Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, including Aichi Biodiversity Targets

TARGET 17 - Technical Rationale extended (provided in document COP/10/INF/12/Rev.1)

Strategic Goal E: Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building

Target 17: By 2015, each Party has developed, adopted as a policy instrument, and has commenced implementing, an effective, participatory and updated national biodiversity strategy and action plan.

Technical rationale: National biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) are the key instrument for translating the Convention and decisions of the Conference of the Parties into national action. For this reason it will be essential that Parties have developed, adopted and commenced implementing as a policy instrument an updated NBSAP which is in line with the goals and targets set out in this Strategic Plan by 2015. To date, 171 Parties have prepared national biodiversity strategies. COP has adopted consolidated guidance for the development, updating and revision of NBSAPs (Decision IX/8). In line with this decision, NBSAPs should catalyze a number of strategic actions in countries including: Integration of biodiversity in broader national strategies (see target 2); CEPA; ensuring availability of information and knowledge for action, including through national CHM nodes; ensuring availability of appropriate tools for implementation; providing capacity building and facilitating access to financial resources; and ensuring monitoring, reporting and review, including identification and use of indicators as appropriate.

Implementation: The planning process would of necessity involve dialogue with, and full and effective participation of, all sectors of society, including indigenous and local communities, and at all levels of government. Participatory stakeholder involvement throughout the design, planning and implementation of an NBSAP is essential to ensure that the plans will be effective. A revised NBSAP should not be a static planning document but a dynamic process that allows individual Parties to identify their needs, priorities and opportunities for biodiversity in light of their broader national goals. Where appropriate, regional and sub-national strategies should be developed. The target for 2015 implies that, not only are NBSAPs developed through a participatory approach, but that they are used as effective tools for mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. As all programmes of work, cross-cutting issues and initiatives developed under the Convention provide guidance on how the three objectives of the Convention can be implemented, they are all relevant to this target.

Indicators and baseline information: Indicators to measure progress towards this goal could include: the number of countries with revised NBSAPs; the number of stakeholders who participate in the revision and updating process of NBSAPs; national assessments of NBSAP implementation; the number of countries with national CHM websites; the number of visitors per year to national CHM websites; and the quality of content and on-line services national CHM websites offer, as well as web user feedback. Most of this information can be easily gathered through the existing national reporting process.


Consistent with the proposed multi-year programme of action, possible milestones for this target include:
  • By 2012, each Party has adopted a set of national targets to contribute to the global targets of this Strategic Plan and has begun to incorporate these into its national biodiversity strategy;
  • By 2014, each Party has adopted an up-to-date, effective, participatory, and operational national biodiversity strategy which contributes to the Strategic Plan with responsibilities allocated among sectors, levels of government, and other stakeholders, and has coordination mechanisms in place to ensure implementation of the actions needed.