions Access to genetic resources Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing Access to the sea Accessiblity/adaptability of information systems Accident prevention Accidental release of organisms Accreditation Action Plan Adaptable species Administration Advance informed agreement Afforestation Africa Agenda Agenda 21 Agricultural biodiversity Agricultural biotechnologies Agricultural biotechnology Agricultural development Agricultural ecology Agricultural economics Agricultural land Agricultural management Agricultural policies Agricultural practices Agricultural production Agricultural resources Agricultural resources Agriculture Agri-environmental payments Agroecosystems Agroforestry Agro-industry Agronomy Air pollutants Air pollution Albania Algae Algeria Alien species Alkali lands Amphibians Analysis of alternatives Animal behaviour Animal collections Animal genetic resources Animal genetics Animal husbandry Animal introduction Animal population Animal production Animal resources Animal resources Antarctic ecosystems Antarctic region Antarctic Treaty Antigua and Barbuda Antipollution incentives Appropriate technology Aquaculture Aquatic environment Aquatic mammals Aquatic microorganisms Arctic ecosystems Arctic region Argentina Arid land ecosystems Arid lands Arid lands Armenia Arthropods Articles Asia Assessment and monitoring Atmosphere Atmospheric processes Attribute based choice modelling Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bacteria Bahamas Ballast water Bamboos Banana Bangladesh Barbados Barriers/obstacles to technology transfer Basel Convention of the Control of Transboundary Movements of hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Baseline Baseline studies Belarus Belgium Belize Benefit sharing Benefits transfer Benefits transfer Benefit-sharing Benin Best practices Best practices Bhutan Bibliographic information Bibliography Bilateral conventions Biochemical engineering Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation Biodiversity hotspot Biodiversity information system Biodiversity levels Biodiversity specialist Biodiversity value Biodiversity-related conventions Bioethics Biological development Biological diversity Biological diversity Biological diversity and protected areas Biological indicators Biological resources Biological resources Biological resources Biology Bionics Biophysical changes Bioprospecting Bioregion Biosafety Biosafety Biosafety Clearing-House Biosafety Protocol Biosphere reserves Biosphere reserves Biotechnological issues Biotechnologies Biotechnology Biotopes Biotypes BirdLife International Birds Birds Black Sea Bolivia Boreal forests Botanical gardens Botany Botswana Brazil Breeders rights Budget Bulgaria Bureau Burkina Faso Burundi Business Business Business and Biodiversity Business case Business drivers Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Canadian Species at Risk Act Canopy Capacity and human resources for information systems Capacity building Capacity building Cape Verde Caribbean Caribbean Area Cartagena Protocol Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Case studies CBD Article 14 CBD Decision IV/10c CBD decision V/18 CBD decision VI/7 Central Africa Central African Republic Central America Central America Central Asia Central Europe Certificate Certification Chad Change in productivity Checklist method Chemical industry Chile China CHM National Focal Point Choice modeling Cities and biodiversity Civil Society Classification Clearing-House Mechanism Clearing-house mechanism Clearing-House Mechanism of the CBD Climate Climate change Climatic change Climatic issues Cloning Closure CMS Resolution 7.2 Coastal areas Coastal development Coastal ecosystems Coastal environments Coastal waters Cold zone ecosystems Collections Colombia Commercial research Commercial utilization of genetic resources Commercialization Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Communication channels Communication technology Community participation Community-to-community transfer Comoros Compensation Compensation for loss of use Competent National Authority (CNA) Compliance Components of biodiversity Conference of the Parties Congo Coniferous forests Conservation Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of plant genetic resources Conservation payments Conservation strategy Consumption patterns Contaminated land Contaminated soil Contingent ranking Contingent valuation Contingent valuation method Contracts Contribution of parties Convention Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on biological diversity Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (or CMS or Bonn convention) Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) Cook Islands Cooperation Coral bleaching Coral reef Coral reefs Corals Corporate social responsibility Costa Rica Cost-based approaches Cost-based valuation Cost-benefit analysis Cost-benefit analysis cost-effectiveness analysis Credential Croatia Crops Cuba Cultural heritage impact assessment Cultural impact assessment Cultural indicators Cumulative effects Cumulative Impact Assessment Customary law Cyprus Czech Republic Damage Dams Dams Danish Data collection Data processing Data recording techniques Decision Decision making Decision-making Decisions Definitions Deforestation Deforestation Democracy Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Derivatives Desertification Desertification Designation of origin Developed countries Developing countries Development agencies Development aid Development cooperation Development indicators Development laws against "unproductive" use Development patterns Development planning Development plans Development policies Development projects Diffusion of research Disaster prevention Disasters DIVERSITAS Djibouti Dominant species Dominica Dominican Republic Drinking water Drought control Dry and sub-humid lands Dry and sub-humid lands biodiversity Dry farming Drylands East Africa Eastern Africa Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Ecodevelopment Eco-labelling Eco-labelling and certification Ecological balance Ecological corridors Ecological impact assessment Ecology Ecology Economic assessment Economic development Economic indicators Economic management instruments Economic planning Economic policies Economic resources Economic sectors Economic valuation Economic valuation Economics, trade and incentive measures Ecosystem approach Ecosystem approach Ecosystem level Ecosystem management Ecosystem Services Ecosystems Ecotourism Ecuador Education Egypt EIA - Analysis (or assessment) EIA guideline EIA legislation EIA reporting EIA system El Salvador Electricity generation Electronic information network Endangered animal species Endangered animal species Endangered plant species Endangered plant species Endangered species Endangered species Energy Energy policy Energy resources Energy use Environment Environmental accidents Environmental accounting Environmental aspects of human settlements Environmental assessment Environmental auditing Environmental awareness Environmental awareness Environmental costs Environmental criteria Environmental degradation Environmental economic issues Environmental economics Environmental economics Environmental education Environmental education Environmental funds Environmental health hazards Environmental impact Environmental impact assessment Environmental impact assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Environmental incentives Environmental indicators Environmental law Environmental law Environmental legislation Environmental liability Environmental licensing Environmental management Environmental management indicators Environmental management plan Environmental monitoring Environmental planning Environmental planning Environmental policy Environmental production declaration Environmental protection Environmental quality indicators Environmental quality standards Environmental risk (or effect) assessment Environmental risk assessment Environmental statistics Environmental subsidies Environmental training Environmental valuation Environmental valuation Enzymes Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Erosion Espoo Convention - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in a Transboundary Context Estonia Estuarine conservation areas Estuarine ecosystems Ethics Ethiopia Ethnobotany Europe European Union directive 79/409/EEC European Union directives on environmental impact assessment European-Union directive 92/43/EEC Evaluation Exchange formats/standards/protocols Experimentation Expert Expressway Ex-situ conservation Extraction levies/pricing Fauna Fauna Feasibility studies Fellowships Fiji Financial assistance Financial institution Financial institutions Financial mechanism Financial resources Financial rules Financing Finland Fish Fish fish stocks Fisheries Fisheries Fisheries co-management mechanism Fisheries development Fisheries development Fisheries legal regime Fisheries management Fishery management Fishery policies Fishery production Fishery resources Fishes Fishing areas Fishing rights Flood plain Flora Flora Folklore Food Food chain Food contamination Food preservation Food resources Food safety Food science Food security Food technology Foreign direct investment Foreign trade Forest biodiversity Forest conservation Forest ecosystems Forest ecosystems Forest fires Forest fires Forest inventories Forest management Forest management Forest policy Forest products Forest protection Forest rehabilitation Forest reserves Forest resource assessment Forest resources Forest stands Forestation Forestry Forestry and land use Forestry development Forestry legislation Forestry policies Forestry production Forests Format Fossil fuels France Free trade Free trade Fresh water ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems Freshwater resources Funding Fungi Gabon Gambia Gap analysis Gas pipeline Gender and biodiversity Gender issues Gene banks Gene banks Gene flow Genes Genetic engineering Genetic level Genetic resources Genetic resources Genetic transformation Genetically modified crop Genetically modified organism Genetically Modified Organisms Genetics Genomes Geographic information systems Geographic information systems Geographic Information Systems Geographical distribution Geology Georgia Germ plasm Germany Germplasm Germplasm collections Germplasm conservation Ghana Global Global Biodiversity Outlook Global change Global conventions Global strategy for plant conservation Global taxonomy initiative Global warming Globalization Glossary Governance Government Grains Grass fires Grassland ecosystems Grassland ecosystems Gravel pits Greece Greenbelts Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases Grenada Guam (USA) Guatemala Guidance Guidelines Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Habitat destruction Haiti Handling Harbours Harmonization Hazardous substances Hazardous wastes Hazards of pollutants Health Health hazards Health impact assessment Health protection Health-related biotechnologies Heath lands Hedonic pricing Highland ecosystems Honduras Human diseases Human population Human rights Human-made disasters Hungary Hunting Hydroelectric power IAIA - International Association for Impact Assessment Iceland Identification Identification, monitoring and indicators Immunological diseases Impact assessment Impact evaluation Impact identification Impact prediction Implementation Implementation In situ conservation Incentive measure Incentive measures Incentive measures Incentives for private-sector actors Incentives for public research institutions India Indian Ocean Indicator Indicator animals Indicator plants Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and Local Communities Indigenous communities Indigenous forests Indigenous knowledge Indigenous organisms Indonesia Industrial products Industrial projects Informal Advisory Committee Information Information clearing-house Information exchange Information kit Information Management Information networks Information services Information technology Infrastructure provision Inland fisheries Inland waters Inland waters biodiversity Inland waters environment Innovation Innovative approach/type 2 partnerships Insect Insecta In-situ conservation Instrumental values Integrated assessment Intellectual property rights Intellectual Property Rights Interaction Matrix method Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Committee International agreement International agreements International cooperation International Day for Biological Diversity International environmental relations International exchange programmes International inland waters International law International Law Commission International organization International organizations International relations International standardization International trade International waters International Year of Biodiversity 2010 Interoperability of information systems Intrinsic values Introduced breeds Introduced varieties Invasive alien species Invasive alien species Invertebrates Invitation Involvement of indigenous and local communities Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ireland Irrigation Island ecosystems Israel Italy IUCN - World Conservation Union IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Jamaica Japan Joint Research Programmes Joint ventures Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Knowledge management Knowledge sharing Kyrgyzstan Lacustrine ecology Lake Tanganyika Lakes Land Land carrying capacity Land mammals Land planning Land pollution Land purchase Land reclamation Land restoration Land set-aside payments Land use Land use classification Land use planning Land varieties Land-based activities Landfill taxes Landscape level Land-use covenants and certification Latin America Latvia Law Law of the Sea Lebanon Legal liability Legal rights Legislation Lesotho Liability Liability and redress Liaison group Liberia Licences Liechtenstein Life-cycle assessment Linkages List of participants Lithuania Living marine resources Living modified organisms Local authorities Local communities Long-term effects of pollutants Long-term trends Loss of biodiversity Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Mammals Management Mangrove ecosystems Mangrove swamps Marginal lands Marine and coastal biodiversity Marine areas Marine biology Marine conservation areas Marine ecosystems Marine environment Marine monitoring Marine pollution Marine resources Marine resources conservation Marine sediments Market creation (organic production, tourism, ...) Marshall Islands Material Transfer Agreements Mauritania Mauritius Media Medical sciences Medicinal plants Mediterranean Sea Megadiverse countries Mekong River Memorandum of understanding Meta-analysis Meteorology Mexico Microbial resources Microbial resources Micronesia (Federated States of) Micro-organism communities Microorganisms Migration Migratory species Migratory species Millenium Development Goals Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Mining Mitigation measures Modes of cooperation on science, technology and innovation Molluscs Monaco Monetary benefits Mongolia MONITORING Monitoring Moral approaches Morocco Mountain biodiversity Mountain biodiversity Mountain ecosystems Mountain ecosystems Mountaineering Mozambique Multi-criteria analysis Multi-criteria approach Mutagens Mutants Mutated microorganisms release Mutually agreed terms (MATs) Myanmar Namibia National action plan National biodiversity strategy National biodiversity strategy and action plan National conservation policy National conservation programmes National Environmental Policy Act National focal point National implementation National legislation National parks National parks National plans National policies National report National research and technology strategies National reserves National strategy Natural habitats Natural Heritage Programs Natural resources Nature conservation Nature conservation Nature reserves Nepal Network (or flow diagram) method Networks/linkages of information systems New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue 'no net loss' principle Nomenclature Nomination Non-commercial research Non-economic value Non-governmental organization Non-governmental organizations Non-monetary benefits North Africa North America North Atlantic Ocean North Pacific Ocean Norway Notification and public consultation Nutrition Nutritive value of food Observer Ocean dumping Oceans OECD Oil extraction Oil sands Oil spills Oman Options for regional/international cooperation on information systems Organic farming Organization of work Organohalogen compounds Overlay mapping method Ozone depletion Ozone layer Packaging Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Parasites Park visitor fees Parks and reserves Participation in technological research Patent data/databases Patents Payments for ecosystem services Penalties for environmental damage Penalties/Sanctions Permafrost ecosystems Persistent organic pollutants Persistent organic pollutants Peru Pest control Pest management Pesticides Pests Pharmacology Phased approach assessment Philippines Plant Plant biotechnology Plant breeding Plant collections Plant genetic resources Plant genetics Plant population Plant production Plant protection Plant resources Plant species Plants Poaching Poland Polar ecosystems Policies Policy planning Pollination Pollinator Pollinators Pollutant analysis Pollutants Pollution Pollution control Pollution control Pollution taxes/levies Population density Population distribution Population dynamics Population ecology Population growth Portugal Post-Projet Environmental Audit Power plants Precautionary approach Precautionary principle Preliminary assessment Prevention Pricing policies of resources Primary data Primates Print media Prior informed consent Prior informed consent Prior informed consent (PIC) Priority access to results/benefits arising from technologies based upon genetic resources Private enterprises Private ownership Private property Private sector Private sector Product labelling productivity approach Programme of work Project evaluation Project management Proprietary Technology Protected areas Protected areas Protected forests Protected species Protected species Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources Protozoa Provenance Public awareness Public Awareness Public health Public parks Public participation Public relations Qatar Race relations RAMSAR Ramsar - Resolution VII/16 Ramsar - Resolution VII/8 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/14 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/9 Ratification Reafforestation Reclamation Recombinant DNA technology Recommendation Recovery strategy and action plan Red-listing process Redress Reforestation Regional cooperation Regional plan Registration Regulations Regulatory control Rehabilitation Replacement costs Report Reporting Reproductive manipulation Reptiles Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Research Research and development Research institutions Research institutions Research networks Research policies Research projects Residual environmental effects Resilience Resource conservation Resource depletion Resource management Resources management Restoration Restoration Revealed preference approach Revegetation Revenue sharing with communities Review of environmental assessment Right of access Rio Declaration Risk Risk assessment Rivers Road Role of intellectual property rights / options to increase synergy and overcome barriers Romania Rules of procedure Russian Federation Rwanda Sacred site Sacred site Saint Lucia Samoa Samoa (US) Sampling techniques Sand dune fixation Sand dunes Sand extraction Saudi Arabia SBSTTA Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific certainty Scientific community Scoping Screening SEA legislation Sea level rise Secondary data Secretariat Sedimentation Seeds Selective breeding of animals Selective breeding of plants Semi-arid land ecosystems Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Settlement of disputes Seychelles Shell Mining Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Small islands Social Change Processes Social impact assessments Social indicators Social policies Socioeconomic development Socio-economic factors Socio-economic impact of biotechnologies Socio-economic impacts Soil capabilities Soil conservation Soil contamination Soil degradation Soil degradation Soil erosion Soil improvement Soil salination Soils Solomon Islands South Africa South America South Pacific Ocean Southeast Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Spain Spatial plan Species Species level Species management plan Speech Sri Lanka Stakeholder involvement Stakeholders Stakeholders Standards State of the environment Stated preference approach Statement Status Steel industry Stock assessment Strategic environmental assessment Strategic plan Strengthening of decision-making skills Strengthening property rights (land tenure, ...) Submission Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice Subsidy reform Subterranean water Sub-tropical ecosystems Sudan Support payment Suriname Sustainability Sustainable development Sustainable development indicators Sustainable use Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tax exemptions Taxa Taxonomy Technical aid Technical and scientific cooperation Technical information Technological changes Technologies based upon genetic resources Technologies for conservation and sustainable use Technology Technology adaptation Technology diffusion Technology in the public domain Technology transfer Technology transfer Technology transfer offices Technology transfer programme Temperate ecosystems Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems Temperate forests Temperate woodlands Teratogens Terms of reference Terms of reference Terrestrial biological resources Terrestrial ecosystems Thailand The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The Netherlands Threat Threatened ecosystem threatened ecosystem Threatened ecosystems Threatened habitats Threatened species Togo Tonga Tourism Tourism and biodiversity Tourism facilities Toxic substances Toxicity Toxicity of pesticides Trace materials Tradable permits/use rights Trade Trade agreements Trade assessment Trade barriers Trade impact on environment Trade policies Traditional cultural practices Traditional farming Traditional health care Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices Traditional lifestyles Traditional medicines Traditional technologies Traditional technology Training Training Training programmes Transboundary movement of living modified organism Transboundary pollution Transfer agreements Transfer of technology Transport Transport of hazardous materials Transport sector Travel Travel cost valuation Trees Trends Trinidad and Tobago TRIPS Tropical ecosystems Tropical forest ecosystems Tropical forests Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC United Kingdom United Nations United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Urban areas Urban renewal Uruguay Use / hunting permits / licensing Utilization of pesticides Uzbekistan Valued ecosystem components Vanuatu Varieties Vegetation Vegetation Venezuela Viet Nam Virology Viruses Voluntary approaches Vulnerable ecosystem Wastes Water erosion Water erosion Water management Water quality Water resources Water resources conservation Water resources development Waterfowl Waterfowl Waterlogged lands Watershed management Waterside development Weather Weather hazards Weeds West Africa Western Asia Western Europe Wetland Wetland management Wetlands assessment Wetlands conservation Wetlands ecosystems Wetlands ecosystems Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife conservation Wildlife habitats Wildlife population statistics Wildlife trade Wood products Woodland ecosystems Working group Workshops World Heritage Convention Yeasts Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Zoning Zoological gardens Zoology Country <Any> Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechia Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Eswatini Ethiopia European Union Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Holy See Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran (Islamic Republic of) Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People's Democratic Republic Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia (Federated States of) Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands (Kingdom of the) New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka State of Palestine Sudan Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Türkiye Turkmenistan Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Keyword 2 <Any> 2010 biodiversity target Aboriginal people ABS National Focal Point Access Access restrictions Access to genetic resources Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing Access to the sea Accessiblity/adaptability of information systems Accident prevention Accidental release of organisms Accreditation Action Plan Adaptable species Administration Advance informed agreement Afforestation Africa Agenda Agenda 21 Agricultural biodiversity Agricultural biotechnologies Agricultural biotechnology Agricultural development Agricultural ecology Agricultural economics Agricultural land Agricultural management Agricultural policies Agricultural practices Agricultural production Agricultural resources Agricultural resources Agriculture Agri-environmental payments Agroecosystems Agroforestry Agro-industry Agronomy Air pollutants Air pollution Albania Algae Algeria Alien species Alkali lands Amphibians Analysis of alternatives Animal behaviour Animal collections Animal genetic resources Animal genetics Animal husbandry Animal introduction Animal population Animal production Animal resources Animal resources Antarctic ecosystems Antarctic region Antarctic Treaty Antigua and Barbuda Antipollution incentives Appropriate technology Aquaculture Aquatic environment Aquatic mammals Aquatic microorganisms Arctic ecosystems Arctic region Argentina Arid land ecosystems Arid lands Arid lands Armenia Arthropods Articles Asia Assessment and monitoring Atmosphere Atmospheric processes Attribute based choice modelling Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bacteria Bahamas Ballast water Bamboos Banana Bangladesh Barbados Barriers/obstacles to technology transfer Basel Convention of the Control of Transboundary Movements of hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal Baseline Baseline studies Belarus Belgium Belize Benefit sharing Benefits transfer Benefits transfer Benefit-sharing Benin Best practices Best practices Bhutan Bibliographic information Bibliography Bilateral conventions Biochemical engineering Biodiversity Biodiversity Biodiversity conservation Biodiversity Conservation Biodiversity for development and poverty alleviation Biodiversity hotspot Biodiversity information system Biodiversity levels Biodiversity specialist Biodiversity value Biodiversity-related conventions Bioethics Biological development Biological diversity Biological diversity Biological diversity and protected areas Biological indicators Biological resources Biological resources Biological resources Biology Bionics Biophysical changes Bioprospecting Bioregion Biosafety Biosafety Biosafety Clearing-House Biosafety Protocol Biosphere reserves Biosphere reserves Biotechnological issues Biotechnologies Biotechnology Biotopes Biotypes BirdLife International Birds Birds Black Sea Bolivia Boreal forests Botanical gardens Botany Botswana Brazil Breeders rights Budget Bulgaria Bureau Burkina Faso Burundi Business Business Business and Biodiversity Business case Business drivers Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canadian Environmental Assessment Act Canadian Species at Risk Act Canopy Capacity and human resources for information systems Capacity building Capacity building Cape Verde Caribbean Caribbean Area Cartagena Protocol Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety Case studies CBD Article 14 CBD Decision IV/10c CBD decision V/18 CBD decision VI/7 Central Africa Central African Republic Central America Central America Central Asia Central Europe Certificate Certification Chad Change in productivity Checklist method Chemical industry Chile China CHM National Focal Point Choice modeling Cities and biodiversity Civil Society Classification Clearing-House Mechanism Clearing-house mechanism Clearing-House Mechanism of the CBD Climate Climate change Climatic change Climatic issues Cloning Closure CMS Resolution 7.2 Coastal areas Coastal development Coastal ecosystems Coastal environments Coastal waters Cold zone ecosystems Collections Colombia Commercial research Commercial utilization of genetic resources Commercialization Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) Communication channels Communication technology Community participation Community-to-community transfer Comoros Compensation Compensation for loss of use Competent National Authority (CNA) Compliance Components of biodiversity Conference of the Parties Congo Coniferous forests Conservation Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of genetic resources Conservation of plant genetic resources Conservation payments Conservation strategy Consumption patterns Contaminated land Contaminated soil Contingent ranking Contingent valuation Contingent valuation method Contracts Contribution of parties Convention Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on Biological Diversity Convention on biological diversity Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (or CMS or Bonn convention) Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar) Cook Islands Cooperation Coral bleaching Coral reef Coral reefs Corals Corporate social responsibility Costa Rica Cost-based approaches Cost-based valuation Cost-benefit analysis Cost-benefit analysis cost-effectiveness analysis Credential Croatia Crops Cuba Cultural heritage impact assessment Cultural impact assessment Cultural indicators Cumulative effects Cumulative Impact Assessment Customary law Cyprus Czech Republic Damage Dams Dams Danish Data collection Data processing Data recording techniques Decision Decision making Decision-making Decisions Definitions Deforestation Deforestation Democracy Democratic People's Republic of Korea Democratic Republic of the Congo Denmark Derivatives Desertification Desertification Designation of origin Developed countries Developing countries Development agencies Development aid Development cooperation Development indicators Development laws against "unproductive" use Development patterns Development planning Development plans Development policies Development projects Diffusion of research Disaster prevention Disasters DIVERSITAS Djibouti Dominant species Dominica Dominican Republic Drinking water Drought control Dry and sub-humid lands Dry and sub-humid lands biodiversity Dry farming Drylands East Africa Eastern Africa Eastern Europe Eastern Europe Ecodevelopment Eco-labelling Eco-labelling and certification Ecological balance Ecological corridors Ecological impact assessment Ecology Ecology Economic assessment Economic development Economic indicators Economic management instruments Economic planning Economic policies Economic resources Economic sectors Economic valuation Economic valuation Economics, trade and incentive measures Ecosystem approach Ecosystem approach Ecosystem level Ecosystem management Ecosystem Services Ecosystems Ecotourism Ecuador Education Egypt EIA - Analysis (or assessment) EIA guideline EIA legislation EIA reporting EIA system El Salvador Electricity generation Electronic information network Endangered animal species Endangered animal species Endangered plant species Endangered plant species Endangered species Endangered species Energy Energy policy Energy resources Energy use Environment Environmental accidents Environmental accounting Environmental aspects of human settlements Environmental assessment Environmental auditing Environmental awareness Environmental awareness Environmental costs Environmental criteria Environmental degradation Environmental economic issues Environmental economics Environmental economics Environmental education Environmental education Environmental funds Environmental health hazards Environmental impact Environmental impact assessment Environmental impact assessment Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Statement Environmental incentives Environmental indicators Environmental law Environmental law Environmental legislation Environmental liability Environmental licensing Environmental management Environmental management indicators Environmental management plan Environmental monitoring Environmental planning Environmental planning Environmental policy Environmental production declaration Environmental protection Environmental quality indicators Environmental quality standards Environmental risk (or effect) assessment Environmental risk assessment Environmental statistics Environmental subsidies Environmental training Environmental valuation Environmental valuation Enzymes Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Erosion Espoo Convention - Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in a Transboundary Context Estonia Estuarine conservation areas Estuarine ecosystems Ethics Ethiopia Ethnobotany Europe European Union directive 79/409/EEC European Union directives on environmental impact assessment European-Union directive 92/43/EEC Evaluation Exchange formats/standards/protocols Experimentation Expert Expressway Ex-situ conservation Extraction levies/pricing Fauna Fauna Feasibility studies Fellowships Fiji Financial assistance Financial institution Financial institutions Financial mechanism Financial resources Financial rules Financing Finland Fish Fish fish stocks Fisheries Fisheries Fisheries co-management mechanism Fisheries development Fisheries development Fisheries legal regime Fisheries management Fishery management Fishery policies Fishery production Fishery resources Fishes Fishing areas Fishing rights Flood plain Flora Flora Folklore Food Food chain Food contamination Food preservation Food resources Food safety Food science Food security Food technology Foreign direct investment Foreign trade Forest biodiversity Forest conservation Forest ecosystems Forest ecosystems Forest fires Forest fires Forest inventories Forest management Forest management Forest policy Forest products Forest protection Forest rehabilitation Forest reserves Forest resource assessment Forest resources Forest stands Forestation Forestry Forestry and land use Forestry development Forestry legislation Forestry policies Forestry production Forests Format Fossil fuels France Free trade Free trade Fresh water ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems Freshwater resources Funding Fungi Gabon Gambia Gap analysis Gas pipeline Gender and biodiversity Gender issues Gene banks Gene banks Gene flow Genes Genetic engineering Genetic level Genetic resources Genetic resources Genetic transformation Genetically modified crop Genetically modified organism Genetically Modified Organisms Genetics Genomes Geographic information systems Geographic information systems Geographic Information Systems Geographical distribution Geology Georgia Germ plasm Germany Germplasm Germplasm collections Germplasm conservation Ghana Global Global Biodiversity Outlook Global change Global conventions Global strategy for plant conservation Global taxonomy initiative Global warming Globalization Glossary Governance Government Grains Grass fires Grassland ecosystems Grassland ecosystems Gravel pits Greece Greenbelts Greenhouse effect Greenhouse gases Grenada Guam (USA) Guatemala Guidance Guidelines Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Habitat destruction Haiti Handling Harbours Harmonization Hazardous substances Hazardous wastes Hazards of pollutants Health Health hazards Health impact assessment Health protection Health-related biotechnologies Heath lands Hedonic pricing Highland ecosystems Honduras Human diseases Human population Human rights Human-made disasters Hungary Hunting Hydroelectric power IAIA - International Association for Impact Assessment Iceland Identification Identification, monitoring and indicators Immunological diseases Impact assessment Impact evaluation Impact identification Impact prediction Implementation Implementation In situ conservation Incentive measure Incentive measures Incentive measures Incentives for private-sector actors Incentives for public research institutions India Indian Ocean Indicator Indicator animals Indicator plants Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and local communities Indigenous and Local Communities Indigenous communities Indigenous forests Indigenous knowledge Indigenous organisms Indonesia Industrial products Industrial projects Informal Advisory Committee Information Information clearing-house Information exchange Information kit Information Management Information networks Information services Information technology Infrastructure provision Inland fisheries Inland waters Inland waters biodiversity Inland waters environment Innovation Innovative approach/type 2 partnerships Insect Insecta In-situ conservation Instrumental values Integrated assessment Intellectual property rights Intellectual Property Rights Interaction Matrix method Intergovernmental Intergovernmental Committee International agreement International agreements International cooperation International Day for Biological Diversity International environmental relations International exchange programmes International inland waters International law International Law Commission International organization International organizations International relations International standardization International trade International waters International Year of Biodiversity 2010 Interoperability of information systems Intrinsic values Introduced breeds Introduced varieties Invasive alien species Invasive alien species Invertebrates Invitation Involvement of indigenous and local communities Iran (Islamic Republic of) Ireland Irrigation Island ecosystems Israel Italy IUCN - World Conservation Union IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Jamaica Japan Joint Research Programmes Joint ventures Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Knowledge management Knowledge sharing Kyrgyzstan Lacustrine ecology Lake Tanganyika Lakes Land Land carrying capacity Land mammals Land planning Land pollution Land purchase Land reclamation Land restoration Land set-aside payments Land use Land use classification Land use planning Land varieties Land-based activities Landfill taxes Landscape level Land-use covenants and certification Latin America Latvia Law Law of the Sea Lebanon Legal liability Legal rights Legislation Lesotho Liability Liability and redress Liaison group Liberia Licences Liechtenstein Life-cycle assessment Linkages List of participants Lithuania Living marine resources Living modified organisms Local authorities Local communities Long-term effects of pollutants Long-term trends Loss of biodiversity Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Mammals Management Mangrove ecosystems Mangrove swamps Marginal lands Marine and coastal biodiversity Marine areas Marine biology Marine conservation areas Marine ecosystems Marine environment Marine monitoring Marine pollution Marine resources Marine resources conservation Marine sediments Market creation (organic production, tourism, ...) Marshall Islands Material Transfer Agreements Mauritania Mauritius Media Medical sciences Medicinal plants Mediterranean Sea Megadiverse countries Mekong River Memorandum of understanding Meta-analysis Meteorology Mexico Microbial resources Microbial resources Micronesia (Federated States of) Micro-organism communities Microorganisms Migration Migratory species Migratory species Millenium Development Goals Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Mining Mitigation measures Modes of cooperation on science, technology and innovation Molluscs Monaco Monetary benefits Mongolia MONITORING Monitoring Moral approaches Morocco Mountain biodiversity Mountain biodiversity Mountain ecosystems Mountain ecosystems Mountaineering Mozambique Multi-criteria analysis Multi-criteria approach Mutagens Mutants Mutated microorganisms release Mutually agreed terms (MATs) Myanmar Namibia National action plan National biodiversity strategy National biodiversity strategy and action plan National conservation policy National conservation programmes National Environmental Policy Act National focal point National implementation National legislation National parks National parks National plans National policies National report National research and technology strategies National reserves National strategy Natural habitats Natural Heritage Programs Natural resources Nature conservation Nature conservation Nature reserves Nepal Network (or flow diagram) method Networks/linkages of information systems New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue 'no net loss' principle Nomenclature Nomination Non-commercial research Non-economic value Non-governmental organization Non-governmental organizations Non-monetary benefits North Africa North America North Atlantic Ocean North Pacific Ocean Norway Notification and public consultation Nutrition Nutritive value of food Observer Ocean dumping Oceans OECD Oil extraction Oil sands Oil spills Oman Options for regional/international cooperation on information systems Organic farming Organization of work Organohalogen compounds Overlay mapping method Ozone depletion Ozone layer Packaging Pakistan Palau Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Parasites Park visitor fees Parks and reserves Participation in technological research Patent data/databases Patents Payments for ecosystem services Penalties for environmental damage Penalties/Sanctions Permafrost ecosystems Persistent organic pollutants Persistent organic pollutants Peru Pest control Pest management Pesticides Pests Pharmacology Phased approach assessment Philippines Plant Plant biotechnology Plant breeding Plant collections Plant genetic resources Plant genetics Plant population Plant production Plant protection Plant resources Plant species Plants Poaching Poland Polar ecosystems Policies Policy planning Pollination Pollinator Pollinators Pollutant analysis Pollutants Pollution Pollution control Pollution control Pollution taxes/levies Population density Population distribution Population dynamics Population ecology Population growth Portugal Post-Projet Environmental Audit Power plants Precautionary approach Precautionary principle Preliminary assessment Prevention Pricing policies of resources Primary data Primates Print media Prior informed consent Prior informed consent Prior informed consent (PIC) Priority access to results/benefits arising from technologies based upon genetic resources Private enterprises Private ownership Private property Private sector Private sector Product labelling productivity approach Programme of work Project evaluation Project management Proprietary Technology Protected areas Protected areas Protected forests Protected species Protected species Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution from Land-based Sources Protozoa Provenance Public awareness Public Awareness Public health Public parks Public participation Public relations Qatar Race relations RAMSAR Ramsar - Resolution VII/16 Ramsar - Resolution VII/8 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/14 Ramsar - Resolution VIII/9 Ratification Reafforestation Reclamation Recombinant DNA technology Recommendation Recovery strategy and action plan Red-listing process Redress Reforestation Regional cooperation Regional plan Registration Regulations Regulatory control Rehabilitation Replacement costs Report Reporting Reproductive manipulation Reptiles Republic of Korea Republic of Moldova Research Research and development Research institutions Research institutions Research networks Research policies Research projects Residual environmental effects Resilience Resource conservation Resource depletion Resource management Resources management Restoration Restoration Revealed preference approach Revegetation Revenue sharing with communities Review of environmental assessment Right of access Rio Declaration Risk Risk assessment Rivers Road Role of intellectual property rights / options to increase synergy and overcome barriers Romania Rules of procedure Russian Federation Rwanda Sacred site Sacred site Saint Lucia Samoa Samoa (US) Sampling techniques Sand dune fixation Sand dunes Sand extraction Saudi Arabia SBSTTA Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific and technical cooperation Scientific certainty Scientific community Scoping Screening SEA legislation Sea level rise Secondary data Secretariat Sedimentation Seeds Selective breeding of animals Selective breeding of plants Semi-arid land ecosystems Senegal Serbia and Montenegro Settlement of disputes Seychelles Shell Mining Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Small islands Social Change Processes Social impact assessments Social indicators Social policies Socioeconomic development Socio-economic factors Socio-economic impact of biotechnologies Socio-economic impacts Soil capabilities Soil conservation Soil contamination Soil degradation Soil degradation Soil erosion Soil improvement Soil salination Soils Solomon Islands South Africa South America South Pacific Ocean Southeast Asia Southern Africa Southern Asia Spain Spatial plan Species Species level Species management plan Speech Sri Lanka Stakeholder involvement Stakeholders Stakeholders Standards State of the environment Stated preference approach Statement Status Steel industry Stock assessment Strategic environmental assessment Strategic plan Strengthening of decision-making skills Strengthening property rights (land tenure, ...) Submission Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice Subsidy reform Subterranean water Sub-tropical ecosystems Sudan Support payment Suriname Sustainability Sustainable development Sustainable development indicators Sustainable use Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Tajikistan Tax exemptions Taxa Taxonomy Technical aid Technical and scientific cooperation Technical information Technological changes Technologies based upon genetic resources Technologies for conservation and sustainable use Technology Technology adaptation Technology diffusion Technology in the public domain Technology transfer Technology transfer Technology transfer offices Technology transfer programme Temperate ecosystems Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems Temperate forests Temperate woodlands Teratogens Terms of reference Terms of reference Terrestrial biological resources Terrestrial ecosystems Thailand The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia The Netherlands Threat Threatened ecosystem threatened ecosystem Threatened ecosystems Threatened habitats Threatened species Togo Tonga Tourism Tourism and biodiversity Tourism facilities Toxic substances Toxicity Toxicity of pesticides Trace materials Tradable permits/use rights Trade Trade agreements Trade assessment Trade barriers Trade impact on environment Trade policies Traditional cultural practices Traditional farming Traditional health care Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge Traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources Traditional knowledge, innovations and practices Traditional lifestyles Traditional medicines Traditional technologies Traditional technology Training Training Training programmes Transboundary movement of living modified organism Transboundary pollution Transfer agreements Transfer of technology Transport Transport of hazardous materials Transport sector Travel Travel cost valuation Trees Trends Trinidad and Tobago TRIPS Tropical ecosystems Tropical forest ecosystems Tropical forests Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Uganda Ukraine UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme UNFCCC United Kingdom United Nations United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea United Republic of Tanzania United States of America Urban areas Urban renewal Uruguay Use / hunting permits / licensing Utilization of pesticides Uzbekistan Valued ecosystem components Vanuatu Varieties Vegetation Vegetation Venezuela Viet Nam Virology Viruses Voluntary approaches Vulnerable ecosystem Wastes Water erosion Water erosion Water management Water quality Water resources Water resources conservation Water resources development Waterfowl Waterfowl Waterlogged lands Watershed management Waterside development Weather Weather hazards Weeds West Africa Western Asia Western Europe Wetland Wetland management Wetlands assessment Wetlands conservation Wetlands ecosystems Wetlands ecosystems Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife Wildlife conservation Wildlife habitats Wildlife population statistics Wildlife trade Wood products Woodland ecosystems Working group Workshops World Heritage Convention Yeasts Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe Zoning Zoological gardens Zoology Between <Any> 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1978 1972 and <Any> 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1980 1978 1972 Title Contains Group by Type Meeting Thematic Area Title Country Date