Recognizing the increasing importance of tourism for social and
economic development at local, national and regional levels,
Recognizing also that sustainable tourism depends on community
involvement and participation,
Recognizing further that communities should benefit from sustainable
Recognizing also that tourism is closely linked to the preservation of
a healthy environment, which in turn is an essential element of tourism
development and helps to raise public awareness on some biodiversity issues.
1. Endorses the assessment of the interlinkages between biological
diversity and tourism contained in the annex to the present decision, which
(a) The economic importance of tourism and its interrelationship with
the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity;
(b) The potential impacts of tourism on biological diversity,
including economic, social and environmental impacts;
2. Accepts the invitation to participate in the international work
programme on sustainable tourism development under the Commission on
Sustainable Development process with regard to biological diversity, in
particular, with a view to contributing to international guidelines for
activities related to sustainable tourism development in vulnerable
terrestrial, marine and coastal ecosystems and habitats of major importance
for biological diversity and protected areas, including fragile riparian and
mountain ecosystems, bearing in mind the need for such guidelines to apply to
activities both within and outside protected areas, and taking into account
existing guidelines, and requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a
proposal for the contribution on guidelines, for example by convening an
international workshop;
3. Decides to transmit the assessment of the interlinkages between
tourism and biological diversity to the Commission on Sustainable
Development, with the recommendation to the Commission on Sustainable
Development to incorporate the assessment in the international work programme
on sustainable tourism development;
4. Recommends to Parties, Governments, the tourism industry and
relevant international organizations, in particular the World Tourism
Organization, to consider this assessment as a basis for their policies,
programmes and activities in the field of sustainable tourism, and encourages
them to pay particular attention to:
(a) The unique role of ecotourism that is, tourism that relies on
the existence and maintenance of biological diversity and habitats - and the
need to develop clear strategies to develop sustainable ecotourism sectors
which provides for full and effective participation and viable income-generating
opportunities for indigenous and local communities;
(b) The need to develop, with all the potential stakeholders,
strategies and plans, based on the ecosystem approach and aiming at a balance
between economic, social, cultural and environmental concerns, while
maximizing opportunities for the conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity, the equitable sharing of benefits and the recognition
of traditional knowledge, in accordance with Article 8(j) of the Convention,
and seeking to minimize risks to biological diversity;
(c) The need for long-term monitoring and assessment, including the
development and use of indicators to measure impacts of tourism on biological
diversity and consequently to improve strategies and plans for tourism
(d) Tangible benefits to the local economies, such as job creation
and the sharing of benefits arising from the sustainable use of biological
diversity for tourism purposes. In this regard, small and medium-sized
enterprises can play a major role;
(e) The need to develop sustainable tourism which is an important
mechanism for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity,
and to meet the expectations of all stakeholders, while encouraging
responsible behaviour on the part of tourists and the tourist industry,
tourism enterprises and the local population;
(f) Awareness-raising, information-sharing, education and training of
tourism operators and their staff and sensitization of tourists on biological
diversity issues and technical and capacity-building at the local level,
which enhance the goal of the respect and the conservation of biological
diversity and its sustainable use;
(g) The fact that in order to contribute to the sustainable use of
biological diversity through tourism, there is a need to implement a flexible
mix of instruments, such as integrated planning, multi-stakeholder dialogue
that includes indigenous peoples, zoning in land-use planning, environmental
impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, standards, industry
performance-recognition programmes, recognized accreditation bodies,
ecolabelling, codes of good practice, environmental management and audit
systems, economic instruments, indicators and limits regarding the carrying
capacity of the natural areas;
(h) The importance of the involvement and the need for the
participation of indigenous and local communities and their interface with
other sectors in the development and management of tourism, as well as their
monitoring and assessment, including of cultural and spiritual impacts;
(i) The importance of the understanding of the values and knowledge
of use of biological diversity held by the indigenous and local communities
and the opportunities these offer for sustainable tourism and the support of
local tourism;
5. Endorses the work of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical
and Technological Advice on tourism as an example of sustainable use of
biological diversity by exchanging experiences, knowledge and best practices
through the clearing-house mechanism, and encourages Parties, Governments and
relevant organizations to continue to submit to the Executive Secretary
case-studies in this regard;
6. In order to contribute further to the international work
programme on sustainable tourism development under the Commission on
Sustainable Development process with regard to biological diversity, and, in
particular, to the review of its implementation, which will be carried out in
2002, requests the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological
Advice to transmit its findings, through the Executive Secretary, to the
Commission on Sustainable Development at its tenth session;
7. Encourages Parties, Governments, the tourism industry and
relevant organizations to undertake activities including local capacity-building,
that would be supportive of the preparations for both the
International Year of Ecotourism and the International Year of Mountains, as
well as activities of the International Coral Reef Initiative, and, in
(a) Urges the tourism industry to work in partnership with all
stakeholders and to commit to work within principles and guidelines for
sustainable tourism development;
(b) Encourages Parties and Governments to complement voluntary
efforts by establishing enabling policies and legal frameworks for the
effective implementation of sustainable tourism.
1. The sustainable use of the components of biological diversity is one of
the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity. For the
purposes of the Convention, "sustainable use" means "the use of components of
biological diversity in a way and at a rate that does not lead to the long-term
decline of biological diversity, thereby maintaining its potential to
meet the needs and aspirations of present and future generations"
(Article 2). This definition of sustainable use is consistent with the
concept of sustainable development as elaborated in the Rio Declaration on
Environment and Development and Agenda 21, whereby "sustainable development"
meets the needs and aspirations of the current generations without
compromising the ability to meet those of future generations. Sustainable
development cannot be achieved without the sustainable use of the world's
biological resources. The concept of sustainable use is grounded in
Article 10 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on sustainable use of
components of biological diversity, and in Article 6, on general measures for
conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity.
2. Sustainable tourism is developed and managed in a manner that is
consistent with Agenda 21 and the ongoing work on this matter as promoted by
the Commission on Sustainable Development. As such, sustainable tourism
includes such aspects as sustainable use of resources, including biological
resources, and minimizes environmental, ecological, cultural and social
impacts, and maximizes benefits. For sustainable patterns of consumption and
production in the tourism sector, it is essential to strengthen national
policy development and enhance capacity in the areas of physical planning,
impact assessment, and the use of economic and regulatory instruments, as
well as in the areas of information, education and marketing. Particular
attention should be paid to the degradation of biological diversity and
fragile ecosystems, such as coral reefs, mountains, coastal areas and
wetlands. Ecotourism is a new, growing sector of tourism, which relies on
the existence and maintenance of biological diversity and habitats. While it
may require less infrastructure construction and facility-building than
conventional tourism, proper planning and management are important to the
sustainable development of ecotourism and to prevent threats to biological
diversity on which it is intrinsically dependent.
A. Economic importance of tourism
3. Tourism is one of the world's fastest growing industries and the major
source of foreign exchange earnings for many developing countries. The
receipts from international tourism grew at an average annual rate of 9 per
cent for the ten-year period from 1988 to 1997, reaching $443 billion in
1997. Tourist arrivals worldwide increased by 5 per cent per annum on
average during the same period. 7/ According to WTO, tourism receipts
accounted for a little over 8 per cent of total world exports of goods and
almost 35 per cent of the total world exports of services in 1997. The
breakdown of the travel account balance shows that the industrialized
countries as a whole are the net importers of such services, while the
developing countries as a whole have been increasing their surplus. The
surplus for the latter group of countries widened steadily from $4.6 billion
in 1980 to $65.9 billion in 1996, offsetting more than two thirds of their
current account deficit in 1996. The travel surplus has widened steadily in
all developing regions in the past decade. Economies in transition recorded
a deficit of $3.5 billion in 1995, which swung back to a surplus of
$1.5 billion in 1996.
4. From the production point of view, tourism contributes around 1.5 per
cent of world gross national product (GNP). 8/ Tourism is also a major source
of employment, the hotel accommodation sector alone employing around 11.3
million people worldwide. 9/ Furthermore, tourism based on the natural
environment is a vital and growing segment of the tourism industry,
accounting for $260 billion in 1995. 10/ In a number of developing countries,
tourism has already overtaken cash-crop agriculture or mineral extraction as
their major source of national income. 11/
7/ World Tourism Organization, Tourism Highlights 1997.
8/ Report of the Secretary-General on tourism and sustainable development,
addendum: Tourism and economic development, Commission on Sustainable Development,
seventh session, January 1999 (Advance unedited copy).
9/ Ibid.
10/ Jeffrey McNeely, "Tourism and Biodiversity: a natural partnership",
presented at the Symposium on Tourism and Biodiversity, Utrecht, 17 April 1997.
11/ Report of the Secretary-General on tourism and sustainable development,
addendum: Tourism and economic development, Commission on Sustainable Development,
seventh session, January 1999 (Advance unedited copy).
B. Tourism and environment
5. The global social, economic and environmental impacts of tourism are
immense and highly complex. Given that a high percentage of tourism involves
visits to naturally and culturally distinguished sites, generating large
amounts of revenue, there are clearly major opportunities for investing in
the maintenance and sustainable use of biological resources. At the same
time, efforts must be made to minimize the adverse impacts of the tourism
industry on biological diversity.
6. Historical observation indicates that self-regulation of the tourism
industry for sustainable use of biological resources has only rarely been
successful. This is due to a number of factors. First, as there are many
individual operators, local environmental conditions may be viewed as a type
of common property resource. It will not be in the interests of any
individual operator to invest more than his or her competitors in maintaining
the general environmental standards in the resort. Similarly, operators are
very likely to "export" their adverse environmental impacts, such as refuse,
waste water and sewage, to parts of the surrounding area unlikely to be
visited by tourists. This reaches its most extreme form in so-called
"enclave" tourism, where tourists may remain for their entire stay in an
artificially maintained environment isolated from its surroundings.
7. Second, international tourism operates in an increasingly global market
in which investors and tourists have an ever-widening choice of destinations.
Indeed the search for new and novel areas and experiences is one of the major
engines driving the tourism life-cycle. Moreover, much of the tourism
industry is controlled by financial interests located away from tourist
destinations. When environmental conditions begin to deteriorate in a given
location, operators are likely to shift to alternative locations rather than
to invest in improving those conditions.
8. Finally, the international tourism market is fiercely competitive, much
of it operating on low profit margins. Operators are therefore often
extremely reluctant to absorb any additional costs associated with improving
environmental conditions, and instead will often find it economically
expedient to shift their area of operation rather than face such costs.
C. Potential benefits of tourism for the conservation of
biological diversity and the sustainable use of its components
9. Despite the potential negative impacts, and given the fact that tourism
generates a large proportion of income and that a growing percentage of
tourism is nature-based, tourism does present a significant potential for
realizing benefits in terms of the conservation of biological diversity and
the sustainable use of its components. This section addresses the potential
benefits of tourism. Among the benefits are direct revenues generated by
fees and taxes incurred and voluntary payments for the use of biological
resources. These revenues can be used for the maintenance of natural areas
and the contribution of tourism to economic development, including linkage
effects to other related sectors and job-creation.
10. Revenue creation for the maintenance of natural areas. The most direct
means of exploiting tourism for the sustainable use of biological resources
is through the harnessing of some proportion of tourism revenues for that
end. This may be achieved either through a generalized environmental tax on
tourists or particular tourism activities or by charging fees for access to
biological resources, the revenue from which can then be used for their
maintenance. The latter procedure generally means charging entrance fees to
national parks and other protected areas, but also includes fees for
activities such as fishing, hunting and diving. Voluntary payment from
visitors can also assist in conservation and management of places they visit.
It may include donation, membership, sponsorship, merchandise and practical
11. There are several notable, and evidently expanding, specialist tourism
sectors, where participants may be willing to pay such fees. There is
growing interest in tourism programmes that involve tourists in biodiversity
observation and monitoring to support conservation programmes. The largest
single specialist sector at present is probably bird-watching, although it is
not clear whether bird-watchers as a group are in fact any more willing to
pay than less-specialized tourists. In marine-based wildlife tourism, scuba-diving
represents an important specialist sector. The specialist sector
which appears to show the highest willingness to pay is sport hunting, where
very large licence fees can be charged under some circumstances. It must
also be recognized that these fees and taxes can also be used as measures to
regulate the level of access to concerned sites and biological resources. In
addition, the prospect of their continued revenue generation provides a
direct incentive for the maintenance of the populations or ecosystems. One
potential negative aspect of specialist tourism, however, can be the
relatively low level of local community involvement since relatively few
local people will be involved as specialist guides or park managers.
12. The contribution of tourism to economic development. Whether tourists
are paying access fees or not, they have a major economic impact on the areas
that they visit. Tourist expenditures, in net terms, generate income to the
host communities by, for example:
(a) Funding the development of infrastructure and services. Tourism
also stimulates infrastructure investment, such as construction of buildings,
roads, railroads, airports, sewage systems, water-treatment facilities and
other tourism-related facilities. Existing infrastructure may also be used
in a manner which benefits local communities, where the tourist is using the
facility in one way, while the community uses it in another. For example, a
school may gain revenue from its use as a campground or conference venue.
Improved and cheap transport services might also be brought to local
communities by increased tourism;
(b) Providing jobs. Tourism generates job opportunities in the
sector and offers various related business opportunities derived from
tourism. People involved in tourism activities may become more conscious of
the value of conserving their natural areas;
(c) Providing funds for development or maintenance of sustainable
practices. Increasing revenue flows in a region may also allow development
of more sustainable land-use practices, by allowing, for example, farmers to
use improved rotations and some level of fertilizer input, rather than
relying on slash-and-burn cultivation to restore soil fertility through
fallow periods;
(d) Providing alternative and supplementary ways for communities to
receive revenue from biological diversity. Tourism can also provide a viable
economic alternative to unsustainable production or harvesting practices or
other activities deleterious to the environment, particularly in marginal
areas, helping to eradicate poverty;
(e) Generating incomes. In some areas, low-input and small-scale
agricultural activities that result in both an attractive environment
and the maintenance of high levels of biological diversity can also offer an
opportunity for tourism. Sale of products (souvenirs, crafts and arts)
derived from sustainably harvested natural resources may also provide
significant opportunities for income-generation and employment. Tourists who
have experienced a country associated with clean and green values may be
encouraged to select products from that country.
13. Sustainable tourism can make positive improvements to biological
diversity conservation especially when local communities are directly
involved with operators. If such local communities receive income directly
from a tourist enterprise, they, in turn, increase their evaluation of the
resources around them. This is followed by greater protection and
conservation of those resources as they are recognized as the source of
14. Public education and awareness. Tourism can serve as a major
educational opportunity, increasing knowledge of natural ecosystems and local
communities amongst a broad range of people, in particular by tour operators
and guides with specialized training in biological diversity conservation,
indigenous and local communities. Such education may be reciprocal. In some
parts of the world, local people have become more aware of the uniqueness of
their local biological resources, for example the presence of endemic
species, through the advent of tourism. Better-informed tourists are more
willing to pay for the access to natural sites. Tourism can also provide
incentives to maintain traditional arts and crafts and opportunities to learn
about different cultures. Furthermore, tourism may, under some
circumstances, encourage the maintenance or revitalization of traditional
practices that are favourable to the sustainable use of biological resources
and that would otherwise be in danger of being lost.
15. In considering the role of tourism in the sustainable use of biological
resources and their diversity, it is important that the potential adverse
impacts of tourism are fully considered. These are roughly divided into
environmental impacts and socio-economic impacts, the latter generally being
those imposed on local and indigenous communities. Although such impacts on
biological resources may be less easy to quantify and analyse systematically,
they may be at least as important as, if not more important than,
environmental impacts in the long term. Section A below addresses the
potential adverse impacts on environment, while section B contains the
potential socio-economic impacts.
A. Environmental impacts
16. Use of land and resources. Direct use of natural resources, both
renewable and non-renewable, in the provision of tourist facilities is one of
the most significant direct impacts of tourism in a given area. Such use may
be one-off or may be recurring. The most important are: (i) the use of land
for accommodation and other infrastructure provision, including road
networks; and (ii) the use of building materials. Strong competition for the
use of land between tourism and other sectors results in rising prices, which
increase the pressures on, for example, agricultural land. The choice of
site is also an important factor. Generally preferred "attractive landscape
sites", such as sandy beaches, lakes and riversides, and mountain tops and
slopes, are often transitional zones, normally characterized by species-rich
ecosystems. As a result of the construction of buildings in these areas,
they are often either destroyed or severely impaired. 12/ Deforestation and
intensified or unsustainable use of land also cause erosion and loss of
biological diversity. Due to lack of more suitable sites for construction of
buildings and other infrastructure, coastal wetlands are often drained and
filled. Construction of marinas in certain sites and water-based tourist
activities can also impact on ecosystems and even coastal coral reefs. In
addition, building materials are often extracted in an unsustainable manner
from ecosystems. Excessive use of fine sand of beaches, reef limestone and
wood can cause severe erosion. 13/ Furthermore, creation of congenial
conditions for tourists may often entail various forms of environmental
manipulation that may have consequences for biological resources beyond the
limits of acceptable change.
17. Impacts on vegetation. Direct impact on the species composition of
vegetation on the ground layer can be caused by trampling and off-road
driving. Off-road driving is often carried out in ecosystems perceived as a
low value, such as deserts. Deserts are fragile ecosystems which can be
seriously damaged by a single passage of a motor vehicle. Plant-picking and
uprooting by plant collectors and casual flower-pickers can also lead to loss
of individual species. Passage of tourism vehicles, particularly in high
volumes along popular routes, and associated vehicle pollution also have
adverse effects on vegetation, resulting in a loss of vegetation cover.
Furthermore, forest fires may be caused by the careless use of campfires.
The choice of sites for construction facilities can also affect vegetation
patterns and species diversity. 14/
18. Impacts on wildlife. Wildlife tourism and other types of nature-oriented
tourism may have a number of direct impacts on natural resources.
The severity of these impacts is variable and has rarely been quantified for
any specific cases. Actual or potential impacts include: (i) damage caused
by tourism activities and equipment; (ii) increased risk of the spread of
pathogens from humans or companion animals to wild species; (iii) increased
risk of introduction of alien species; (iv) disturbance of wild species,
thereby disrupting normal behaviour and conceivably affecting mortality and
reproductive success; (v) alterations in habitats; and (vi) unsustainable
consumption of wildlife by tourists.
19. One of the direct effects on wildlife of unregulated tourism may be the
depletion of local populations of certain species caused by unregulated
hunting, shooting and fishing. Uneducated divers and tour operators can
cause extensive damage to coral reefs through trampling and anchoring.
Tourists and tourist transportation means can increase the risk of
introducing alien species. In addition, the manner and frequency of human
12/ Biodiversity and Tourism: Conflicts on the world's seacoasts and
strategies for their solution, German Federal Agency for Nature and Conservation ed.,
13/ Ibid.
14/ Ibid.
presence can cause disturbance to the behaviour of animals, in particular,
noise caused by radios, motorboat engines and motor vehicles. Even without
much noise, some waterfowl can be agitated by canoes and rowing boats.
Construction activities related to tourism can cause enormous alteration to
wildlife habitats and ecosystems. Furthermore, increased consumption of
wildlife by tourists can affect local wildlife populations and local
fisheries as well as the amount available for consumption by local people.
Souvenir manufacturing using wildlife, in particular such endangered species
as corals and turtle shells, can also seriously affect those populations.
20. Impacts on mountain environments. Tourism has for many years been
focused on mountain areas, which provide opportunities for hiking, white-water
rafting, fly fishing, para-gliding and winter sports, especially skiing
and related activities. Pressures from these activities on biological
resources and their diversity are enormous and include: erosion and pollution
from the construction of hiking trails, bridges in high mountains, camp
sites, chalets and hotels. There has been increasing awareness of and
publicity on the negative effects of tourism on mountains. The Kathmandu
Declaration on Mountain Activities was adopted as long ago as 1982 by the
International Union of Alpine Associations, in order to address these
pressures on the fragile mountain ecosystems and to call for improved
practices. The Convention on the Protection of the Alps, signed in 1991, and
its Protocol on Tourism are the first international legal instruments
addressing the potential risks associated with mountain tourism. The
case-study on the Annapurna Conservation Area project also points out the
difficulty in managing increased tourism activities in the fragile mountain
21. Impacts on the marine and coastal environment. Tourism activities may
have major impacts on the marine and coastal environment, the resources they
host and the diversity of those resources. Most often, those impacts are due
to inappropriate planning, irresponsible behaviour by tourists and operators
and/or lack of education and awareness of the impacts by, for example,
tourist resorts along the coastal zones. But sometimes decisions for tourism
development are based only on the potential economic benefit, in spite of the
known potential damage to the environment, as in the case of various coral
reef resorts. Coastal erosion often affects many coastal infrastructures
that have been built for tourism purposes. However, it is often those very
infrastructures that have altered dune-replenishment processes (causing beach
erosion), modified local currents by building harbour-like structures
(causing, for example, the smothering of superficial corals), and led to
eutrophication through inappropriate positioning of the resort sewage systems
and the often absent treatment of the water discharged. In open waters,
shipping for tourism purposes has sometimes been found to cause pollution due
to intentional release, and to carry alien invasive species into new
22. While the impact of tourism on coastal resources may already be a
serious issue, the degradation of these resources may cause the
impoverishment of their diversity, as in the case of mangrove ecosystems
adjacent to tourist resorts. This may have significant ecological and
economic implications for and displacement of local populations.
23. Impacts on water resources. Freshwater, in general, is already facing
growing demand from agriculture, industry and households in many parts of the
world. In some locations, such as in many small island developing States,
additional demand from tourism, which is extremely water-intensive, is an
acute problem. 15/ The extraction of groundwater by some tourism activities
can cause desiccation, resulting in loss of biological diversity. For the
quality of water, some activities are potentially more damaging than others.
For example, use of motorboats can lead to beach and shoreline erosion,
dissemination of aquatic weed nuisances, chemical contamination, and
turbulence and turbidity in shallow waters. 16/ The disposal of untreated
effluents into surrounding rivers and seas can cause eutrophication. It can
also introduce a large amount of pathogens into the water body, making it
dangerous for swimming. Naturally nutrient-rich ecosystems, such as
mangroves, can perform buffer and filtering functions to a certain extent. 17/
24. Waste management. Disposal of waste produced by the tourism industry
may cause major environmental problems. Such waste can generally be divided
into: sewage and waste-water; chemical wastes, toxic substances and
pollutants; and solid waste (garbage or rubbish). The effect of direct
discharge of untreated sewage leading to eutrophication, oxygen deficit and
algal blooms has already been pointed out.
25. Environmental impact of travel. Travel to and from international
tourist destinations causes significant environmental impacts through
pollution and production of "greenhouse" gases. A high proportion of
international tourist travel is by air. Such travel is believed to be the
most environmentally costly per passenger-kilometre, although the true costs
are difficult to assess accurately, as are the impacts on biological
resources and their diversity.
B. Socio-economic and cultural impacts of tourism
26. Influx of people and related social degradation. Increased tourism
activities can cause an influx of people seeking employment or
entrepreneurial opportunities, but who may not be able to find suitable
employment. This may cause social degradation, such as local prostitution,
drug abuse and so forth. 18/ In addition, due to the unstable nature of
international tourism, communities that come to rely heavily on tourism in
economic terms are vulnerable to the changes in the flow of tourist arrivals
and may face sudden loss of income and jobs in times of downturn.
27. Impacts on local communities. When tourism development occurs,
economic benefits are usually unequally distributed amongst members of local
communities. There is evidence suggesting that those who benefit are often
limited in number and that those who benefit most are often those who were at
an economic advantage to begin with, particularly landowners who can afford
the investment. Specialist tourism can also involve a relatively small
segment of a local community, possibly removing contact of the larger
15/ Report of the Secretary-General on sustainable tourism development in
small island developing States (E/CN.17/1996/20/Add.3), submitted to the Commission on
Sustainable Development at its fourth session, held in 1996,
16/ Tourism, ecotourism, and protected areas, Hector Ceballos-Lascurain,
IUCN, 1996.
17/ Biodiversity and Tourism: Conflicts on the world's seacoasts and
strategies for their solution, German Federal Agency for Nature and Conservation ed.,
18/ For further elaboration, see the addendum to the report of the Secretary-General
on tourism and sustainable development entitled "Tourism and social
development", submitted to the Commission on Sustainable Development at its seventh
session, held in 1999community with the resources in question. In the case of foreign direct
investment, much of the profit may be transferred back to the home country.
Therefore, tourism can actually increase inequalities in communities, and
thus relative poverty. In addition, tourism increases local demand for goods
and services, including food, resulting in higher prices and potentially
decreased availability for local people. Such trends are often more
prevalent where there is a lack of consultation with the peoples and
communities involved in tourism.
28. A more direct example of where tourism may conflict directly with the
needs and aspirations of local peoples is where the latter are excluded from
particular areas given over to tourism, or at least have their rights of
access severely curtailed. This is most likely to occur in protected areas
created to conserve wildlife. In most cases, however, the designation of
such areas as protected, and the exclusion of local people from them, have
preceded the development of tourism in such areas, rather than having been a
product of it. On the other hand, as in the case of the Maldives, direct
conflict can be avoided by isolating the tourism industry from the bulk of
the indigenous population. This isolation has been possible in the Maldives
because of the availability of a large number of uninhabited islands that can
be developed into tourist-resort islands. 19/
29. Impacts on cultural values. Tourism has a highly complex impact on
cultural values. Tourism activities may lead to inter-generational conflicts
through changing aspirations of younger members of communities who may have
more contact with, and are more likely to be affected by, the behaviour of
tourists. Furthermore, they may affect gender relationships through, for
example, offering different employment opportunities to men and women.
Traditional practices and events may also be influenced by the tourist
preferences. This may lead to erosion of traditional practices, including
cultural erosion and disruption of traditional lifestyles. Additionally,
tourism development can lead to the loss of access by indigenous and local
communities to their land and resources as well as sacred sites, which are
integral to the maintenance of traditional knowledge systems and traditional
19/ Tourism and the Environment Case Studies on Goa, India, and the Maldives,
Kalidas Sawkar, Ligia Noronha, Antonio Mascarenhas, O.S. Chauhan, and Simad Saeed,
Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, 1998