Press review for MOP 6 and COP 11 opening
Press review during COP 11
International Medias
"Negotiators struggle to pin down biodiversity deal" Agence France-Presse : Negotiators at a UN summit locked horns Friday over the extent to which wealthy nations should bankroll ambitious targets...
"UN conference in India agrees to double biodiversity aid to poor nations" Australian : Efforts to reverse the worrying loss of Earth's dwindling natural resources received a substantial boost today when...
"Doubling spending to fight extinction" Deutsche Welle Scientists estimate that the Earth is losing species at 100 to 1,000 times the historical average. The international community addressed this largely man-made disaster at...
"Funding deal at biodiversity conference leaves shortfall" Deutsche Welle : Poor countries are to get a doubling of annual funding to slow species extinction by fostering national parks and sustainable land usage. The deal was reached at a UN biodiversity conference in India.
"Biodiversity: Aid to LDCs will double by 2015" Europolitics The 180-odd states parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) have agreed to double funding to protect biodiversity by 2015.
"Two Long Weeks of Biodiversity Negotiations in Hyderabad" Forbes: The 11th Conference of the Parties of the Convention (COP11) on Biological Diversity (CBD) closed this weekend after two long weeks of intense negotiations.
"Developed countries agree to double resources for biodiversity protection by 2015" Ghana News Agency (GNA): The world’s governments have agreed to increase funding in support of actions to halt the rate of loss of biodiversity at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
"Wealthy nations, excluding U.S., pledge to double funds for biodiversity" Mongabay: Although negotiations came down to the wire, nations finally brokered a new deal at the 11th meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Hyderabad...
"Biodiversity meeting calls for more science-based information" : An international meeting on biodiversity has called for more science-based information, the closure of knowledge gaps, and increased precaution, in the emerging fields of synthetic biology and geoengineering (climate engineering).
National Medias (India)
"UN OKs More Biodiversity Fund" Manila Bulletin : Negotiators at a United Nations conference on biodiversity agreed early Saturday to ambitious plans to double funding for previously stated goals aimed at curbing species extinction and reducing habitat loss.
"UN meeting reviews ways to save biodiversity" Business Mirror : Delegates from nearly 200 countries worked last week to implement an agreement on protecting the Earth’s ecosystems at a biodiversity conference in southern India.
"Rich countries to hike funding for biodiversity" Hindustan Times Rich countries will double their funding of average between 2006 and 2010 to the developing countries by 2015 to conserve biodiversity, a United Nations conference decided... More...
"Small Steps Towards Ensuring Biodiversity" In Depth News While official statements about the outcome of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Hyderabad, read rather upbeat, a global environment organisation, Friends of the Earth International (FoEI), has criticized negotiators for...
"Developed countries to double biodiversity funding" India Blooms News The world’s governments have agreed to increase funding in support of actions to halt the rate of loss of biodiversity at the eleventh meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity.
"The economics of nature" The Hindu : The strongest message to emerge from the global conference of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Hyderabad is that countries allowing their natural capital to be rapidly depleted and destroyed in pursuit of short-term goals are dangerously...
"Biodiversity meet revives developed vs developing world debate" The Pioneer (India) : Serious differences persist between the developed and the developing countries on the issue of mobilising resources for the conservation of biodiversity even as the 11th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity entered its final...
"UN biodiversity conference outcome a huge achievement: India" Times of India India on Monday claimed a "huge" achievement with nations agreeing to increase funding for halting rate of biodiversity loss, despite economic downturn, at a UN conference it hosted and said it would have bearing...
"India convinces rich nations to commit $12 billion biodiversity conservation" Times of India: India, backed by vociferous developing countries, ultimately convinced the rich world to double the international funds for conserving biodiversity in the developing world by 2015.
Articles in Spanish and Portuguese
"COP11: países ricos se comprometem a dobrar doações para preservação" Jornal do Brasil: Os países ricos se comprometeram a dobrar as doações para o Plano Estratégico de Biodiversidade. Na opinião do secretário executivo do Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), Francisco Gaetani, esse será o grande legado da 11ª Conferência das Partes da Convenção sobre Diversidade Biológica (COP11)...
"Em reunião, países fecham acordo para dobrar fundo da biodiversidade" Globo (Brazil) : Governos concordaram em elevar recursos para países pobres até 2015. Acordo ocorreu no último dia de convenção da ONU, na Índia.
"Planes urbanos necesarios para la biodiversidad" El comercio: La urbanización mundial tendrá implicaciones para la biodiversidad y los ecosistemas en caso de continuar las tendencias actuales.
«La Cumbre de la ONU abre la puerta a la privatización de la biodiversidad» ABC (Spain): Las ONG desplazadas hasta India vuelven a España preocupadas. La COP11 finaliza con un gran acuerdo en temas marinos, pero la financiación sigue estancada
Articles in French
«Les Nations unies s'attaquent à la biopiraterie» Les Échos: Les négociations entre les pays signataires de la convention sur la biodiversité débutent aujourd'hui à Hyderabad, en Inde.
«Animaux et végétaux menacés comptent sur la science pour faire enfin la "Une" » Le Nouvel Observateur: Deux poids, deux mesures: quand le changement climatique mobilise de plus en plus d'attention et de financements, le déclin des espèces s'accélère sans créer le même émoi, faute d'informations suffisantes sur les conséquences de cette érosion...
«Accord pour doubler l'aide aux pays pauvres en faveur de la biodiversité» Agence France-Presse : Deux ans après l'adoption à Nagoya d'objectifs ambitieux pour enrayer l'érosion toujours plus rapide des espèces végétales et animales, plus de 180 pays se sont engagés samedi à augmenter les financements pour tenter de tenir ces promesses...
«Biodiversité : les pays développés s'engagent à doubler d'ici à 2015 l'aide financière aux Etats du Sud» Le Monde : La onzième conférence des parties (COP11) de la Convention de la diversité biologique s'est achevée à Hyderabad, en Inde du Sud, dans la nuit du vendredi 19 au samedi 20 octobre, sur un compromis en matière de financement d'actions visant à enrayer la disparition des espèces animales et végétales.
Les pays de l’espace francophone demandent la mise en place du fonds vert» Le Soleil (Sénégal: Les pays de l’espace francophone réclament le lancement, dans les meilleurs délais, du fonds vert pour le climat que plusieurs bailleurs de fonds comme le Fonds mondial international (Fmi) s’étaient engagés à financer.
مقالات باللغة العربية
الحيوي في قلب مفاوضات مؤتمر حيدرآباد ا.ف.ب: كيف يمكن وضع حد للاندثار المتسارع الوتيرة للأنواع الحيوانية والنباتية؟ وأي أدوات من الممكن استخدامها لهذا الغرض، وأي أموال خصوصاً؟ اعتباراً من الاثنين، يجتمع أكثر من 162 بلداً في مدينة حيدرآباد الهندية لترجمة الالتزامات الطموحة التي اتخذت في ناغويا قبل سنتين إلى أعمال
مؤتمر حيدرآباد يسعى إلى حشد التمويل اللازم لحماية التنوع الحيوي حيدرآباد (الهند) ا ف ب: ارتفعت الأصوات الثلاثاء مع وصول الوزراء إلى مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة حول التنوع الحيوي للمطالبة بالتزامات مالية تسمح فعلا بمكافحة ظاهرة اندثار الانواع