Sustainable Wildlife Management


The Wild Meat Package

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Technical Reports & Books

Towards a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wild meat sector Wild Life, Wild Livelihoods: Involving Communities in Sustainable Wildlife Management Bushmeat Sourcebook
A joint product of CIFOR and the CBD reviewing the literature on wild meat use, governance and management and highlighting best-practice, provide recommendations to CBD Parties and other stakeholders on how a sustainable, participatory and inclusive wildmeat sector can be developed in the tropics and subtropics. A report by UN Environment, IUCN, and IIED proposing more action and stronger community voice on approaches to involve indigenous peoples and local communities in the fight against wildlife crime, including the illegal wildlife trade. An e-book by CPW providing an understanding of the global tropical bushmeat issue and examining the bushmeat contribution to food security, livelihoods, and other aspects of human well-being worldwide.
« English » « English » « English »

CBD Technical Series 60: Livelihood Alternatives for the Unsustainable Use of Bushmeat CBD Technical Series 33: Conservation and Use of Wildlife-Based Resources: The Bushmeat Crisis  
A report prepared for the CBD Bushmeat Liaison Group aimed at listing possible options for small-scale alternatives to the unsustainable use of bushmeat, describing examples of success stories and/or failed approaches in Africa, Latin America, and Asia/Pacific, and providing recommendations relevant at regional or global levels. A report addressing the hunting of tropical forest wildlife for food. It was coordinated by CIFOR with the collaboration with the Liaison Group on Non-timber Forest Resources in response to paragraph 42 of COP decision VI/22 on forest biological diversity. It addresses the hunting of tropical forest wildlife for food.  
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Outreach Materials

Factsheet: Sustainable Wildlife Management and Wild Meat  
A product of the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management.  
« English »    

Monitoring Tools and Databases

Coming soon!