Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

Plant Conservation Report

Reiw of GSPC

The Plant Conservation Report (PCR), called for by SBSTTA 12 and presented at COP 9, was developed in collaboration with the Global Partnership for Plant Conservation (GPPC) and other relevant organizations and stakeholders. The report presents a synthesis of the in-depth review of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), effectively communicating the progress, challenges, opportunities and gaps of the GSPC. The report was developed through consultations and submissions of views from Parties, and from supporting resolutions and related initiatives.

The PCR provides a useful and welcome synopsis of progress to date; showing substantial progress towards reaching some of the GSPC targets, while for others only limited progress has been made. In order to support the growing human population urgent action is needed to conserve tens of thousands of wild plants which provide food, fibres, medicines, fuel and multiple other usages.