Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

GSPC National Focal Points

In decision VII/10, the Conference of the Parties encouraged Parties to nominate focal points for the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, or designate them from among existing focal points, in order to:
  • Promote and facilitate implementation and monitoring of the Strategy at national level, including the identification of national targets and their integration in national biodiversity strategies and action plans and sectoral and cross-sectoral plans programmes and activities;
  • Promote the participation of national stakeholders in the implementation and monitoring of the Strategy at national level; and
  • Facilitate communication between national stakeholders and the Secretariat and Global Partnership for Plant Conservation.
In decision X/17, the Conference of the Parties reiterated the invitation to Parties and other Governments to appoint national focal points for the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, with a view to enhancing national implementation. Click here for the current list of GSPC Focal Points.

Draft guidance for national focal points for the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

The Liaison Group on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation called for additional guidance to GSPC focal points to facilitate their work. The Executive Secretary prepared a draft, which is accessible here: