Implementation of the NBSAP
The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned.
The strategic aims of the revised NBSAP (2011-2020) are to prevent a decrease in species populations and diversity, as well as achieve the sustainable use of biological diversity for present and future generations. These aims will be attained through measures that take into consideration four main directions: improved legislation and economic mechanisms; a networked system of specially protected sites; a system for managing and disseminating information; more active international cooperation. The country’s action plan consists of 89 actions, categorized under these four directions, with each action assigned to a responsible organization and an implementation timeframe. Belarus intends to adjust certain chapters in the existing NBSAP to strengthen compliance with the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
Actions taken to achieve the 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets
The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned.
The country’s system of specially protected areas accounts for 7.7% of the country. However, together with the natural sites subject to special protection, such as water conservation zones and areas of habitat and growth of rare and endangered wild animal and plant species, this figure increases to 22.1% of the country’s total area. Due to activities on recovery of broad-leaved forests, the total area of oak forests has increased by 15.8 thousand ha since 2000. The total forest area has also increased from 32.4% in 1966 to 38% of the country’s total area in 2008. With funding from various donors, like the UNDP, GEF, and European Commission, numerous projects on landscape conservation have been carried out. Priority has been given to wetlands, river basins and forests, including projects on the Polesia wetlands and transboundary cooperation with Poland and Lithuania on lakes and river basins to increase management efficiency and improve land use practices, among others.
Under the state program on the restoration and development of rural areas (2005-2010), activities were implemented to protect land and soil cover from degradation and erosion during the restoration of land reclamation systems. Additionally, a strict protection regime is in place for the Polessie State Radio-Ecological Reserve (PSRER) which was evacuated after the Chernobyl incident. According to data, there is intensive restoration of native fauna in the contaminated area due to a largely indirect effect from the incident, but owing directly to the lack of human activity. This allows us to consider these lands as a major reserve in which species can evolve dynamically.
Various species conservation projects have been successfully implemented. These include projects for the mute swan and European lynx, which have been removed from the threatened species list of the Red Data Book, as well as habitat conservation for the aquatic warbler for which species abundance has stabilized. Notably, the state program for the preservation of the Belaya Vazha auroch has placed Belarus second in the world in terms of species abundance. Currently under way are projects for the conservation of the greater spotted eagle and the great snipe. Different zoos in the country also participate in ex situ conservation programs (e.g. Stellar’s sea eagle, Amur tiger, snow leopard). Further, renters of fishing sites provide protection for Belarusian fish species through various actions (e.g. maintaining natural spawning grounds; selective capture of certain fish species; introduction, reintroduction and acclimatization of fish species).
Reductions in the use of mineral fertilizers within watersheds have been linked to the stabilization and improvement of surface water quality since 1990.
Rural tourism has become very popular in recent years; consulting services are provided to rural residents in the field of agricultural and ecological tourism aimed at socioeconomic development. Additionally, the development of agri-estates, organization of ecological educational tours and hunting wildlife photography are promoted in the National Program for Tourism Development (2008-2010).
Support mechanisms for national implementation (legislation, funding, capacity-building, coordination, mainstreaming, etc.)
The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned.
The country’s legislative framework is well established, with the following laws enacted for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: ‘On Protection of the Environment’ (2002), ‘On Specially Protected Areas’ (2000), ‘On the Vegetable World’ (2003), ‘On the Safety of Genetic Engineering Activity’ (2006), ‘On the Animal World’ (2007), among other laws. Laws that forbid the use of certain tools for catching fish, methods which harm biological diversity, as well as activities that negatively affect fish resources, conditions of fish reproduction and migration paths, are in place. Additionally, a Presidential Decree (8 December 2005) establishes taxes for damages done to the environment.
With the NBSAP’s identification of natural resource optimization for different socioeconomic areas, such as spatial and urban planning, transportation systems, agriculture, energy, tourism and recreational activities, the State scheme for territorial organization of the Republic of Belarus (GSKTO) has been approved by Presidential decree. Through integrated planning, ecological modernization of industrial enterprises, this model promotes the development of an ecological network that does not intensify contradictions between urbanization and the protection of the country’s natural complexes.
Mechanisms for monitoring and reviewing implementation
The content of this biodiversity profile is still draft. The text below has been prepared by SCBD and remains subject to final approval by the Party concerned.
The National Environmental Monitoring System (NEMS) is a set of observation systems for evaluating and predicting natural environment conditions and events, as well as the biological responses to changes in the environment caused by natural and anthropogenic factors. It now includes 11 independent environmental monitoring types: land, surface water, underground water, air, ozone layer, flora, forest, fauna, radiation, geophysical and local environment. The NEMS also has an information system that ensures information exchange between the various monitoring systems as well as consolidation of this information.
The Republican Centre for Analytical Control in the Area of Environmental Protection fulfills tasks related to environmental analysis, evaluation and monitoring, management and provision of guidelines, among others. The Centre also maintains databases and provides laboratories for conducting tests.
Notably, an inventory of all plant species in Belarus has been completed. Also, due to State inspections carried out since 2003 for the protection of animal and plant species, as well as various activities conducted by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, substantial reductions in the instances of poaching have been achieved.