Reference |
Target |
Related Strategic Goals/Aichi Targets |
Reduce the direct and indirect causes of degradation and loss of biodiversity |
Target 1 |
The latest, by 2020, increase by 30% the level of awarness of the Mozambican population about the values of biodiversity and the impacts that human activity can cause. |
Target 2 |
By 2020, there should be a better understanding of the value (economic, social and ecological) of biodiversity, in order to allow a better integration in the decision-making and management. |
Target 3 |
By 2025, adopt and effectively implement policies and legal instruments for preventing and mitigating the impacts of human activities likely to cause degradation of biodiversity. |
Target 4 |
By 2025, define ecologically sustainable systems for the production and consumption based on sustainable practices and adequate investment. |
Target 5 |
By 2035, reduce by at least 20% the area of critical ecosystems, or that provide essential goods and services under degradation and fragmentation. |
Target 6 |
By 2025, have at least 30% of habitats of endemic and/or threatened flora and fauna species with strategies and action plans for their conservation in place. |
Target 7 |
By 2020, catalog/systematize, disseminate and encourage sustainable management practices in agriculture, livestock, aquaculture, forestry and wildlife. |
Target 8 |
By 2025, reduce the pollution levels at critical locations and ecosystems by 20%, pollution. |
Target 9 |
By 2025, reduce in at least 10% the area of occurrence of invasive species and establish/implement strategies for managing the impacts. |
Target 10 |
By 2035, put at least 20% critically affect ecosystems by climate changes under adaptive ecosystem management. |
Improve the status of biodiversity by preserving the diversity of ecosystems, habitats, species and genes |
Target 11 A |
By 2025, evaluate and redefine 75% of current conservation areas, and include, formally, 100% of the afromontane endemism centers (altitud > 1.500m) and up to 5% of marine ecosystems and mountain in conservation areas. |
Target 11 B |
By 2030, manage effectively and equitably, 50% of the protected areas. |
Target 12 |
By 2035, rehabilitate at least 15% of the degraded ecosystems /habitats, restoring their biodiversity and ensuring its sustainability, with a view to mitigating the effects of climate change and combating desertification. |
Target 13 |
By 2030, complete the characterization and cataloging the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and domestic animals and their threatened ancestors in natural habitats, including species of socio-economic and/or cultural value and defining strategies for their conservation. |
Improve the benefits sharing from biodiversity and ecosystem services for all sectors of the Mozambican society |
Target 14 |
By 2030, create and integrate the national accounts a payment mechanism for environmental goods and services to promote fair, equitable and sustainable use of biological diversity. |
Target 15 |
By 2025, knowing and strengthen the contribution of biodiversity to increase the stock of carbon in order to mitigate and adapt to climate change. |
Target 16 |
By 2020, implement national legislation on access and benefit sharing arising from the use of biodiversity and genetic resources. |
Enhance implementation through participatory planning, knowledge management and training |
Target 17 |
By 2020, the sectors involved in biodiversity issues must develop, based on national targets, sectoral goals, integrate them into sectoral plans, and start implement it. |
Target 18 |
By 2035, value and respect the knowledge and traditional uses of on biodiversity, in accordance with national legislation. |
Target 19 |
By 2035, strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders and improve the integration of gender issues, to enable the effective implementation of national targets. |
Target 20 |
By 2020, strengthen national and international partnerships and establish innovative mechanisms for financing and support biodiversity programs. |