Country Profiles

Convention on Biological Diversity

Mr. Levente Kőrösi
Head of Department
Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Department
Ministry of Agriculture
Apáczai Csere János utca 9.
Budapest H-1052

CBD Primary NFP
+36 1 795 3753
+36 1 301 4646
Ms. Ditta Greguss
Biodiversity Policy Advisor
Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Department
Ministry of Agriculture
Apáczai Csere János utca 9.
Budapest H-1052

CBD Secondary NFP, CHM NFP, SBSTTA NFP, Gender and Biodiversity NFP
+36 1 795 3502
Mr. István Matskási
Director General
Hungarian Natural History Museum
Pf. 137
H-1431 Budapest

+36 1 266 1481
+36 1 317 1669
Mrs. Rozália Szekeres-Érdine
Nature Conservation Expert & Head of Department
Department of Nature Conservation
Ministry of Agriculture
Apáczai Csere János utca 9.
Budapest H-1052

Protected Areas NFP
Ms. Anna Sarolta Sándor-Rousset
Biodiversity Adviser
Biodiversity and Gene Conservation Department
Ministry of Agriculture
Apáczai Csere János utca 9.
Budapest H-1052

Gender and Biodiversity NFP

Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety

Dr. Rita Andorkó
Gene Conservation Unit
Department of Biodiversity and Gene Conservation
Ministry of Agriculture
Apáczai Cs. J. u. 9.
1052 Budapest

Cartagena Protocol Primary NFP, Cartagena Protocol emergency contact point, BCH NFP
+36 1 896 7638

Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing