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COP 9 - Information for Media

This page provides information for the media on COP 9.

  • What's New
  • Press Conferences
  • Press Events
  • Interviews
  • Press Kit

What's New

27 February 2025
Closing speech by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Astrid Schomaker, at the Second resumed sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol and fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol. More »
27 February 2025
Governments agree on the way forward to mobilise the resources needed to protect biodiversity for people and planet. More »
25 February 2025
Opening speech by the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Astrid Schomaker, at the second resumed sixteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention, eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol and fifth meeting of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol. More »

19 May 2008
A Global Approach to Allocate Land for Natural Preservation / Ein Globaler Ansatz für die Übertragung von Flächen Zugunsten des Naturschutzes
Sigmar Gabriel, German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety and Ahmed Djoghlaf, Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Throughout the ages, parcels of land have been shuffled about between tribes, clans, empires, and countries. One assemblage that may not come to mind, however, is the natural world. Indeed, one of the largest land allocations in history has been the designation of areas for protecting the millions of species that live on this planet. Every hour four species are lost. And these protected areas spanning 19 million square kilometers, covering an area the size of India and China combined, are truly an accomplishment to slow down the asset-stripping of the planet’s natural capital. More »

Durch die Jahrhunderte hindurch sind Landgebiete zwischen Stämmen, Sippen, Imperien und Staaten hin- und hergeschoben worden. Ein Gefüge jedoch, das einem vielleicht nicht in den Sinn kommt, ist das Gefüge der Natur. In der Tat war und ist die Ausweisung von Gebieten zum Schutz der Millionen Arten, die auf unserem Planeten leben, eine der größten Flächenübertragungen in der Geschichte. Jede Stunde gehen vier Arten verloren. Und diese Schutzgebiete, die sich über insgesamt 19 Millionen Quadratkilometer erstrecken und flächenmäßig so groß sind wie Indien und China zusammen, sind in der Tat eine Errungenschaft, durch die sich das Tempo, in dem das Naturerbe des Planeten Erde verschleudert wird, verlangsamen lässt. Weiter »

Press Conferences/Briefings

Please note that press conferences and briefings must be booked at least 24 hours in advance.

Weekly Schedule (26 - 30 May 2008)

Title Room Date Start End
Daily Press Briefing SCBD/ COP 9 Presidency Saal Reger 26 May 9:00 9:30
BBC Press Event - Launch of new BBC TV series, "Nature Inc." (ID No.1543) Saal Reger 26 May 18:30 20:00
Daily Press Briefing SCBD/ COP 9 Presidency Saal Reger 27 May 9:00 9:30
Commissioner Stavros Dimas, European Commission on NATURA 2000 Saal Reger 27 May 15:00 15:30
Signing of MOU between State of Parana and CBD Saal Reger 27 May 16:15 16:45
Press Conference: BM Gabriel , Minister for Environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo, José Endundo Bononge and Executive Secretary CBD, Ahmed Djoghlaf Saal Reger 27 May 17:00 18:00
Nature's 100 Best: Ahmed Djoghlaf, Achim Steiner and Gunther Pauli Saal Reger 28 May 8:00 8:45
Press Event Brazilian Minister of the Environment, Carlos Minc Saal Reger 29 May 17:30 18:00
CBD Alliance Press Centre 26 May 9:30 10:00
NGO Daily Message Press Centre 26 May 10:00 11:00
Press Event - Impacts of biofuels on water & wetlands in Africa - Wetlands International Press Centre 26 May 14:00 14:30
CBD Alliance - Press briefings Press Centre 26 May 18:00 18:30
Halftime Review of COP 9 - NGO Focal Point Press Centre 27 May 10:00 11:00
Community Leaders from the UNDP Equator Initiative Press Centre 27 May 11:00 12:00
Amazonlink.Org: Amazon Indians Speak - Amazon Indianer: Was kostet der Erhalt des Regenwaldes? Press Centre 27 May 12:00 13:00
Ergebnisse des G8 + 5 Umweltministertreffens in Japan - NGO Focal Point Press Centre 27 May 13:00 13:30
Women’s Caucus Press Centre 27 May 14:00 15:00
IUCN Marine Press Briefing – Climate Change and Small Islands Report Press Centre 27 May 16:00 16:30
CBD Alliance briefing Press Centre 28 May 9:30 10:00
Final comments, results of COP 9 - NGO Focal Point COP 9 Press Centre 28 May 10:00 10:30
Greenpeace International - Issue will be confirmed later. Working title: oceans/ small island states in the pacific Press Centre 29 May 10:30 11:30
WWF Brazil: Donation -Targeting the 2nd Phase of ARPA- Amazon Region Protected Area Program Press Centre 29 May 11:30 12:15
BUND & Friends of the Earth International (FoEI) zum Verlauf der COP 9 Press Centre 29 May 12:30 13:30
IUCN & WWF CBD update Press Centre 29 May 15:00 15:30
International Indigenous Forum on Biodiversity - Indigenuos People at the CBD Press Centre 30 May 10:00 10:30
DNR-Deutscher Naturschutzring - Bewertung Ergebnisse COP 9 aus Sicht von DNR , BUND, NABU. Press Centre 30 May 10:30 11:30
Final comments, results of COP 9 Press Centre 30 May 13:00 14:00
Von Bonn nach Nagoya - NGO Focal Point Press Centre 30 May 14:00 14:30
Daily Press briefing CBD/COP 9 Presidency WCCB Press works 28 May 9:30 10:00
Press conference mit Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger WCCB Press works 28 May 11:30 12:30
Daily Press briefing CBD/COP 9 Presidency WCCB Press works 29 May 9:30 10:00
Press Conference Mayoral Initiative, PS Astr, Mayor Bonn, Mayor Durban, ICLEI, ES Djoghlaf WCCB Press works 29 May 10:00 10:30
Press conference of the children’s summit WCCB Press works 29 May 12:00 12:30
Press Conference “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity – TEEB“ with BM Gabriel, UNEP-ED Achim Steiner; KOM Dimas, Pavan Sukhdev WCCB Press works 29 May 14:00 15:00
Press Conference with St Machnig zur Business & Biodiversity-Initiative WCCB Press works 29 May 15:00 15:30
Daily Press briefing CBD/COP 9 Presidency WCCB Press works 30 May 9:30 10:00
Biodiversity Training for Journalists Transport (Rm 0.105) 26 May 9:00 13:00

Press Events

  • 29 May 18:30 - 20:30
    "We can change the world by changing the way the world does business"
    Schumann Room, Maritim Hotel
    Come to meet with Aveda Corporation and its sourcing partners to dicuss indigenous and farming partnerships. More »

Important Notice

To arrange for an interview with representatives of the Parties to the Convention, please refer to the list of National focal Points.

Interviews with the Executive Secretary and briefings with CBD officials

To arrange interviews with the Executive Secretary and briefings with CBD officials, please contact:

Information Officer
Marie Aminata Khan
Tel.: +49 170 5556748
E-mail: marie.khan@cbd.int

David Ainsworth
+49 170 5585819
E-mail: david.ainsworth@cbd.int

When requesting an interview, please indicate which media organization you represent and submit a brief list of questions to be answered.

Please note:
Information on media accreditation for CBD meetings is for internal use only and confidential. The CBD secretariat does not distribute media lists.

Interview/briefings with COP9 Presidency officials

To arrange interviews with the COP 9 Presidency and briefings with COP 9 Presidency officials, please contact:

Kerstin Brandau
Tel: +49 30183052013
EMail: kerstin.brandau@bmu.bund.de