Agricultural Biodiversity Agricultural Biodiversity About Agricultural Biodiversity What is Agricultural Biodiversity? Why is it Important?What's the Problem?What Needs to be Done? Programme Background COP DecisionsProgramme of WorkCross-cutting Initiatives Implementation Current Activities Resources and ToolsNational ReportsInternational TreatyCollaboration Related Information Meetings DocumentsRelated Web SitesNotificationsResponses to NotificationsBiofuels and BiodiversityUN Food Systems Summit 2021 GBO-5 Agriculture Highlights Agricultural Biodiversity // COP Decisions Tuesday // 3.6.2012 COP Decisions Decisions on agricultural biological diversityGuidance to Parties Financial mechanism and resourcesGuidance to the Secretariat Guidance to SBSTTACooperation with other conventions and organizationsOther relevant decisions Other relevant decisions Decision I/9 annex, paragraph 6.3 Medium-term programme of work of the Conference of the PartiesDecision V/15 paragraph 4 Incentive measuresDecision V/16 paragraph 8 Article 8(j) and related provisionsDecision V/17 paragraph 5 Education and public awarenessDecision V/18 section I, paragraph 1(a) Impact assessment, liability and redress
Agricultural Biodiversity // COP Decisions Tuesday // 3.6.2012 COP Decisions Decisions on agricultural biological diversityGuidance to Parties Financial mechanism and resourcesGuidance to the Secretariat Guidance to SBSTTACooperation with other conventions and organizationsOther relevant decisions Other relevant decisions Decision I/9 annex, paragraph 6.3 Medium-term programme of work of the Conference of the PartiesDecision V/15 paragraph 4 Incentive measuresDecision V/16 paragraph 8 Article 8(j) and related provisionsDecision V/17 paragraph 5 Education and public awarenessDecision V/18 section I, paragraph 1(a) Impact assessment, liability and redress