
CBD Information Centre Catalogue

Author Eugui, David Vivas
Title Issues linked to the Convention on Biological Diversity in the WTO negotiations: implementing DOHA mandates
Publisher [Washington, DC?] : Center for International Environmental Law
Year 2002
Pages 18 p. ; 28 cm.
Notes Paper prepared under the CIEL/South Centre joint project, funded by the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, to assist developing countries and local communities on TRIPs-related issues. Includes bibliographical references.
Languages English
Programme Areas Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing; Convention on Biological Diversity; Economics, Trade and Incentive Measures
Keywords Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing; Access to genetic resources; Convention on Biological Diversity
Organization Center for International Environmental Law
Location Electronic resource
Holdings 1
Type Monograph
On-Line Version
SCBD On-Line Version /doc/books/2002-/B-02225.pdf
Category GEN