(76 record(s) found) |
Pollinator |
1. | A Contribution to the International Initiative for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators: Rapid Assessment of Pollinators’ Status FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations | FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations |
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2. | IFAD: Global AgriKnowledge Share Fair A good example which could be expanded to broader biodiversity scope | |
3. | OECD Biotechnology Update (Newsletter) | |
4. | Chicken shed model: using local plants to house and feed chickens Available under the following link:http://www.unesco.org/most/bpik25.htm Environmental sustainability is achieved because the shed is constructed largely of plants that are part of the local ecosystem. The chicken feed is also made from floristic species and does not introduce foreign substances into the food chain. The excrement of the chickens is collected under the shed, and is used as a natural fertilizer in the home garden or the fields. We are looking for ways to integrate the animal component with the vegetative component in the agro-forestry system. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
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5. | GenStat Discovery Edition for Everyday Use The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) | Wim Buysse, Roger Stern and Ric Coe |
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6. | Horizontal soil core sampler | |
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7. | System of Rice Intensification Association Tefy Saina and Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development | Cally Arthur |
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8. | Vertical soil core sampler | |
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Pollinator |
9. | Azobacter - A Case Study (First National Report on Biological Resources on Agrobiodiversity - PGR India) India | Government of India, First National Report on Biological Resources |
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10. | Biodiversity of Pollinators in Canadian Agriculture Canada | Government of Canada |
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11. | International Workshop on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Pollinators Brazil Brazilian Ministry of the Environment | Braulio S. F. Dias, Anthony Raw and Vera L. Imperatriz-Fonseca |
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12. | Pollination: A Plinth, Pedestal and Pillar for Terrestrial Productivity Canada University of Guelph | Peter G. Kevan, University of Guelph, Canada |
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Soil Biota |
13. | Biodiversité des Champignons Mycorhiziens (Canada) Canada | Government of Canada |
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14. | Biodiversity of Mycorrhizal Fungi (Canada) Canada | Government of Canada |
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15. | Microbial Biodiversity and Grass Seed Cropping Systems (Canada) Canada USDA-ARS | L.F. Elliott |
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16. | Worm Watch (English) Canada Worm Watch | Government of Canada |
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17. | Worm Watch (French) Canada | Government of Canada |
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Workshop |
18. | Agricultural Development at the Intersections: Finding Means of Directing Agricultural Development Towards Sustainability and Biodiversity Conservation, in the Nguruman Area of Kenya International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) | ICIPE, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology |
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19. | Case Study: Below-Ground biodiversity, land-use change and sustainable agricultural production: research in the alternatives to slash and burn project (ASB) Brazil, cameroon, Indonesia Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme (TSBF) | TSBF, Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility Programme |
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20. | China's Eco-Farming - An Effective Approach for Conservation and Sustainable Use of Agricultural Biodiversity China State Environment Protection Administration | Xue Danyuan, State Environment Protection Administration (SEPA) |
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21. | Conservation and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources in Africa - A profile of policy, legislative and Institutional Measures African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) | John Mugabe, African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) |
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22. | Cooperative fromagere "Jeune Montagne" France | Guy Bouloc, Cooperative Jeune Montagne |
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23. | Feasibility Study for the Implementation of Agro-Environmental Programme in Central Europe - A case project in the Green Lungs area of Poland 1997-1999 Poland IUCN | Zenon Tedrko (IUCN Poland) and Martien Lankester |
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24. | Great Sand Hills Case Study Canada | Richard Laing |
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25. | How to grow a Wildland: The Gardenification of Nature United States of America | Daniel H. Janzen, University of Pennsylvania, USA |
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26. | International Centre for Research in Agroforestry International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) | ICRAF, International Centre for Research in Agroforestry |
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27. | Recovering Local Maize in Brazil Brazil Brazilian Institute for Agricultural Research | Angela Cordeiro and Breno de Mello |
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28. | Strengthening the scientific basis of in situ conservation of agricultural biodiversity on-farm International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) | IPGRI, International Plant Genetic Resources Institute |
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29. | Integrating Agrobiodiversity concerns into National Policies, Plans and Strategies in Eastern Africa (with participation of ICRAF and WRI) African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) | Doris Mutta (ACTS), Lori Ann Thrupp (WRI), Anthony Simons (ICRAF) |
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30. | Biotechnology, the Gene Revolution, and Proprietary Technology in Agriculture: A Strategic Note for the World Bank IP Strategy Today No. 2, 2001 | JH Dodds, R Ortiz, JH Crouch, V Mahalasksmi & KK Sharma |
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31. | Tanzania Sisal Biogas Available under the following link: http://www.thebioenergysite.com/articles/308/tanzania-sisal-biogas Sisal is the most important cash crop, used to produce yarns, ropes, carpets, clothing and composites, and sold to the domestic and international markets. Since 1999 Katani Ltd, a sisal growing company has developed a system of smallholder and out-grower sisal farming, on land owned by the company and in the surrounding areas. Katani has developed the first biogas plant in the world to convert sisal biomass to biogas. This is used to run electricity generators which power production machinery, with excess electricity supplied to out-growers/smallholders homes, schools and hospitals. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) | |
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32. | Five percent technique for farm water storage | |
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33. | SPAtial and Time Series Information Modeling (SPATISM) | |
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34. | Sustainable domestication of indigenous fruit trees: the interaction between soil and biotic resources in drylands of southern Africa • Use of indigenous tree species. The
• Use of indigenous knowledge. The local populations know which trees are the best trees for production, both quantitatively and qualitatively (sweetness of fruit). We base our search for superior phenotypes on this indigenous knowledge. Relevance: • ECONOMIC SUSTAINABILITY is achieved by providing additional income and a potentially new source of income for some of the fruits.
• ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY is achieved by making better use of natural resources and native trees to decrease soil degradation and desertification.
• OTHER: The practice increases the vitamin content of the local diet, which is otherwise poor in vitamins. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
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Workshop |
35. | Promotion of Biodiversity Conservation within Coffee Landscapes Food and Agricultural organization (FAO) | Random Dubois, FAO |
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36. | Assessing biodiversity impacts of trade: a review of challenges in the agriculture sector Treweek, J.R.; Brown, C.; Bubb, P. 2006. Assessing biodiversity impacts of trade: a review of challenges in the agriculture sector. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, Volume 24, Number 4, 1 December 2006, pp. 299-309(11). | Jo Treweek; Claire Brown; Philip Bubb |
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37. | Organic coffee production in Mexico - "small farmers need extension support to successfully build their opportunities" Mexico CONABIO | |
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38. | Case study: Improved Agro-Forestry Management near the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Mexico | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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39. | Case Study: Incentive Measures in Ecuador | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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40. | Inga species and alley-cropping alternative to slash-and-burn agriculture | |
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41. | Modeling Tool for Water, Nutrient, and Light Capture in Agroforestry Systems (WaNuLCAS) Website is the technology. | |
42. | Integrated Impact Assessment of International Trade Policy and Agreements: the European Union’s Sustainability Impact Assessments of Proposed WTO Agreements on Agriculture and Forest Products | Clive George, Trade Impact Section, IAIA, and Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, UK |
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43. | An environmental impact assessment of China's WTO accession : an analysis of six sectors International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD). 2004. An environmental impact assessment of China's WTO accession: an analysis of six sectors. Published by the IISD, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 220 pp. | International Institute for Sustainable Development |
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44. | Strategic Environmental Assessment on the Santa Cruz – Puerto Suarez Corridor, Bolivia | Marlies van Schooten, SevS advies voor natuur en leefomgeving |
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45. | Strategic environmental assessment of proposed Human River Irrigation Project, Maharashtra State, India | Asha Rajvanshi and Vinod B. Mathur |
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46. | Women’s innovations in rural livelihood systems in arid areas of Tunisia Appication: Innovations related to crops included fig pollination techniques and the use of plastic bottles for the water-efficient irrigation of melons. For example, one 70 year old woman, uses 1.5-litre plastic bottles to irrigate watermelons and melons. She buries each bottle in the soil with the cork downwards. In the cork she has made tiny holes with a needle so that water is released immediately beside the plant. She fills the bottles with water from a cistern fed by run-off rainwater. The water infiltrates slowly near the plant roots and thus escapes the evaporation that is so rapid in this region. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
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47. | Control of Rodents and other Storage Pests RUN Network | |
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Workshop |
48. | Utilization of Agricultural Biodiversity for Management of Cereal Stemborers and Striga Weed in Maize Based Cropping Systems in Africa - A case study Kenya International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology | Z.R. Khan, W.A.Overholt, A. Hassanali, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, ICIPE |
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49. | Biological Alternatives to Harmful Chemical Pesticides | |
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50. | Conservation tillage | |
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51. | Traditional multi-purpose tool used in agriculture in Gujarat, India The economy achieved by a single tool that can serve at least 11 different purposes helps to ensure the sustainability of the practice. The practice has also given local artisans a boost. Their knowledge and skills are sustained by being recognized and put to good use. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
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52. | Zai traditional technique for land rehabilitation | |
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53. | Traditional paal technology for watershed management | |
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54. | CGIAR: System-wide Genetic Resources Programme (SGRP) CGIAR | |
55. | The Future of Technology Transfer at a Major Land Grant University: Report of the Cornell University Land Grant Panel on Technology Transfer IP Strategy Tody No. 6, 2003 | WR Coffman, JE Alexander, DJ BenDaniel, PL Carey, HG Craighead, CR Fay, PA Gould, JS Gross, JE Hunter, WH Lesser, S Loker, JN MacLeod, JJ Mingle, NR Scott & AF Krattiger |
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56. | Deutsche Gesellschaft Fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): Technical cooperation on biodiversity GIZ - Germany bilateral (biodiversity) Germany | |
57. | Application of environmentally sound technologies for adaptation to climate change United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) | UNFCCC, Richard J.T. Klein, Mozaharul Alam, Ian Burton, William W. Dougherty, Kristie L. Ebi, Martha Fernandes, Annette Huber-Lee, Atiq A. Rahman Chris Swartz. |
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58. | Pits for trees: how farmers in semi-arid Burkina Faso increase and diversify plant biomass Available under the following link: http://www.unesco.org/most/bpik3.htm When the farmers started rehabilitating the tracts of degraded land (z-peele in the More language), the land had only a few large trees from a very limited number of species. Yacouba Sawadogo counted only four: Balanites aegyptiaca, Lannea microcarpa, Guiera senegalensis and Combretum micranthum. Twenty years later, he has more than 60 species of tree on the same land. Yacouba has introduced into his forest several medicinal species which had disappeared from the region. He collected these during his travels outside the Yatenga area. When people come to visit his farm during the wet season, he asks them to dig some planting pits, plant some trees or sow some seeds that he collected. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
59. | The Millennium Seed Bank Project Experience from RBG Kew Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew | |
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60. | Case Study: Improved Agro-Forestry in Costa Rica | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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61. | Case Study: Austria - Incentive for Best Practices in Farming Case study taken from the CBD Technical Series No. 39 Cross-sectoral toolkit for the conservation and sustainable management of forest biodiversity | Thompson, I. and Christophersen, T., eds. |
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62. | Administration of the EIA Regulations in the Western Cape with regard to agricultural land | S. Brownlie and R. Wynberg |
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63. | Case-Studies from Spain on Migratory Species Proyecto piloto sobre funcionamiento de sistemas de exclusión de tortugas marinasMovimientos dispersivos y estacionales y fragmentación de la población española de avutardasActuaciones para la conservación de la malvasia cabeciblancaLa invernada de las aves acuáticas en EspañaInforme de actividades de la oficina de especies migratorias Spain Ministry of Environment | |
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64. | Traditional ethno-veterinary medicine in Cameroon Available under the following link: http://www.unesco.org/most/bpik3.htm Relevance: • Important medicinal plants are being identified and conserved.
• Infectious diseases that could also affect human beings and game animals are increasingly being treated in time to prevent their spread.
• Local people are being trained in the sustainable harvesting of medicinal resources that grow in the wild. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
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65. | Restoration ecology: techniques for restoring grasslands and wetlands TechnicalUniversty Munich | |
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66. | Protection and cultivation of rattan by Hani (Akha) People in Yunnan, southwest China Available under the following link: http://www.unesco.org/most/bpik16-2.htm The practice depends for its success on the community’s skills in cultivation, joint management and internal organization. At the same time, however, the practice itself improves families’ livelihoods and strengthens the community.
The practice does pose a danger of overexploitation, however, if the demand for rattan increases and prices go up. External pressure to extract timber could also affect the area of the rattan forest. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) | |
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67. | ITPGRFA, FAO, Bioversity International: Joint Capacity Building Programme for Developing Countries on ABS ITPGRFA International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA),
FAO, Bioversity International | |
68. | International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) IAAKST(assessments, agriculture) FAO, UNDP, UNEP, UNESCO, World Bank, GEF, WHO | |
69. | Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (PAR) | |
70. | Quinoa processing machine | |
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71. | German Appropriate Technology and Ecoefficiency Programme (GATE) The initiative expires in late 1990s. | |
72. | Science and Development Network (SciDev.Net) http://www.scidev.net/quickguides/index.cfm?qguideid=6 Technology Transfer Quick Guide | |
73. | Tree Seeds for Farmers http://www.worldagroforestrycentre.org/treesandmarkets/tree%20seeds/ The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) | Kindt R., Lillesø J.P.B., Mbora A., Muriuki J., Wambugu C., Frost
Kindt R., Lillesø J.P.B., Mbora A., Muriuki J., Wambugu C., Frost W., Beniest J., Aithal A., Awimbo J., Rao S., Holding-Anyonge C. |
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74. | CATIE: Training programme | |
75. | Utilisation of Indigenous Fruits The World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) | Patient. D Dhliwayo
Dora Mwenye
Patient D. Dhliwayo, D. Mwenye, E. Bhebhe |
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76. | The Karez System or the Underground great wall Traditional Water Management Technologies-from the book, “What makes traditional technologies Tick? A review of traditional approaches fro water management in dry lands”. First part in file tttc-UNU-en | |
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