This page provides links to further information about key funding sources for Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI)-related activities. For a detailed list of general biodiversity-related funding sources, see the
Catalogue of Funding Sources.
Global Environment Facility
The most important single source of funding for biodiversity-related activities is the
financial mechanism of the Convention, the
Global Environment Facility (GEF). The GEF supports implementation of the GTI in several ways. For detailed information about the GEF’s funding of taxonomic activities, see chapter 5 of the
GTI Guide.
For general information about the financial mechanism and resources in support of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)-related activities, including relevant Conference of the Parties (COP) decisions and other resources for donors and those seeking funding, see the
CBD website.
GTI Special Fund
At its eighth meeting, the COP invited
BioNET International and other relevant organizations to establish a special fund for the Global Taxonomy Initiative. Inquiries regarding this fund should be made to BioNET International.
Other Sources of Funding and Opportunities