Provisinal Agenda

  Provisional Agenda (PDF)

  1. Opening of the meeting.

  2. Organizational matters.

  3. Progress towards the 2010 biodiversity target:

    1. Implementation of the Strategic Plan;
    2. In-depth review of goals 1 and 4 of the Strategic Plan and further consideration of needs for capacity-building.

  4. Science-policy interface on biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being: consideration of the outcome of the intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder meetings on an intergovernmental science-policy interface on biodiversity and ecosystem services.

  5. Post-2010 Strategic Plan and multi-year programme of work of the Convention:

    1. Revising and updating of the Strategic Plan beyond 2010;
    2. Multi-year programme of work of the Convention and national reporting;

  6. Implementation of the strategy for resource mobilization:

    1. List of initiatives to implement the strategy and indicators;
    2. Innovative financial mechanisms;
    3. Review of the guidance to financial mechanism.

  7. Further consideration of the proposed biodiversity technology initiative.

  8. Operations of the Convention :

    1. Periodicity of meetings of the Conference of the Parties;
    2. Retirement of decisions.

  9. Other matters.

  10. Adoption of the report.

  11. Closure of the meeting.