International Day for Biological Diversity - 22 May 2016

International Day for Biological Diversity 2016 - Celebrations Around the World

The CBD Secretariat encourages all parties to the Convention and all organizations that deal in some way with the issue to organize activities and events to celebrate the IDB and to take advantage of it to raise public awareness and to showcase their work.

If you are an individual you can also organise an activity yourself in your community, here are some ideas. Every person can make a difference!

We will be delighted to share your IDB celebrations on this website. Please email us the following information:

  • Organizer/Organization's name
  • Celebration title, time and place
  • Short description of the celebration in one of the 6 UN languages and if possible in your country's official language
  • Include any relevant web links and/or attachments
  • Include a small logo or image if applicable
  • Any other relevant information

Thank you!