COP Decisions COP Decisions Friday // 12.1.2006 COP Decisions Decisions on Article 11Guidance to PartiesFinancial mechanism and resourcesGuidance to the SecretariatGuidance to SBSTTACooperation with other conventions and organizationsRelevant aspects of thematic work programmes Other relevant decisions Guidance to the Secretariat Decision III/14 paragraph 10 Implementation of Article 8 (j)Decision III/18 paragraphs 9 Incentive measuresDecision V/15 paragraphs 3, 5 Incentive measuresDecision VI/15 paragraphs 6, 7 Incentive measuresDecision VII/4 Annex, activity 2.3.6 Biological diversity of inland water ecosystemsDecision VII/16 E, paragraph 4 (b) Article 8(j) and related provisionsDecision VII/18 paragraphs 6, 9, 11, 12 Incentive Measures (Article 11)Decision VII/28 Programme element 3.; 3.1.12.; 3.1.13.; 3.1.14; Protected Areas (Articles 8 (A) to (E))Decision VII/29 paragraph 7(a) (ii) Transfer of technology and technology cooperation (Articles 16 to 19)Decision VIII/25, paragraph 10 Incentive measures: application of tools for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functionsDecision VIII/26, paragraphs 2, 4 Incentive measures: preparation for the in-depth review of the programme o f work on incentive measures
COP Decisions Friday // 12.1.2006 COP Decisions Decisions on Article 11Guidance to PartiesFinancial mechanism and resourcesGuidance to the SecretariatGuidance to SBSTTACooperation with other conventions and organizationsRelevant aspects of thematic work programmes Other relevant decisions Guidance to the Secretariat Decision III/14 paragraph 10 Implementation of Article 8 (j)Decision III/18 paragraphs 9 Incentive measuresDecision V/15 paragraphs 3, 5 Incentive measuresDecision VI/15 paragraphs 6, 7 Incentive measuresDecision VII/4 Annex, activity 2.3.6 Biological diversity of inland water ecosystemsDecision VII/16 E, paragraph 4 (b) Article 8(j) and related provisionsDecision VII/18 paragraphs 6, 9, 11, 12 Incentive Measures (Article 11)Decision VII/28 Programme element 3.; 3.1.12.; 3.1.13.; 3.1.14; Protected Areas (Articles 8 (A) to (E))Decision VII/29 paragraph 7(a) (ii) Transfer of technology and technology cooperation (Articles 16 to 19)Decision VIII/25, paragraph 10 Incentive measures: application of tools for valuation of biodiversity and biodiversity resources and functionsDecision VIII/26, paragraphs 2, 4 Incentive measures: preparation for the in-depth review of the programme o f work on incentive measures