1. Invites Parties to the Convention and Governments, through
the Executive Secretary, to communicate their views in writing by 30 March 2001,
regarding the elements and options for a compliance regime under the Cartagena
Protocol on Biosafety on the basis of the questionnaire contained in the annex
to the note by the Executive Secretary on compliance (UNEP/CBD/ICCP/1/7);
2. Requests the Executive Secretary to compile the views submitted
and prepare a synthesis report for the consideration of experts with relevant
expertise who will meet during the inter-sessional period, and to submit such
report for the consideration of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Cartagena
Protocol at its second meeting;
3. Requests the Executive Secretary, in consultation with the
Bureau of ICCP, to organize an open-ended meeting of experts with relevant expertise
to review the synthesis report by the Secretariat. Such meeting shall be of
three days duration and shall be held back to back with the second meeting of
the Intergovernmental Committee on the Cartagena Protocol;
4. Invites developed countries and other countries in a position
to do so and relevant international organizations to provide financial support
for the above-mentioned experts meeting.