Cooperation and Partnerships

Cooperative Activities

There exists great scope for cooperation among the biodiversity-related conventions, both in the areas of policy coherence and implementation. At its fifth meeting in 2006 (see BLG-5 report) for example, the Liaison Group of the Biodiversity-related Conventions decided to develop an interactive CD-ROM on the application of the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity (decision VII/12), within the biodiversity-related conventions. The preparation of this CD-ROM was completed in November 2008 and the Biodiversity Liaison Group is pleased to announce the launch of the first edition (see notification 2008-153). Additional examples of existing cooperative activities are given below, with options for further enhancing cooperation presented here.

These examples are indicative only, provided to give a sense of current forms of cooperation among the biodiversity-related conventions.  

Migratory Species (CBD – CMS; CMS - Ramsar)

By decision VI/20, the CBD recognized CMS as the lead partner for migratory species, and endorsed the joint work programme between the two conventions. Joint activities on migratory species undertaken to date include:

  • The compilation of case-studies on migratory species and their habitats (as relevant to the thematic areas and cross-cutting issues under the CBD) for dissemination through the clearing-house mechanism.
  • A joint synergy project is currently under development to provide guidance on how migratory species are (or can be) integrated into the framework of the national biodiversity strategies and action plans, and ongoing and future programmes of work, under the CBD.

Under the joint work plan between Ramsar and CMS results to date include co-ordinated work between Ramsar and the CMS African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA).

Exploitation of wild plants and animals (CBD – CITES)

CBD decision VI/9 identifies CITES as an important instrument for the implementation of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, especially in regards to target 11 (“No species of wild flora endangered by international trade”.

CITES and the CBD also share an interest in bushmeat issues—the exploitation of terrestrial wildlife for food. CITES invited the CBD to participate in the CITES Bushmeat Working Group, and participated in the CBD liaison group on non-timber forest products, contributing particular expertise on bushmeat.

Protected Areas (CBD – WHC – Ramsar – CMS)

The CBD is developing joint activities with WHC and Ramsar within the context of the programme of work on protected areas, with representatives from the WHC and Ramsar secretariats participating in CBD meetings on protected areas. The CBD has also requested CMS to review the potential for linking protected area networks across international boundaries.

In addition, the Ramsar Secretariat and World Heritage Centre cooperate closely, undertaking joint expert advisory missions to threatened sites that are both World Heritage and Ramsar sites.

Water, Water Resources and Wetlands (CBD – Ramsar)

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands has been recognised by the CBD Conference of the Parties as a lead implementation partner for wetlands. Cooperation with Ramsar, as outlined in the third joint work plan (2002-2006) between the CBD and the Ramsar Convention, cuts across each of the CBD’s ecosystem themes and cross-cutting issues.

Significant progress has been made regarding the implementation of joint CBD-Ramsar activities.  For example:

  • At its ninth meeting, the Ramsar Conference of the Parties will consider a jointly revised set of criteria for achieving a more comprehensive coverage of components of biological diversity through the designation of Ramsar sites, together with guidelines on how the criteria should be applied and interpreted.
  • The River Basin Initiative, established to implement CBD decisions relating to the management of inland waters, water resources and wetlands, is expected to become fully operational in the near future, complete with a website for information exchange on key issues. 
Indicators for the 2010 target (CBD – Ramsar)

Through participation in expert group meetings, members of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) and Ramsar Secretariat have contributed to the development of CBD indicators for assessing achievement of the 2010 biodiversity target, the development of the targets for the inland waters and coastal and marine programmes of work, and to the joint development of guidelines for the rapid assessment of inland water biological diversity, presented to CBD SBSTTA-8 and being considered for adoption by Ramsar COP9.

Sustainable use (all biodiversity-related conventions)

Through CBD decision VII/12 the Addis Ababa Principles and Guidelines for the Sustainable Use of Biodiversity were adopted. Sustainable use or wise use is relevant to all biodiversity-related conventions. The CITES Secretariat therefore prepared a compilation of the application of the Addis Ababa principles and guidelines by all six convention. The CD content is (available here for download) or to request a copy of the CD, please write to

Preparation of Global Biodiversity Outlook and International Year of Biodiversity (all biodiversity-related conventions)

The third edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-3) which is due for publication in 2010 will provide an analysis of the achievement of the 2010 biodiversity target. It is being prepared by the CBD Secretariat in collaboration with the other biodiversity-related conventions. In 2010 various events will be used to launch GBO-3 related products.

Preconditions for harmonization of national reporting to biodiversity-related agreements

The UNEP project on Knowledge Management among MEAs, led by UNEP-WCMC in partnership with the Biodiversity-related Conventions, called for a paper on pre-conditions for harmonization of national reporting can help countries understand the rationale for and challenges to harmonization of national reporting, to be prepared by UNEP-WCMC for distribution by the convention secretariats. The report is (accessible here).