Retired sections: paragraphs 2-4 and 6.
Global Taxonomy Initiative: implementation and further
advance of the Suggestions for Action
The Conference of the Parties,
1. Establishes a Global Taxonomy Initiative coordination mechanism
to assist the Executive Secretary to facilitate international cooperation and
coordinate activities under the Global Taxonomy Initiative in accordance with
the terms of reference contained in the annex to this decision;
2. Urges Parties, Governments and relevant organizations to
undertake the following priority activities to further the Global Taxonomy
(a) The identification of national and regional priority taxonomic
information requirements;
(b) Assessments of national taxonomic capacity to identify and, where
possible, quantify national and regional-level taxonomic impediments and
needs, including the identification of taxonomic tools, facilities and
services required at all levels, and mechanisms to establish, support and
maintain such tools, facilities and services;
(c) Establishment or consolidation of regional and national taxonomic
reference centres;
(d) The building of taxonomic capacity, in particular in developing
countries, including through partnerships between national, regional and
international taxonomic reference centres, and through information networks;
(e) Communication to the Executive Secretary and Global Taxonomy
Initiative coordination mechanism, by 31 December 2001, of suitable
programmes, projects and initiatives for consideration as pilot projects
under the Global Taxonomy Initiative;
3. Requests that the Executive Secretary, with the assistance of the
Global Taxonomy Initiative coordination mechanism:
(a) Draft as a component of the strategic plan for the Convention on
Biological Diversity a work programme for the Global Taxonomy Initiative
defining timetables, goals, products and pilot projects, emphasizing its role
in underpinning conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of
benefits, for consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice;
(b) Initiate short-term activities, including regional meetings of
scientists, managers and policy makers to prioritize the most urgent global
taxonomic needs and facilitate the formulation of specific regional and
national projects to meet the needs identified, and to report thereon to the
Conference of the Parties at its sixth meeting;
(c) Synthesize the findings of previous meetings of experts on the
Global Taxonomy Initiative (as contained in the note by the Executive
Secretary on the review of the Global Taxonomy Initiative
(UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/5/4)), relevant sections of national reports submitted to
the Conference of the Parties and recommendations of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice on the Global Taxonomy
Initiative, as advice for the proposed regional meetings;
(d) Use the Global Taxonomy Initiative as a forum to promote the
importance of taxonomy and taxonomic tools in the implementation of the
4. Requests all Parties and Governments to designate a national
Global Taxonomy Initiative focal point by 31 December 2000, linked to other
national focal points, and participate in the development of regional
networks to facilitate information-sharing for the Global Taxonomy
5. Invites all interested international and regional conventions,
initiatives and programmes to indicate their support for the Global Taxonomy
Initiative and its coordination mechanism, through the Executive Secretary,
and in so doing to specify their particular areas of interest and any support
for the implementation of the Global Taxonomy Initiative that could be
6. Urges eligible Parties and consortia of eligible Parties to seek
resources for the above priority actions through the financial mechanism, and
requests the financial mechanism to continue promoting awareness of the
Global Taxonomy Initiative in its outreach activities, such as the Capacity
Development Initiative and the Country Dialogue Workshops, and to investigate
ways both within and outside its operational programme structure to
facilitate capacity-building in taxonomy, and the implementation of the
short-term activities referred to in the annex to the present decision.
Building on the guidance contained in recommendation V/3 of the
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, the
coordination mechanism shall assist the Executive Secretary to facilitate
international cooperation and to coordinate activities on matters pertaining
to the implementation and development of the Global Taxonomy Initiative
(GTI). The Executive Secretary in carrying out this mandate will work
closely with the clearing-house mechanism and report on progress of the
Global Taxonomy Initiative to every other meeting of the Subsidiary Body on
Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, and, as appropriate, to the
Conference of the Parties. The first meeting of the coordination mechanism
shall take place no later than 30 November 2000. Meetings of the
coordination mechanism can only take place with adequate representation from
all regions, and subject to available resources.
Specific short-term activities to be undertaken prior to the sixth meeting of
the Conference of the Parties
The Executive Secretary with the assistance of the Coordination
Mechanism shall:
(a) Develop a work programme for the Global Taxonomy Initiative,
consistent with the Convention strategic plan, for consideration by the
Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice;
(b) Convene regional meetings of scientists, managers and policy
makers to prioritize the most urgent global taxonomic needs for consideration
by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice in
finalizing the Global Taxonomy Initiative work programme;
(c) Establish mechanisms to use the Global Taxonomy Initiative as a
forum to promote the importance of taxonomy and taxonomic tools in the
implementation of the Conventions programmes of work.
The Executive Secretary, in consultation with the Bureau of theSubsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice shall at
the earliest opportunity select 10 members of the coordination mechanism,
with due regard to geographical balance to allow two representatives from
each region, on a rotational basis. The Executive Secretary shall invite a
limited number of leading relevant organizations such as the United Nations
Environment Programme, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations, the International Council of Scientific Unions, the Global
Biodiversity Information Facility, the Global Environment Facility, and
BioNET INTERNATIONAL to participate in the work of the coordination