Protected Areas

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Additional Contributions for the In-depth Review of the CBD PoWPA

In paragraph A15 of decision IX/18 the Conference of the Parties (CoP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) requested the Executive Secretary, to convene regional and sub-regional capacity-building and progress-review workshops for the programme of work on protected areas (PoWPA). In paragraph A25 of the same decision, the CoP, while deciding on the process for preparation of in-depth review of the PoWPA at the tenth meeting of the CoP, requested the Executive Secretary to prepare the in-depth review using inter alia information contained in the fourth national reports, relevant global and regional data bases and the results of the above-mentioned regional and sub-regional workshops and to propose ways and means for strengthening the implementation of the PoWPA for consideration by the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA).

In paragraph A 24 of the same decision the CoP invited IUCN-WCPA to further contribute to the strengthening of capacity for the implementation of the programme of work on protected areas and the process of its review leading to the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.

Accordingly, the Executive Secretary of the CBD has planned four regional workshops (Africa, 6-9 October in Côte d’Ivoire ; Asia & Pacific, 13-16 October in India ; Latin America and Caribbean, 2-5 November in Colombia , Central and Eastern Europe, date tbd in Germany) and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has planned, in collaboration with CBD, an International Workshop on the Future of the CBD PoWPA to be held in Korea, 14-17 September 2009.

The Executive Secretary of the CBD has opened this forum, to encourage inputs within the context of the below key framing questions in order to gather additional information on progress in implementation and next steps for the PoWPA beyond 2010 which will be considered at the above workshops. The forum will close on 1 September 2009.

Key Framing Questions

  1. What actions have worked well in the implementation of the PoWPA Goals? Kindly provide examples and/or case studies.
  2. Post-2010, what targets and deadlines should be considered in the PoWPA?
  3. What strategies/mechanisms should be used to strengthen implementation, including possible strategies on funding?
  4. What other issues should be considered? (e.g. marine areas, governance and indigenous and local communities, management effectiveness, restoration, reporting, climate change, goods and services, etc.)

Kindly post your information relating to the above key framing questions.

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