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Title: Portugal donates to the CBD Museum of Nature and Culture
Description: Ms. Angela Mendonca, teacher and President of the 2nd International School Congress: Natural Resources, Sustainability and Humanity, donates, on behalf of the children, the craftsmen, the scientists and researchers, the teachers and students and all the institutions involved in the International School Congress, a silver heart necklace as a contribution to the CBD Museum.

Made by five year old children of the Meadala Kindergarten, Viana do Castelo, with recycled materials, and under the supervision of their teacher Maria da Conceicao Carvalho, the necklace was then made into a silver jewel by Dr. Freitas.
Date: 2010-04-21
Credits: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
Portugal donates to the CBD Museum of Nature and Culture Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
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