
CBD Information Centre Catalogue

Title Sustaining the Great Lakes / [case study] by Arcellor Mittal and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Publisher World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Notes ArcelorMittal, owning operations within the Great Lakes basin, manages its business risk and supports critical public resources through a partnership dedicated to the protection and restoration of the Great Lakes ecosystem.
Languages English
Programme Areas Business and Biodiversity; Inland Waters Biodiversity
Keywords Business; Business and Biodiversity; Case studies
Organization World Business Council for Sustainable Development; Arcelor Mittal
Holdings 1
Type Monograph
On-Line Version /doc/books/2011/B-03715.pdf
SCBD On-Line Version /doc/books/2011/B-03715.pdf
Category CASE