Retired sections: paragraphs 2-4.
Clearing-House mechanism for technical
and scientific cooperation
The Conference of the Parties
1. Decides to implement the provisions of Article 18, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the
establishment of a clearing-house mechanism to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation,
operating under the authority of the Conference of the Parties;
2. Decides also that the activities of the clearing-house mechanism to promote and facilitate technical
and scientific cooperation should be funded from the regular budget of the Secretariat as well as from voluntary
contributions, subject to decisions to be taken by the Conference of the Parties at its second meeting, in the light
of the study referred to in paragraph 3 of the present decision;
3. Requests the Secretariat to prepare, and report back to the Conference of the Parties at its second
meeting on, a comprehensive study, according to Article 18 of the Convention, containing concrete costed
recommendations to assist the Conference of the Parties in the establishment of the clearing-house mechanism to
promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation, taking fully into account the views expressed at its
first meeting and submitted to the Secretariat in writing before the end of February 1995, as well as the need to
draw on all relevant existing institutional structures;
4. Decides also to include an item on this issue on the agenda of the second meeting of the Conference
of the Parties.