Impact Assessment

Case-Study Details

Main Information
Title Are partnerships the key to conserving Africa’s biodiversity? Four partnership case studies between mining companies and conservation NGOs.
Description This document illustrates, based on the lessons learned from four case studies in Africa, how collaboration and innovative thinking through partnerships between mining companies and conservation NGOs can contribute to significant conservation outcomes without obstructing mineral extraction processes. The goal of the paper is to inform future, similar partnership establishment by providing conservation NGOs and mining companies with guidelines on the steps required to ensure a successful partnership. The paper also aims to facilitate a more strategic approach to achieving biodiversity conservation objectives in Africa and safeguarding the continent’s unique natural assets, by enabling the replication and scaling-up of successful partnership models across the continent.  
The paper is particularly applicable to partnerships for biodiversity conservation in Africa, but some generic factors for success may be extrapolated to NGO-extractive industry partnerships worldwide. It directs its attention to the relationship between the primary partners: the mining company and conservation NGO. The paper starts out by exploring factors motivating partnerships between conservation NGOs and mining companies, both from the mining company and conservation NGO perspectives. Four partnership case studies from Africa are then presented, which involve three large international mining companies (Anglo Base Metals, De Beers and Rio Tinto) and three conservation NGOs (Botanical Society of South Africa, Conservation International and Fauna & Flora International). Finally, the critical success factors, potential obstacles and future opportunities to accomplishing conservation outcomes across Africa through partnerships are discussed. The findings reflect the collective analysis of the parties involved in the research process, they are not the output of a scientific methodology.
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Additional Information
Authors Rowena Smuts
Reference / Citation Smuts, R . 2010. Are partnerships the key to conserving Africa’s biodiversity? Four partnership case studies between mining companies and conservation NGOs. Conservation International. Arlington, Virginia.
Programme Areas Impact Assessment
Protected Areas / In-Situ Conservation
Business and Biodiversity
Ecosystem Approach
Countries Guinea
South Africa
Regions Africa