Retired sections: paragraphs 1 and 5-7.
The Conference of the Parties,
1. Takes note of the information note UNEP/CBD/COP/2/Inf.2 prepared by the Secretariat on
cooperation with other biodiversity-related conventions;
2. Stresses the need to make mutually supportive the implementation of activities undertaken by the
Convention on Biological Diversity and by other international and regional conventions and agreements
related to biological diversity and its components, building particularly on the consultations which have
already taken place with certain key conventions, as outlined in UNEP/CBD/COP/2/Inf.2;
3. Stresses also the need to avoid unnecessary duplication of activities and costs on the part of Parties
and of the organs of the Convention;
4. Requests the Executive Secretary to coordinate with the Secretariats of relevant biodiversity-related
conventions with a view to:
(a) Facilitating exchange of information and experience;
(b) Exploring the possibility of recommending procedures for harmonizing, to the extent
desirable and practicable, the reporting requirements of Parties under those instruments and conventions;
(c) Exploring the possibility of coordinating their respective programmes of work;
(d) Consulting on how such conventions and other international legal instruments can
contribute to the implementation of the provisions of the Convention on Biological Diversity;
5. Invites also the governing bodies of such conventions and other international legal instruments
related to biological diversity to consider at their next meetings their possible contribution to the
implementation of the goals and objectives of the Convention;
6. Further requests the Executive Secretary to prepare, for its third meeting, a report on the
implementation of this decision, containing concrete recommendations aimed at promoting and strengthening
institutional cooperation with other global and regional biodiversity-related conventions;
7. Requests the Executive Secretary also to report to the Conference of the Parties at its third meeting
on modalities for enhanced cooperation with relevant international biodiversity-related bodies such as the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization and the Commission on Sustainable Development, taking into account the medium-term
programme of work on this issue.