The Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) is a set of activities and objectives agreed to by governments. These activities highlight issues, facilitate exchange of information and promote technical cooperation. GTI provides guidance to governments, taxonomists, non-government and international organizations, responsible for implementing the GTI. The participating governments provide feedback to the Convention on Biological Diversity in order for the GTI to be adaptive to their needs and better target priority areas.
In 1998, The Conference of the Parties (COP) established the GTI
(decision IV/1). At its sixth meeting, the COP endorsed a programme of work for the GTI, which is annexed to
decision VI/8. At its eighth meeting, the COP reviewed the programme of work and made some amendments and additions in
decision VIII/3. The current programme of work is therefore derived from both decisions. In
decision IX/22, “Outcome oriented deliverables for each of the planned activities of the programme work of the global taxonomy initiative” were annexed. It indicates the targeted date and suggested actors for each deliverable. The suggested actors are not exclusive and Parties are urged to carry out the activities planned in the programme of work.
The GTI programme of work outlines strategies, planned activities, expected products, timelines, lead actors and resources needed. It is intended to fulfill the following functions:
- To contribute to the implementation of the Convention’s Strategic Plan;
- To set operational objectives with clear expected outputs and ways and means through which to achieve the set objectives;
- To provide the rationale for the choice of the operational targets, with indications of opportunities for further elaboration of the programme of work; and
- To serve as a guide to all biodiversity stakeholders on specific objectives to which they can contribute individually or collectively, at the local, national or international level.