Impact Assessment

Case-Study Details

Main Information
Title A generic approach to integrate biodiversity considerations in screening and scoping for EIA
Type of Information Scientific paper
Description The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) requires parties to apply environmental impact assessment (EIA) to projects that potentially negatively impact on biodiversity. As members of the International Association of Impact Assessment, the authors have developed a conceptual framework to integrate biodiversity considerations in EIA. By defining biodiversity in terms of composition, structure, and key processes, and by describing the way in which human activities affect these so-called components of biodiversity, it is possible to assess the potential impacts of human activities on biodiversity. Furthermore, the authors have translated this conceptual framework in generic guidelines for screening and scoping in impact assessment. Countries can use these generic guidelines to further operationalise the framework within the existing national procedures for impact assessment. This paper is fully coherent and partly overlapping with the guidelines recently adopted by the CBD, but differs in the sense that it provides more scientific background and is less policy-oriented.
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Additional Information
Authors Roel Slootweg and Arend Kolhoff
Reference / Citation Slootweg,R. and Kolhoff, A. 2003. A generic approach to integrate biodiversity considerations in screening and scoping for EIA. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 23: 657-681.
Programme Areas Impact Assessment
Ecosystem Approach
Keywords Convention on Biological Diversity
Environmental impact assessment
Protected areas
Biophysical changes
Ecosystem level
Genetic level
Species level
Social Change Processes
Sustainable use