Ecosystem Approach Ecosystem Approach About the Ecosystem Approach Background Description Programme COP Decisions Implementation Operational guidance PrinciplesCase StudiesEcosystem Approach SourcebookEcosystem Approach e-Newsletters Related Information Related Web Sites MeetingsDocumentsNotificationsRelated Information and Publications Ecosystem Approach // COP Decisions Wednesday // 10.1.2008 COP Decisions Decisions on the ecosystem approachGuidance to PartiesFinancial mechanism and resourcesGuidance to the Secretariat Guidance to SBSTTACooperation with other conventions and organizations Relevant aspects of thematic work programmesOther relevant decisions Guidance to SBSTTA Decision IV/1 B, paragraph 2 Report and recommendations of the third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, and instructions by the Conference of the Parties to the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological AdviceDecision V/6 paragraph 5 Ecosystem approachDecision VII/11 paragraph 12 Ecosystem Approach
Ecosystem Approach // COP Decisions Wednesday // 10.1.2008 COP Decisions Decisions on the ecosystem approachGuidance to PartiesFinancial mechanism and resourcesGuidance to the Secretariat Guidance to SBSTTACooperation with other conventions and organizations Relevant aspects of thematic work programmesOther relevant decisions Guidance to SBSTTA Decision IV/1 B, paragraph 2 Report and recommendations of the third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice, and instructions by the Conference of the Parties to the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological AdviceDecision V/6 paragraph 5 Ecosystem approachDecision VII/11 paragraph 12 Ecosystem Approach