Status and trends of biodiversity, including benefits from biodiversity and ecosystem services
The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned.
Syria is situated in the southwestern part of Asia, to the east of the Mediterranean, and dominated by a mediterranean climate in its coastal and mountain regions and by dry or sub-humid conditions inland. The national country study on biodiversity (1998) registers the following statistics on species: 641 fungi, 55 bacteria, 754 algae, 10 gymnosperms (8 threatened), 3100 angiosperms (330 endemic species), 1439 insects, 452 fishes, 16 amphibians (3 threatened), 127 reptile (31 threatened), 360 birds (15 threatened), and 124 mammals (most of which are threatened).
Main pressures on and drivers of change to biodiversity (direct and indirect)
The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned.
Threats to biodiversity include agricultural and urban expansion, forest fires, wood cutting and charcoal production, climate change, desertification, forest fragmentation, soil erosion and degradation, depletion of water resources, uncontrolled grazing, illegal fishing and hunting, irregular plant collection, loss of genetic diversity through GMOs, illegal internal and international trade in biospecies and their products, alien species, chemical pollution, and habitat destruction. Factors that contribute to these threats include, among others, poor environmental awareness, lack of adequate laws and the inappropriate application of existing laws, and poorly planned tourism.