
NP MOP 1 Decision NP-1/7

NP-1/7.Resource mobilization for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol,
Recalling Article 25, paragraph 1, of the Protocol, which requires that the Parties take into account the provisions of Article 20 of the Convention in considering financial resources for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol,
Reaffirming the commitment of Parties to meet the obligations set out in the provisions of Article 20 of the Convention,
Recognizing that the strategy for resource mobilization in support of the achievement of the three objectives of the Convention encompasses resource mobilization for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol,
Emphasizing that any biodiversity financing mechanisms 9 are supplementary to and do not replace the financial mechanism established under the provisions of Article 21 of the Convention and Article 25 of the Nagoya Protocol,
1.Welcomes the decision 10 by the Conference of the Parties to include consideration of resource mobilization for the Nagoya Protocol in the implementation of the strategy for resource mobilization in support of the achievement of the three objectives of the Convention and in the achievement of the targets for resource mobilization;
2.Encourages Parties to include the consideration of resource mobilization, including funding needs, gaps and priorities, as part of their planning processes towards the implementation of the Protocol, particularly by integrating such considerations into their national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
3.Also encourages Parties to direct domestic resources, in accordance with national circumstances, as well as resources generated through biodiversity financing mechanisms, towards the implementation of the objective of the Nagoya Protocol. In that context, Parties may also consider, in accordance with their national legislation, policies, priorities and programmes, how to integrate resources generated through the successful implementation of access and benefit-sharing agreements into such efforts;
4.Further encourages Parties, other Governments, relevant organizations, the private sector and financial institutions to provide, in accordance with their capabilities, financial resources, including through biodiversity financing mechanisms, for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and to include support to the implementation of the Protocol as a priority area for funding;
5.Encourages Parties to take appropriate measures within the governing bodies of relevant multilateral financial institutions and development organizations to ensure that due priority and attention is given to the effective allocation of predictable resources for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol;
6.Also encourages Parties to mainstream implementation of the Nagoya Protocol in their development cooperation plans and priorities and in the national biodiversity strategies and action plans;
7.Further encourages Parties and relevant organizations to raise awareness, particularly that of high-level policy and decision makers, the business sector, and the relevant funding agencies, of the importance of genetic resources and traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources, and related access and benefit-sharing issues, in accordance with Article 21 of the Nagoya Protocol, with a view to supporting the mobilization of resources for the Protocol;
8.Invites Parties, in the context of their obligations under Article 29 of the Nagoya Protocol, and relevant organizations to submit information to the Executive Secretary on their experiences related to the mobilization of resources in support of the implementation of the Protocol, as well as on the status of funds mobilized;
9.Requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a synthesis of the information received regarding experiences related to the mobilization of resources to support the implementation of the Protocol and to provide an overview of the status and trends in funding for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol at its next meeting;
10.Also requests the Executive Secretary to prepare a document on possible relevant sources of international funding to support the efforts by Parties to mobilize additional international financial resources for the implementation of the Protocol;
11.Further requests the Executive Secretary, in collaboration with relevant organizations, to develop guidance tools and training materials to assist Parties in the mobilization of financial, technical and human resources for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol within the context of the strategy for resource mobilization in support of the achievement of the three objectives of the Convention.

9The term "biodiversity financing mechanisms" refers to "new and innovative financial mechanisms" under Goal 4 of the strategy for resource mobilization, adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its ninth meeting (decision IX/11). New and innovative financial mechanisms are supplementary to and do not replace the Financial Mechanism established under the provisions of Article 21 of the Convention (see preamble to decision X/3)
10Decision XI/4, paragraph 12.