Public Participation
Workshop based methods
Community based methods
Methods for stakeholder consultation
- multi-criteria analysis involving stakeholders;
- stakeholder consultation as part of strategic environmental analysis;
- oral research and other research to collect information from communities for wider dissemination;
- involving stakeholders in the design and implementation of research (participatory research);
Local community approaches
- Traditional management practices
- Community forums
- Sustainable self-governance (though often not realised to be sustainable but seen as traditional)
Social analysis
Conflict management methods
conflict management;
- establishing fora for reaching consensus on balance, partnerships, the establishment of trust;
- conflict resolution;
Education and Awareness
- communication strategy, plan and tools;
- feedback research and monitoring results
- Posting information on the Web eg Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) of the CBD
- translation of documents into local/non-technical language;
- public awareness campaigns (radio, TV, the press, publications, theatre);
- information and popularized science to transfer scientific results to decision-makers and stakeholders
- GIS tools, and other imaging methods to allow people to envisage their ecosystem;
- education to empower communities to understand the relationship between their fundamental goals and ecosystem management;
- collaborative learning with all levels;
- capacity building;
- helping stakeholders understand scientific methods and adaptive management methods
- helping stakeholder to use new tools and technologies to reduce work effort / energy consumption (eg fuel efficient stoves, ploughing techniques etc)
- information networks (online data and information), list serves, cross-sectoral roundtables, information exchange arenas, adaptive management workshops;
- communication networks and forums
Moral confrontation
- monkeywrenching / ecoterrorisim;
Governance, Law and Policy
- democratic tools;
- recognition of the types of power structures that exist in society, and use of institutional analysis;
- legal, policy, planning, technical and financial instruments;
- outsourcing of control to the private sector/NGOs (although this may be a risky option in many circumstances);
- facilitating or allowing additional effort by private sector groups to supplement government efforts;
- multi-disciplinary think tank, multi-party agreements/ policies;
- cross-sectoral trust fund management committees, friends of groups, and other to support management;
Legislation and treaties
- International treaties/directives;
- Supranational directives and legislation;
- National regulations and legislation;
- Regional and local regulations and legislation;
Assessment Techniques
Litigation and enforcement
- policy and regulation, e.g. polluter pays principle; development of markets for ecosystem services,;
- laws and the potential for criminal prosecution (eg through enforcement agencies);
Policy development, planning and reform
- policies to address adjacent and off-site impacts;
- broad scale management systems, such as river basin authorities, central government planning systems;
- national development planning, strategies, management plans and programmes;
- developing information management structures at across policy levels;
- national conferences, workshops, etc to examine cross-boundary effects and enhance cooperation between managers of adjacent systems;
- integrated land use planning;
- cross-sectoral planning;
Management and Incentives
Business management tools
- change management tools (i.e. tools for managing changes in institutions), including tools for decentralising money and staff resources;
- institutional analysis tools, business systems theory, management theory;
- mechanisms to deal with lack of continuity in institutions, including clear documentation, induction processes; information sharing systems (e.g. Aarhus convention), audit trails;
- mechanisms for identifying the appropriate community of interest;
- tools for building institutional capacity;
- policy, planning and decision-making systems;
- DPSIR (driving forces-pressures-state-impact-response);
Environmental accounting
Adaptive management
Practical management techniques
- reserve management plans
- annual work programmes
- practical management manuals and handbooks
- identification and promotion of good practices, guidelines, case studies, codes of conduct, risk assessment
Practical skills
- techniques (eg grazing densities, individual tree management, dune stabilisation techniques)
- tool development (new tools which benefit physical management eg seed harvesters)
- technology development and technology transfer (better resource use eg solar and wind energy)
Conservation enterprises/Diversification
- ecotourism;
- alternative employment opportunities and income-generating activities (not necessarily connected to conservation, but leading to sustainability);
- alternative resource use;
- multifunctional use of resources (for either or social, economic and environmental benefits)
Market pressure
- Certification, labelling schemes,
- value-added processing and marketing,;
- Boycotts;
Data, Monitoring and Modelling
Data collection
- remote sensing;
- satellites, GIS systems, aerial photographs;
- inventories;
- assessments;
- surveys;
- growth and yield studies;
- local knowledge
Monitoring methods
- modelling systems (scientific) coupled with the necessary data;
- scenario building and development, (eg climate and socio-cultural);
- spatial land-use models, landscape visualisation; watershed and river basin models;
- reconstructing history of system, including pollen, carbon dating, ice cores, traditional knowledge, folklore, and covering of cultural and economic issues;
Protected Areas and Land Use Policy
Protected/managed areas
- ecological network frameworks;
- national protected area system frameworks;
- biosphere reserves and other protected areas;
- ecological corridors
- Integrated river basin management, large marine ecosystems, natural areas, INRM;
- Transboundary protected areas
- Integration of protected areas into wider land and sea scapes
Land use policy
- management and restoration plans;
- land care strategies;
- landscape planning;
- biosphere reserves and other protected areas;
- national forest programmes;
- land banking
Managed/protected species
- legislation banning persecution of protected species;
- managed realignment;
- habitat restoration;
Ex-situ protection
- captive breeding;
- gene banking;
Cross-sectoral Research and Working
- interdisciplinary research such as in functional analysis, ethnobotanical studies, strengthening of capacity, both individual and institutional to undertake research;
- cross-sectoral roundtables
- intersectoral working groups;
- cross-sectoral planning and policy systems;
- monitoring, evaluation and review, yield, other indices, carrying capacities;
- performance indicators, targets;
- logical framework approach;
- SMART indicators;
Other Tools and Resources Available to Assist with Application of the Ecosystem Approach